Election 2012

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Romney Win a Sure Thing: Election Model

Model based on economy would have correctly predicted last 8 elections

(Newser) - Forget polls. If you want to know who's going to win in November, it's the economy, stupid. A new prediction model based on state-by-state economic data predicts that Mitt Romney will prevail with 320 electoral votes, snapping up nearly all of the key swing states, to President Obama'...

Akin Has Month to Go It Alone
 Akin's New Battle: Fundraising 

Akin's New Battle: Fundraising

Senate candidate lost a promised $10M in funding, has $500K in bank

(Newser) - Shunned by his own party, Todd Akin has a month to decide if he is capable of going it alone and winning Missouri's Senate race, reports USA Today . Under Missouri law, a candidate has until Sept. 25 to withdraw from the ballot and allow state party committees to select...

Obama: Akin 'Missed Science Class'

He mocks congressman at basketball fundraiser

(Newser) - President Obama attended a fundraiser packed with current and former NBA stars last night, and he couldn't resist scoring a few points off Todd Akin, joking that the embattled congressman "missed science class," Politico reports. "The interesting thing here is that this is an individual who...

Twisted Sister Not Gonna Take Ryan Using Its Song

Dee Snider denounces use of metal anthem

(Newser) - In yet another campaign music clash, Twisted Sister has told Paul Ryan's campaign that it's not gonna take Ryan's use of its 1984 hit "We're Not Gonna Take It." Frontman Dee Snider has demanded Ryan stop using the heavy metal anthem at rallies, reports...

Hurricane Could Threaten GOP Convention

Isaac gaining strength, may hit Tampa

(Newser) - A tropical storm is threatening to upend the Republican National Convention for the second election in a row. Tropical Storm Isaac is picking up strength in the Atlantic, and forecasters believe it will become a hurricane in the next few days, AP reports. The convention begins Monday, and some models...

Romney Plan Would Bankrupt Medicare By '16

Experts say restoring reimbursements would hasten its decline

(Newser) - Mitt Romney often promises to restore $716 billion in Medicare funding cut by the Affordable Care Act, but many experts say that pledge is, in the words of one economist, "both puzzling and bogus." That's because what Romney would be "restoring" wouldn't be funds but...

Gingrich Finally Tells His Delegates: Back Romney

Releases delegates in letter published on his website

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich exited the race for the GOP nomination on May 2, but it took him another three and a half months to let go of his 142 delegates. The former GOP candidate released his delegates last night via a letter posted to his website, reports the AP . And though...

Biden Crashing Tampa During GOP Convention

He compares Wall Street reform critics to 'squealing pigs'

(Newser) - Top Republicans arriving in Tampa for the Republican National Convention next week are going to have a rival for attention: Joe Biden is coming to town. The Obama campaign has confirmed that the vice president will be in the Tampa area for campaign events early next week, Politico reports. RNC...

As Deadline Passes, Akin Signals Mitt to Butt Out
 Akin to Romney: Butt Out 

Akin to Romney: Butt Out

'Why couldn’t he run his race and I’ll run mine?'

(Newser) - Todd Akin remained defiant yesterday as the deadline for him to easily withdraw from the US Senate race in Missouri passed. Mitt Romney urged him to pull out of the race but Akin suggested he mind his own business, accusing the presidential candidate of raising a bigger ruckus than necessary...

Romney Says Akin Should Drop Out

He speaks out after Senate candidate vows to stay in

(Newser) - Just hours after Senate hopeful Todd Akin reaffirmed that he's not dropping out over his "legitimate rape" gaffe , he learned that the party is not about to forgive and forget. Mitt Romney just released a statement saying Akin should abandon his run in Missouri against incumbent Claire McCaskill....

Paul Ryan: I'm Happy to Cling to Guns, Religion

VP candidate talks 2008 Obama gaffe on campaign trail

(Newser) - Paul Ryan reminded voters at a Pennsylvania steel plant today of President Obama's campaign-trail gaffes—from 2008. "Remember this other time when he said people want to cling to their guns and religion ?" said Ryan, who has frequently brought up his Catholic faith on the campaign trail....

Akin's Next Move: TV-Ad Apology

Senate candidate asks 'for your forgiveness'

(Newser) - Todd Akin has been backtracking all over the place since he said that "legitimate rape" victims don't get pregnant , but now he's offered a mea culpa in the form of a new campaign ad. "Rape is an evil act. I used the wrong words in the...

Obama: Chemical Weapons a 'Red Line' in Syria

He also defends tax return attacks on Romney as 'standard stuff'

(Newser) - President Obama gave perhaps the strongest indication yet today that the US is prepared to use military force in Syria. In a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room, Obama said he has not ordered military action "at this point," but that he hadn't ruled it...

Ryan&#39;s Plan Is a Deficit-Hiking &#39;Con Game&#39;
 Ryan's Plan Is a 
 'Con Game' 
paul krugman

Ryan's Plan Is a Deficit-Hiking 'Con Game'

Paul Krugman: He's 'style over substance'

(Newser) - Paul Ryan is a media darling: Pundits can't stop praising his "seriousness." But the truth is that "Ryanomics is and always has been a con game," scoffs Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Ryan claims to be a deficit-slasher, but let's crunch the...

Romney: Akin's Rape Comment 'Inexcusable'

As DNC rushes to bash GOP with the controversy

(Newser) - Democrats rushed today to milk maximum value out of Todd Akin's assertion that some mysterious biological process protected victims of "legitimate rape" from getting pregnant. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement trying to tie Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to Akin. "They've been trying...

Ohio Voting Official: Why Accommodate Blacks?

GOP official calls for 'fair and reasonable' voting hours

(Newser) - An Ohio Republican Party county chair who also happens to be an elections board member wants voting to be "fair and reasonable"—but his definition of "fair" isn't likely to sit well with many voters. Amid controversy in the state over the decision to kill some...

Giuliani on Biden Gaffe: He&#39;s a &#39;Joke&#39;

 Giuliani on 
 Biden Gaffe: 
 He's a 'Joke' 

Giuliani on Biden Gaffe: He's a 'Joke'

Obama camp dismisses controversy as a 'distraction'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's "chains" gaffe rippled all the way to the Sunday talk show dial, Politico reports, with Rudy Giuliani backing off his earlier charge that the veep is "not that bright," but very much questioning whether he's got what it takes. "I don'...

Ryan Lobbied Hard to Save Wisconsin Auto Plants

Despite free-market credo, pushed for local car plants

(Newser) - Not only did deficit-hawk Paul Ryan vote for Detroit's $14 billion emergency bailout, he also spearheaded two lavish incentive plans that gave hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks and benefits to keep a large GM plant in his hometown, reports the Los Angeles Times . That plant closed...

Business Booms After Bakery Snubs Joe Biden

Virginia baker rejected photo op with VP

(Newser) - Is "Chris the Baker" the new Joe the Plumber? The Virginia bakery owner turned down a photo op with Joe Biden—and since the news broke, business has exploded. "The overwhelming majority of people have been supportive," says Chris McMurray, citing callers "from Texas and Chicago...

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

 Ryan Could Be 
 Face of GOP 
 for Decades 
charles krauthammer

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

Charles Krauthammer sees good things for nation's 'conservative future'

(Newser) - Assuming Paul Ryan doesn't flop over the next three months, then, win or lose, "he could well become the face of Republicanism for a generation," declares a happy Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Ryan is the natural leader of a "new constitutional conservatism" in America,...

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