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Once a Narcissist, Always a Narcissist
Once a
Always a
new study

Once a Narcissist, Always a Narcissist

But a new study suggests that the self-involved may mellow a bit with age

(Newser) - Narcissists tend to remain narcissists all through life, though they mellow a bit with age, a new study suggests. Researchers analyzed years of data involving more than 37,000 participants around the world and found that the trait of narcissism remains relatively stable from childhood into old age, reports the...

History Is Tainted by 'National Narcissism'
History Is Tainted by
'National Narcissism'

History Is Tainted by 'National Narcissism'

Russians, Brits, Americans all claim more than 50% of effort in WWII

(Newser) - We may be deceiving ourselves in teaching history born from "national narcissism," per a new study . "People are highly ethnocentric in viewing their own nation's influence, even in remembering the (nominally) same event: World War II," say researchers from Washington University in St. Louis. They...

Trump Isn't the Only Prez to Be Called 'Crazy'

Psychological evaluations of other presidents weren't exactly glowing

(Newser) - President Trump is often called a narcissist—and experts have debated that diagnosis—but many other presidents weren't exactly paragons of mental well-being, the BBC reports. Presidents from John Adams to Theodore Roosevelt to Bill Clinton have been called mentally ill, and that's not just on the campaign...

Shkreli Thought He'd Ace Psych Test. Not So Much
Shkreli Looked Forward to
Psych Test. It Didn't Go Well
in case you missed it

Shkreli Looked Forward to Psych Test. It Didn't Go Well

He predicted press would 'squirm' when seeing great results

(Newser) - The negative headlines keep on coming for Martin Shkreli, even after his seven-year sentence over securities fraud. Newly unredacted court documents show that the 35-year-old thought he'd aced his psychiatric evaluation and hoped it would be made public to show reporters how smart he was, reports CNBC . "I...

How to Know When You've Been 'Love Bombed'

'Healthy relationships ... are based on a series of actions, not a flood of words'

(Newser) - Love at first sight may actually be a warning sign. That's according to experts cautioning people in new relationships about so-called "love bombing." Not familiar with the term? Elle UK "delve[s] into the worrying behaviors of a 'love bomber,'" explaining that it takes...

Narcissism Gets You Only So Far
Narcissism Gets
You Only So Far

Narcissism Gets You Only So Far

Study finds that emotionally intelligent people are most popular in the long run

(Newser) - Do narcissists get ahead in terms of making friends? At least at first, a new study shows. But being selfless and nice pays off more in the long run, reports the Los Angeles Times . Researchers in Poland looked at how extremely self-centered people fare compared with those who are more...

What Insecure People Post on Facebook

 What Insecure People 
 Post on Facebook 
in case you missed it

What Insecure People Post on Facebook

Constant posts about romantic partners may signal low self-esteem

(Newser) - If friends brag about the sweet gestures of their partners on Facebook, they might be inadvertently sharing a thing or two about their personalities at the same time. Researchers at Brunel University London reviewed the status updates of 555 Facebook users who completed surveys about self-esteem, narcissism, and the "...

Wrong Kind of Praise Creates Narcissistic Kids
 Wrong Kind of Praise
Creates Narcissistic Kids

Wrong Kind of Praise Creates Narcissistic Kids

But emotional warmth helps build self-esteem

(Newser) - If you keep telling your children that they are special, you may end up with kids that go around acting like they're better than everybody else, according to a new study. In what researchers say is the first study to look into how narcissism develops over time, children between...

Men Really Are More Narcissistic
 Men Really Are 
 More Narcissistic 
new study

Men Really Are More Narcissistic

Men tend to feel more entitled, assertive than women: study

(Newser) - Prepare to be the more gloating sex, ladies: A "meta-analytic review" of 31 years of research has led University at Buffalo researchers to the conclusion that men are more narcissistic than women. The researchers pored over 355 papers that encompassed findings on 475,000 subjects and found their conclusion...

Guys Who Post Too Many Selfies Might Be Bad News: Study

It points to narcissistic traits—not to mention psychopathic ones

(Newser) - The results of a selfie study may not come as a surprise to you: Guys who post loads of them, researchers at Ohio State University find, also show signs of narcissism and even score higher on tests for psychopathy. The findings were based on an online survey of 800 men...

