Election 2012

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

Blue Dog Dems Ousted in Pennsylvania
Blue Dog Dems Ousted
in Pennsylvania

Blue Dog Dems Ousted in Pennsylvania

Redistricting leads to primary losses for Holden, Altmire

(Newser) - Conservative, "Blue Dog" Democrats became even more of an endangered species after a pair of primary defeats in Pennsylvania Tuesday. Rep. Tim Holden—the dean of the state's Congressional delegation—was defeated in a redrawn district by lawyer Matt Cartwright, who attacked Holden for voting against ObamaCare, the...

VP Candidates Don't Deliver Big Home-State Boost

Nate Silver: It's worth a few percentage points at best

(Newser) - We've heard that as running mates, Rob Portman of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida could help Mitt Romney in their battleground home states—but statistics wiz Nate Silver isn't so sure. In the New York Times , he evaluates the performances of presidential tickets in the VP nominee'...

Dems Lick Chops Over Arizona Immigration Law
Dems Lick Chops Over Arizona Immigration Law
What Supreme Court?

Dems Lick Chops Over Arizona Immigration Law

If Supreme Court upholds, they'll force Republicans to pick a side on prickly issue

(Newser) - Even if the Supreme Court upholds Arizona's immigration law this summer, Senate Democrats are just going to go ahead and stick Republicans between a rock and a hard place on the controversial law. Chuck Schumer is set to announce Plan B today: legislation that would require the approval of...

Newt May Score Upset Win in Delaware
 Newt May Score 
 Upset Win in 

primary preview

Newt May Score Upset Win in Delaware

He says he'll 'reassess' campaign if he doesn't

(Newser) - Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and Delaware hold their Republican primaries today, and while many observers have already heard the fat lady sing for Newt Gingrich, there may still be a twist or two left in the race. Gingrich has been spending a lot of time in Delaware and...

Stewart: No One Wants to Be Romney's VP

'Daily Show' host runs down the rejections

(Newser) - Now that we know Mitt Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee, only one question remains: Who will serve as his running mate? The answer to the question so far seems to be a resounding "Not it!," Jon Stewart pointed out last night . He ran through those who...

Romney Is Even Weirder Than You Thought

At least, according to Alex Pareene, who goes on to list all the reasons why

(Newser) - The Romney campaign says that labeling its candidate "weird" amounts to a veiled attack on Mormonism. But in an excerpt from Alex Pareene's new e-book at Salon , Pareene holds that Mitt Romney is, in fact, just plain bizarre, like "a brilliantly designed politician android with an operating...

Obama Blows $8B on Reelection Trick
 Obama Blows $8B 
 on Reelection Trick 

Obama Blows $8B on Reelection Trick

'New York Post' thinks Medicare Advantage's stay of execution is a dirty trick

(Newser) - What would you say if President Obama took $8.3 billion in taxpayer money and used it for his reelection campaign? Because that's exactly what he's done by giving Medicare Advantage a stay of execution, according to Benjamin Sasse and Charles Hurt of the New York Post . The...

Obama, Congress May as Well Go Home

Nothing will get done until after the election anyway: Judd Gregg

(Newser) - With 2012 campaign in full swing, neither the president nor Congress will do much governing until after the November elections—so they might as well just go home, and leave Washington to the pundits, the lobbyists, and the "professional, mid-level cadre" of bureaucrats who actually run the government anyway,...

Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

 Bill Clinton: 
 Smear Romney 
 as a Dirty ... 


Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

Bill Clinton tweaks anti-Romney strategy

(Newser) - Forget branding Mitt Romney as the father of ObamaCare, a flip-flopper, or a champion Etch-a-Sketcher—just call him a conservative, says Bill Clinton. The former president is pushing the current one to adjust his campaign strategy against the likely Republican nominee: Where the Obama team has long knocked Romney for...

