flight delays

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And the Airport Delays Begin...
 And the Airport Delays Begin... 
thanks, sequester

And the Airport Delays Begin...

Air traffic controllers, TSA workers, customs workers go on furlough

(Newser) - Here we go: Those promised airport delays , the result of furloughs caused by the sequester, have arrived. All three major NYC-area airports saw flights falling behind schedule yesterday and, as the Washington Post puts it, air traffic controllers "never caught up," with delays clocking in at between one...

Actually, No Delays at Airports—Yet

Airport reports contradict Janet Napolitano

(Newser) - Janet Napolitano warned travelers yesterday that the sequester is already causing long lines at airports, but the Wall Street Journal and Politico both pooh-pooh that idea today. A dozen major airports tell the Journal there were no unusual delays or lines yesterday, and Politico notes that no passenger complaints or...

Sequester Already Screwing Up Airports: Napolitano

Furlough announcements go out today

(Newser) - It may take a while for the full impact of the sequester to hit Americans, but some people are already feeling the pain, Janet Napolitano told Politico today, namely the sad souls in line at airport security. "We are having to reduce or eliminate basically overtime both for TSA...

Blizzard Sweeps Over Midwest
 Blizzard Sweeps Over Midwest 

Blizzard Sweeps Over Midwest

Up to foot of snow snarls traffic, disrupts flights

(Newser) - The Midwest has officially been hit by its first big winter storm of the year, spurring blizzard warnings in seven of the region's states. School has been canceled throughout Nebraska and Iowa, where drivers have been instructed to, well, not drive, reports the AP . Up to a foot of...

129 Hurt in Hong Kong Typhoon

City sets highest warning level in 13 years

(Newser) - Amid vicious winds and rain, Hong Kong last night raised its highest-level typhoon warning for the first time in 13 years. Some 129 people were injured in the storm; no deaths have been reported. But 60 flights were cancelled, and much of the city closed as Typhoon Vicente knocked down...

Escaped Monkey Causes 4-Hour Flight Delay

'Slippery little beast' eventually caught

(Newser) - Passengers on an Air China flight out of Kennedy Airport were probably perturbed at yesterday’s four-hour delay, but at least there was good reason for it: A monkey had worked its way out of its crate in the cargo hold of the Boeing 747. The Beijing-bound flight was held...

Airline Hit With $900K Fine for Tarmac Waits

American Eagle first to be fined under new policy

(Newser) - American Eagle Airlines has been hit with the first fine issued under new rules prohibiting airlines from keeping passengers stuck in planes on the tarmac for more than three hours. The regional carrier was fined $900,000 for keeping a total 608 passengers on board 15 different flights on the...

JetBlue Apologizes Via YouTube for Hellish Ordeal

Weather diverted flights to Hartford ... and then the pain set in

(Newser) - JetBlue is hoping to fend off some bad publicity with a YouTube apology to the passengers who were stranded on the tarmac over the weekend. "We know we let some of you down over the course of this weekend and for that we are truly sorry," said COO...

Backed-up Toilets, No Water as Fliers Stranded 7 Hours

At least 4 planes stuck on tarmac in Connecticut on Saturday

(Newser) - Passengers on three JetBlue planes and an American Airlines plane found themselves stuck on the tarmac near Hartford, Conn., for 7 hours or more on Saturday after being diverted from New York-area airports—and when they were finally allowed out, many had no choice but to sleep in the terminal....

Newark International Airport the Least Punctual in America
 America's Worst Airport Is... 

America's Worst Airport Is...

... Newark International Airport, take a bow

(Newser) - If you need to get somewhere on time, try not to fly through Newark. The Newark International Airport “has been the worst of the worst,” the Wall Street Journal reports, with a whopping 40 of America’s 100 most-delayed flights taking off or landing there, according to data...

Relax: 3 Thanksgiving Travel Myths

It's not as busy as you think

(Newser) - If you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, you’re likely bracing yourself for major delays on the road, rails, or in the sky. But take courage: your worries may be unfounded—or at least exaggerated. NPR provides some turkey-related travel myths:
  1. It’s the busiest time of year to travel.

Ryanair Crew Locks Toilets as Passengers Stage Sit-In

Passengers say they were left on Tarmac for four hours

(Newser) - A Ryanair crew used some harsh tactics to put down a passenger mutiny last night. When passengers refused to leave their plane—which had landed in the wrong country—they say the crew locked the bathrooms, turned out the lights, and left them sitting on the tarmac for four hours...

Prince's Agitated Horses Delay Saudi Flight

Horses ultimately tranquilized for takeoff

(Newser) - Six Arabian horses owned by a Saudi Arabian prince became agitated in the cargo hold of a Saudi-bound plane today, delaying takeoff for more than an hour, officials at an Egyptian airport report. An EgyptAir pilot was forced to turn the plane with 189 passengers around on the runway because...

Obama Ups Fines to Bump Passengers Off Flights

Airlines bumping more passengers as they cut back on flights

(Newser) - The Obama administration has more good news for frustrated travelers. The Department of Transportation intends to increase the amount airlines have to pay you if they bump you involuntarily to a later flight. The regulation, one of several passenger-friendly moves from the White House, comes amid soaring bump rates, ABC...

Ash Cloud Fouls Up Most Flights to Europe

Most trans-Atlantic trips are delayed or canceled

(Newser) - Hundreds of flights between Europe and North America were either delayed or canceled today because of the spreading cloud of volcanic ash stretching across much of the northern Atlantic. For instance, an Air France flight from Boston arrived in Paris today with a delay of more than four hours.

Volcano Keeps Europe Grounded

Flight delays may affect 6 million worldwide

(Newser) - That pesky Icelandic volcano with the incredible name—Eyjafjallajokull—continues to ground Europe. More than half of the continent's 28,000 daily flights have been canceled today and disruptions are predicted for at least 24 hours, the Wall Street Journal reports. Up to 6 million people might end up having...

Airlines Beg for Break on 3-Hour Tarmac Rule

American joins JetBlue, Delta in petitioning DOT

(Newser) - Add American Airlines to the list of carriers that want out of the government's new rule that limits the time passengers can be held on the tarmac. American has joined JetBlue and Delta in filing for a temporary exemption with the Department of Transportation, saying delays caused by the closure...

White House Sets 3-Hour Limit on Tarmac Waits

Passengers must be allowed to deplane under new regulation

(Newser) - The Transportation Department is ordering airlines to let passengers stuck in stranded airplanes to deplane after three hours. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced the new three-hour limit today, along with other new passenger protections long sought by consumer advocates. From January to June this year, 613 planes were delayed on...

FAA Says Airport Computer Glitch Fixed
FAA Says Airport Computer Glitch Fixed

FAA Says Airport Computer Glitch Fixed

System broke down in both Atlanta and Salt Lake City

(Newser) - FAA officials say failed computers that delayed flights across the country are now working again. The air traffic controllers union says the computer failure involved both of the Federal Aviation Administration's computer centers in Salt Lake City and Atlanta, which handle flight plans for air traffic throughout the country.

Computer Glitch Causes Nationwide Flight Delays

Planes in the air not affected

(Newser) - A problem with the FAA system that collects airlines' flight plans has caused widespread flight cancellations and delays across the US today. An FAA spokeswoman says she doesn't know how many flights are being affected or when the problem will be resolved, but the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, the world's...

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