Election 2012

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Pundits in Unison: It's Over, It's Romney

Rick Santorum is a dead man walking at this point

(Newser) - Did you hear it? The sound of the fat lady singing as Mitt Romney swept Wisconsin, Maryland, and DC last night? These pundits sure did. A round-up of the best everyone-else-is-toast declarations:
  • Jonathan Martin, Politico : "It’s really, truly over. The general election effectively began this week ... [and] by

Axelrod: Mad Men Is the 'Evening News' to Romney

He's 'oblivious' and 'in a time warp' says Obama campaign adviser

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev thinks Mitt Romney is stuck in the 1970s ... and David Axelrod apparently disagrees. It's more like the 1960s, he says. In an appearance on CBS This Morning , the Obama campaign honcho quipped that Romney "must watch Mad Men and think it's the evening news. He...

Stewart: Romney Endorsers Need to 'Fake It Better'

'Daily Show' host runs down candidate's tepid endorsements

(Newser) - Back in January, John McCain kicked off the big-name endorsements of Mitt Romney … by accidentally promising that "President Obama," rather than "President Romney," would turn the country around—and the endorsements haven't gotten much better since then, Jon Stewart explained last night. Other Republican...

Forget TV Ads: Romney Hunts Supporters Online

And they are largely quiz-taking, photo-sharing home repair fans

(Newser) - Likely voters are watching live TV less and less, and political campaigns are responding with aggressive online tactics in what could be "the first truly digital election," says an analyst. Mitt Romney is looking for the right Internet audience to target his ads—but rather than pursuing advertisements...

Major Obama Donor Accused of Fraud

Abake Assongba has a troubled past, 'Washington Post' discovers

(Newser) - Another donor-related headache for President Obama: Abake Assongba, a " bundler " who has contributed more than $50,000 to his re-election campaign, has troubles in her past including accusations of fraud to the tune of $657,000. The Obama campaign says it is reviewing the accusations against Assongba, which...

Women Give Obama Big Swing-State Lead

 Women Give Obama 
 Big Swing-State Lead 
poll numbers

Women Give Obama Big Swing-State Lead

President beating Mitt Romney 51% to 42% in 12 battleground states

(Newser) - There's finally a clear leader in the 2012 race for the swing states: President Obama has a 51% to 42% advantage over Mitt Romney, according to the fifth USA Today/Gallup poll of the top 12 battleground states. The change from a month ago, when Romney was ahead by two...

Mitt Romney the Butt of 2 April Fools' Pranks

And Forbes.com did not find one of them funny

(Newser) - One of yesterday's April Fools' Day pranks apparently fooled a few too many people: A Forbes contributor posted a blog on Forbes.com claiming that Mitt Romney had dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Rick Santorum. Despite the fact that editors took it down after just half...

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was &#39;Stating the Obvious&#39;
Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

The VP tackles contraception debate, Romney, ObamaCare

(Newser) - President Obama wasn't caving to the Russians or engaging in back-door politics in last week's "hot mic" moment with Dimitry Medvedev , he was just "stating the obvious," the veep charged this morning on Face the Nation. “The idea that in this election year we'...

Santorum: It&#39;s Not Even Halftime Yet
 It's Not Even 
 Halftime Yet 

Santorum: It's Not Even Halftime Yet

Candidate upbeat on May races

(Newser) - With twitchy Republicans looking to put an end to an onerous and hard-fought primary season, Rick Santorum is saying not so fast, reports Politico . “This race isn’t even at halftime yet, we haven’t even selected half of the delegates yet,” Santorum told Fox News Sunday this...

Worst Political Idea of the 2012 Season
 Worst Idea of the 
 2012 Election Is ... 
gail collins

Worst Idea of the 2012 Election Is ...

Gail Collins: Americans Elect is deeply 'delusional'

(Newser) - If the worst new political trend isn't super PACs or Donald Trump robo-calls, what could it possibly be? "Since I still have some space here, let me throw in a plug for the terribleness of the idea of Americans Elect ," writes Gail Collins in the New York ...

