Election 2012

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Poll: Obama Clinging to Lead

Pessimistic voters not enthused about either candidate

(Newser) - President Obama is still on course to narrowly win a second term despite recent setbacks, according to the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC poll. Obama is ahead of Mitt Romney 47% to 44%, according to the poll. The survey also finds the president further ahead in a dozen swing states...

Hatch, Rangel Beat Back Primary Challenges

Tea Party rival falls hard to Orrin in Utah

(Newser) - The Tea Party failed to claim another victim in Utah after Sen. Orrin Hatch easily won the state's Republican primary. Hatch—facing his first primary challenge since taking office in 1976—beat former state Sen. Dan Liljenquist after spending close to $10 million on advertising, and building one of...

Election 2012 Just Sucks
 Election 2012 Is Just Boring 

Election 2012 Is Just Boring

Richard Cohen: It's all about the economy, so why bother?

(Newser) - We're in the midst of a race to decide the future of our country, yet somehow it's managed to be unbelievably boring at the same time. In fact, "if the presidential campaign were a TV program, it would have been canceled by now," writes Richard Cohen...

Arizona Ruling a Quagmire for Romney, GOP

Hispanic vote needed for swing states, but GOP loves tough policies

(Newser) - With Republicans and Mitt Romney struggling to get Hispanic votes, yesterday's Supreme Court ruling mostly striking down Arizona's tough immigration law has just muddied an already difficult dilemma, reports the Washington Post . Getting tough on illegal immigration fires up the GOP base, but Romney needs upward of 40%...

Condoleezza as Romney VP? 'No Way'

She also criticizes Obama's foreign policy

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice gave an unequivocal "no," this morning when asked if she'd be Mitt Romney's running mate—despite polls showing she's the most popular pick for the job. "Charlie, I didn't run for student council president," Rice told Charlie Rose on CBS'...

Murdoch to Romney: Stop 'Playing It Safe'

Grumpy mogul complains Mitt doesn't 'look like a challenger'

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch is flummoxed by Mitt Romney's campaign. "When is Romney going to look like a challenger?" he said yesterday in a tweet spotted by Mediaite . "Seems to play everything safe, make no news except burn off Hispanics." This shouldn't be so hard, the media...

Issa: We Got a Lie, a Cover-Up
 Issa: We Got a Lie, a Cover-Up 

Issa: We Got a Lie, a Cover-Up

Fast and Furious fallout continues

(Newser) - Darrell Issa was busily holding Eric Holder in contempt all over the Sunday talk show circuit today, blasting the Justice Department and White House alike in the Fast and Furious fiasco, telling Meet the Press that "We got a lie, we got a cover-up." The House Oversight Committee...

Anti-Incumbent Fever May Give Dems a Shot at House

Unlikely, says Silver, but House hard to analyze

(Newser) - Stats guru Nate Silver may have President Obama slightly favored to win re-election in November, and the battle for Senate in a tossup, but what does he think about the House? In his latest blog post in the New York Times , Silver calls Republicans "reasonably clear favorites" to keep...

Romney Can Win—if He Goes Beyond Applause Lines

Peggy Noonan: He needs to figure out the 'meaning of his run'

(Newser) - There's a school of thought out there that Mitt Romney can win by not saying or doing much of anything. In fact, Romney himself seems to have bought into the philosophy judging by his recent speeches, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . They're filled with superficial...

David Duke Endorses Black Politician

Former Klansman likes Charles Barron's anti-Israel stance

(Newser) - Looks like former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard and Senate candidate David Duke hates Jews even more than he hates black people. Duke has endorsed radical black city councilman Charles Barron, a fierce critic of Israel who has compared Israelis to Nazis, in New York's 8th District Democratic primary,...

Don&#39;t Be Duped By Privatization Proponents
 Don't Be Duped 
 By Privatization 
gail collins

Don't Be Duped By Privatization Proponents

Gail Collins reels off 'privatization disasters'

(Newser) - There's been a lot of talk about the benefits of privatization lately—particularly from Mitt Romney, who has appeared sympathetic to those who'd privatize Medicare, veterans' health care, and even public schools, via vouchers. "Birds do it. Bees do it. Even Harvard PhD’s do it,"...

Incumbent Ads Avoid &#39;C&#39; Word
 Incumbent Ads Avoid 'C' Word 

Incumbent Ads Avoid 'C' Word

(Meaning 'Congress' of course)

(Newser) - Lawmakers running for reelection this year have been carefully avoiding some loaded words—like "Congress," "representative," and "senator," the Washington Post observes. With Congress' approval rating standing at just 17% (hey, it's been worse ), lawmakers are eager to distance themselves from the...

Romney Advisers' VP Favorite: Pawlenty

He's easygoing, and will do well with the working class

(Newser) - Despite the fact that Mitt Romney just made waves by confirming Marco Rubio is being vetted as a possible runningmate , Tim Pawlenty is the No. 1 pick for VP among several of Romney's top advisers, sources tell Politico . His most winning quality seems to be his appeal to regular,...

Obama Lawyer Demands Crossroads Reveals Donors

Campaign complains to FEC about Rove-linked group

(Newser) - Crossroads GPS, a "social welfare" organization that has spent millions on ads attacking Democrats, is clearly a political committee and should therefore be required to disclose its donors, charges the Obama campaign. The campaign's chief counsel has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Committee, saying that the...

Marco Rubio as Romney VP? All Signs Point to No

Two months into search, he hasn't been asked to hand over any info: sources

(Newser) - Marco Rubio is not being vetted to be Mitt Romney's VP. Or so "knowledgeable Republican" sources tell ABC News' Jonathan Karl. They're apparently basing their conclusion on the fact that two months into Beth Myers' reign as head of Romney's search committee, Rubio still has not...

W.Va. Democrats Skipping Obama's Nomination

Governor, senator, representative won't attend convention

(Newser) - You may not be surprised to hear that President Obama is not too popular in West Virginia, considering that a felon serving time in prison actually won more than 40% of the vote against him in last month's presidential primary. That unpopularity apparently extends to the uppermost echelons of...

Obama's Former Prof: Prez Has Got to Go

Roberto Unger calls for president to be defeated in 2012 election

(Newser) - A former professor who taught one Barry Obama at Harvard Law School now says his onetime student "must be defeated in the coming election." Roberto Unger—who, the Daily Mail reports, actually advised Obama during his 2008 campaign—believes Obama "has failed to advance the progressive cause,...

Romney Ducks on Immigration &mdash;5 Times
 Ducks on 
 —5 Times 


Romney Ducks on Immigration —5 Times

Plus, a ton of reaction to Obama's shift

(Newser) - As Republicans pounced on President Obama's immigration shift , Mitt Romney was surprisingly noncommittal when asked today no fewer than five times whether he'd repeal the policy. Instead, Romney, who needs to make tracks with lukewarm Latino voters, called for a "long-term solution." He further blasted Obama'...

Obamas Might Want to Keep Bo Inside

Study says dogs don't play well as public props in tough economy

(Newser) - The doggie debates have begun again . Forget about strapping a dog to the roof of your car —even having a canine companion could be a political hazard in a tough economy, a study suggests. "In times of war or scandal, dogs are welcome public companions, but not so...

Aretha Spends $2K Per Minute to Be Near Obama

Leaves Sarah Jessica Parker-hosted fundraiser after 20 minutes

(Newser) - Aretha Franklin paid the $40,000 ticket price to attend Sarah Jessica Parker's Obama fundraiser last night, but left after just 20 minutes. That means she spent $2,000 per minute to be there, TMZ helpfully calculates. Apparently it was worth it, because she described the food ("chicken...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>