The Fastest Way to Tell if Someone's a Narcissist

Just ask

(Newser) - By definition, narcissists spend a lot of time focused on themselves. So it should be no surprise that the fastest way to tell if someone is a narcissist is simply to ask them. Researchers compared the gold-standard 40-item diagnostic test to one question: "To what extent do you agree...

This President Had the Most 'Grandiose Narcissism'

Lyndon Johnson was full of himself, but it may have helped

(Newser) - When you're running the country, being narcissistic may come in handy. Psychologists and experts on presidential personalities have put together a list of the presidents who had the most "grandiose narcissism"—which, the Houston Chronicle explains, is characterized by a showy and extroverted personality. That's in...

America Is Filled With Self-Centered Jerks
America Is Filled With
Self-Centered Jerks
Frank Bruni

America Is Filled With Self-Centered Jerks

Frank Bruni: Individualism trumps the public good these days

(Newser) - Want to know what's wrong with America? Frank Bruni advises checking out the advice of best-selling "personal improvement guru" Tim Ferriss. If you're flying anywhere, Ferriss advises putting an unloaded starter pistol in your luggage. Sure, it will cause TSA extra work, but your luggage will be...

Newt and Callista: A 'Narcissistic Blastoff'

But Callista's surrogate ambition a double-edged sword: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Blame Newt Gingrich's third wife Callista for his relentless, Quixotic quest for the presidency, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . Where other politicians' spouses often appear beside them, looking on dutifully and quietly, Callista's "frozen attentiveness" is something entirely new, perfectly reinforcing her husband's...

As Americans Get More Self-Centered, So Do Lyrics

Study finds increasingly narcissistic words in top 10 hits

(Newser) - Today’s hit songs aren’t about “us”—they’re just about “me,” a study finds. Researchers examined Billboard’s top 10 songs in the US each year from 1980 to 2007, and found that “popular music lyrics now include more words related to a...

Narcissist Mel Gibson Is a Role Model for Our Age
Narcissist Mel Gibson Is
a Role Model for Our Age
David Brooks

Narcissist Mel Gibson Is a Role Model for Our Age

Listen to those tapes to understand the world

(Newser) - The Mel Gibson tapes reveal that once-adored actor is the absolute definition of a narcissist, writes David Brooks. His "self-love" is all that matters, "the holy center of all that is sacred and right." In listening to Gibson rage at his girlfriend, who dared to not revere...

Obama's a Narcissist

 Obama's a Narcissist
charles krauthammer

Obama's a Narcissist

He's only modest when it comes to the country

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer thinks President Obama has an ego fit for a king. Just look at the way he litters his speeches with the words "I" and "my," a stylistic quirk that may sound minor but is "quite revealing of Obama's exalted view of himself." What...

Obama's Ego Needs Its Own ZIP Code
 Obama's Ego Needs 
 Its Own ZIP Code 

Obama's Ego Needs Its Own ZIP Code

President has switched tone from 'we' to 'I'

(Newser) - The budget deficit hasn’t been the only thing ballooning since President Obama took office—the man’s ego is growing by leaps and bounds, moving Jeff Jacoby to wonder, “Was there ever a president as deeply enamored of himself as Barack Obama?” A video message for this week’...

'Rockefeller' Was Unaware, Deluded: Defense Shrink

Others fed into his narcissistic personality disorder, she says

(Newser) - Lawyers for accused kidnapper “Clark Rockefeller” began their insanity defense today with testimony from a psychologist who said he has a deluded sense of self-importance and fantasies of unlimited power, the Boston Globe reports. “If there is a continuum of narcissistic personality disorder, he is on the far...

Trudeau Mocks Journos for Overtwittering

Character 'Roland Hedley' has 2,900 followers

(Newser) - Cartoonist Garry Trudeau has been lampooning TV journalists for decades in Doonesbury, so it’s natural he would satirize their latest folly: excessive Twittering. Roland Hedley, Trudeau’s fictitious TV journo, has become an avid Twitter user both in print and in the real world, where @Roland_Hedley boasts 2,900...

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