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
new report

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28

Even though Santorum didn't bow out until April 10

(Newser) - No one's been nominated yet—but the media crowned Mitt Romney the winner of the GOP primaries after he took Michigan on Feb. 28, a Pew report finds. Of course, Romney didn't essentially seal the deal until Rick Santorum dropped out. That happened on April 10, weeks after...

Rudy Giuliani Endorses Romney, Rules Out VP Job

He says he'd have endorsed pal Gingrich if he'd run a better campaign

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani officially endorsed Mitt Romney in a Fox News appearance today, putting aside any lingering animosity from their 2008 contest—and his longstanding friendship with Newt Gingrich. Giuliani had spoken glowingly of Gingrich earlier in the campaign, and says he would have endorsed him if he'd run a...

Huntsman Compares GOP to China
 In Slam, Huntsman 
 Compares GOP to China 

In Slam, Huntsman Compares GOP to China

He pans own party for hardline attitudes

(Newser) - Are Jon Huntsman's days as a Republican numbered? The former presidential candidate and ambassador to China slammed his own party in an interview yesterday, comparing it to Communist China, Politico reports. Huntsman said he was disappointed by the GOP's decision to disinvite him from a fundraiser last month...

Arizona Immigration Law Headed to Supreme Court

Politically-charged case could echo in November

(Newser) - Just weeks ago, it was the ObamaCare tussle . Now the Supreme Court is moving on to another politically-charged, high-profile case: a battle over Arizona's controversial immigration law. The case centers on whether Arizona overstepped the boundaries of state power with aggressive police checks on suspected illegal immigrants. But "...

Collins: Where Are Women in Secret Service?
 Where Are 
 Women in 
 Secret Service? 

Collins: Where Are Women in Secret Service?

Lawmakers suggest elite guards could use some diversity

(Newser) - The Secret Service prostitution scandal dominated the talk show air waves today, with a pair of female legislators openly questioning whether more women in the elite guards' ranks could've averted the scandal. "It defies belief that this is just an aberration," Sen. Susan Collins told This Week....

New Romney Spokesman Tweaking Left and Right

Left calls Richard Grenell sexist, right annoyed that he's gay

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's newly appointed foreign policy spokesman Richard Grenell has only been on the job a couple of days, but already he's drawing plenty of heat from both sides of the aisle. The left is upset with Grenell's tendency to make sexist attacks on women, particularly on...

Smoking Law Like Nazis' Jewish Star: GOP Candidate

Senate candidate John Raese slammed for bizarre analogy

(Newser) - Smokers are getting treated like Jews did in Nazi Germany, according to West Virginia Republican John Raese. "I have to put a huge sticker on my buildings to say this is a smoke-free environment. This is brought to you by the government of Monongalia County, " complained Raese at...

Polygamy Roots Could Hurt Mitt: Montana Gov

Father was 'born on a polygamy commune in Mexico,' Schweitzer says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's family history could count big time against him this fall, according to Montana's Democratic governor. The candidate could be hurt politically "because his father was born on a polygamy commune in Mexico," Brian Schweitzer tells the Daily Beast . Women are "not great fans...

Obama Camp Raffles Dinner With Clooney to Donors

President will be there, too

(Newser) - Dinner with the president not enough for you? You're in luck: The Obama campaign has sweetened the deal. George Clooney will also be joining winners of the campaign's "Dinner With Barack" contest, which offers a monthly chance at a presidential meal for donations as low as a...

Marco Rubio: 'If I Do a Good Job as VP...'

...oops, he meant 'senator'; speculation swirls around Condi

(Newser) - Marco Rubio has said over and over that he doesn't want to be anyone's running mate this year, and he said it again yesterday in an interview with the National Journal at the University of Phoenix. But he also had what the Journal terms a "Freudian slip....

Obama Digs at Romney: No 'Silver Spoon' for Me

He got an education and worked for his success, he says

(Newser) - President Obama spoke in Elyria, Ohio, today and delivered a not-so-thinly-veiled jab at Mitt Romney, notes the Hill : "I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth." Obama didn't mention Romney by name, but the message was clear as he sought to identify himself with...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>