Matthew Weiner

9 Stories

Mad Men Creator Ends 28-Year Marriage

Matthew Weiner files for divorce from Linda Brettler

(Newser) - They made it through the Don Draper years together, but their marriage is now going the same route as the Mad Men character's own. The Blast reports Matthew Weiner, creator of the hit AMC show, filed for divorce Wednesday from wife Linda Brettler after almost three decades of marriage....

Ex-Mad Men Writer on Creator: He Wanted to See Me Naked

She says Matthew Weiner told her during a late-night work session she owed it to him

(Newser) - An Emmy-winning writer for AMC's Mad Men once thought her award would solidify a successful career path, but she was let go from the show a year later—and she's now accusing show creator Matthew Weiner of sexual harassment, the Hollywood Reporter reports. Kater Gordon, who started as...

Mad Men Return Slow but Satisfying
 Mad Men 
 Return Slow 
 but Satisfying 
tv review

Mad Men Return Slow but Satisfying

Critics just happy Don Draper is back

(Newser) - Critics eager for the return of Mad Men weren't blown away by the first episode of the fifth season—but that doesn't mean the show has lost its magic. What they're saying:
  • "I'm glad to have Mad Men back, but 'A Little Kiss' was

Deal Signed for 3 More Seasons of Mad Men
 Deal Secures Mad Men's Future 

Deal Secures Mad Men's Future

Creator Matthew Weiner signs contract for 3 more seasons

(Newser) - Mad Men will be back with creator Matthew Weiner at the helm for two more seasons and possibly a third. After tough negotiations, Weiner has signed a deal with AMC and Lionsgate believed to be worth around $30 million, reports the New York Times . The cable hit's fifth season will...

AMC: No More Mad Men Til 2012

Negotiations with Matthew Weiner force delay

(Newser) - Shut the door and have a seat, Mad Men fans, because we’ve got some bad news: Thanks to tense negotiations between AMC and show creator Matthew Weiner, Season 5 will be pushed back from this summer to early 2012. AMC today announced that it had exercised its option with...

Here Come the '60s: Be Fair, Mad Men
Here Come the '60s:
Be Fair, Mad Men

Here Come the '60s: Be Fair, Mad Men

Conservatives, liberals see the show through different eyes

(Newser) - The fourth season of Mad Men starts Sunday, providing a political litmus test of sorts for viewers. The shift from the 1950s to the '60s fills conservatives with "apprehension" and liberals with "anticipation," writes Natasha Simons for the National Review . Each camp sees it through the prism...

Mad Men Gets End Date
 Mad Men Gets End Date  

Mad Men Gets End Date

Creator doesn't see series, now shooting Season 4, lasting past Season 6

(Newser) - Season 4 of Mad Men is still shooting, but its creator already knows when the hit series will end, reports the Weekly Blend blog . It won't go past Season 6, Matthew Weiner said at an industry convention last week. That seems to be a sweet spot for 1-hour dramas, notes...

Mad Men Goes Mad on Purpose
 Mad Men Goes Mad on Purpose 

Mad Men Goes Mad on Purpose

(Newser) - Critics have begun to worry about Mad Men. Gory lawnmower accidents? Unexpected death? Grueling, drugged-up childbirth? “Where have all the snifters of brandy and jaunty shrimp cocktails gone?” asks Heather Havrilesky of Salon. She’s kidding, of course. Mad Men has spun into insanity so quickly because that’s...

Mad Men Creator Will Stay On

(Newser) - The creator of the AMC hit Mad Men will stay on at the show after strained negotiations with the network yielded him a seven-figure deal, Variety reports. Matthew Weiner's two-year commitment, covering the third and fourth seasons of the '60s-era drama, is said to include a commitment to develop a...

9 Stories
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