Romney Looks to Shut Door for Good on Santorum

He leads in Wisconsin as coverage tilts his way

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been declared the "presumptive nominee" time and again in this race, but the coverage heading into Tuesday's primary in Wisconsin suggests this time, really and truly, it's the real deal. It helps that Romney leads in the polls and has racked up high-level endorsements...

&#39;Devious&#39; Obama Losing Credibility Fast

 Obama Losing  
 Credibility Fast 
peggy noonan

'Devious' Obama Losing Credibility Fast

Peggy Noonan says Republicans who once trusted him no longer do so

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan thinks a lot of Republicans who once liked President Obama personally, if not politically, are having serious second thoughts. "What is happening is that the president is coming across more and more as a trimmer, as an operator who's not operating in good faith," she...

Romney Grabs 7-Point Lead in Wisconsin

But Obama leads Romney in general election polling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney leads Rick Santorum 40% to 33% in Wisconsin, according to a new NBC News-Marist poll . Ron Paul follows in third with 11% and Newt Gingrich is last with 8%. Romney leads the way with moderate and liberal Republicans, conservatives, and those earning more than $75,000 per year....

Romney Finally Starting to Rack Up the Endorsements

There's a 'time when to fold 'em,' said elder Bush

(Newser) - They took their time, but high-profile Republicans are starting to fall in line behind Mitt Romney. Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, yesterday gave Romney his support, saying he fears "disaster" if the race leads to a floor fight at the Republican National Convention. Wisconsin's...

Romney&#39;s Latest &#39;Joke&#39;: Dad Closed a Michigan Plant
Romney's Latest 'Joke':
Dad Closed a Michigan Plant

Romney's Latest 'Joke': Dad Closed a Michigan Plant

His 'humorous' story doesn't sit well with Democrats

(Newser) - Mitt Romney attempted to connect with the people of Wisconsin yesterday by telling them a little joke. In a conference call with thousands of voters, Romney told them about the time in the 1950s that his dad, then head of American Motors, shut down a Michigan factory and moved production...

Santorum Warns Guy Not to Use Pink Bowling Ball

Rick challenges Mitt to Wisconsin bowl-off

(Newser) - Rick Santorum bowls a good game, but gay rights groups say he talks an offensive one. "You’re not gonna' use the pink ball. We’re not gonna' let you do that, not on camera," he told a young man while bowling with college Republicans in Wisconsin yesterday,...

Adelson: Newt 'At the End of His Line'

Billionaire backer acknowledges Gingrich probably can't win

(Newser) - Looks like even Newt Gingrich's biggest financial backer knows it's all but over for the GOP presidential candidate, the Los Angeles Times reports. "It appears as though he’s at the end of his—at the end of his line," said billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson...

Why Is Gingrich Still In? He&#39;s Delusional
Why Is Gingrich Still In?
He's Delusional

Why Is Gingrich Still In? He's Delusional

Newt sees himself as historically significant: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Most GOP voters want him to drop out , he's woefully behind in the delegate count, and he's started charging for photo opportunities : Yes, "from a conventional standpoint," there's really no reason for Newt Gingrich to carry on with his presidential run, writes Steve Kornacki in...

Papa Bush Backs Romney
 Papa Bush 
 Backs Romney 

Papa Bush Backs Romney

George HW will announce endorsement tomorrow in Houston

(Newser) - The GOP's elite isn't exactly tripping over itself to help Mitt Romney seal the deal, but George HW Bush is the latest in the Bush family to fall in line: A Romney spokeswoman says the Bush patriarch will endorse their man tomorrow at an event in Houston, reports...

Mitt Likes Elevators for Cars, Not So Much for People

Once vetoed bills to improve elevators for people with disabilities

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is cool with elevators for cars (at least, when they're his cars ), but his record as governor of Massachusetts shows in two instances, he wasn't so hot on elevators for humans with disabilities. Romney vetoed two pieces of legislation that would have improved elevators in...

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>