German election

8 Stories

Tight German Election Means Haggling Comes Next
By a Hair, Germans
Dump Merkel's Bloc

By a Hair, Germans Dump Merkel's Bloc

Social Democrats eke out a narrow victory in Germany's elections

(Newser) - Update: Germany's center-left Social Democrats won the biggest share of the vote in a national election Sunday, narrowly beating outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Union bloc in a closely fought race that will determine who succeeds the long-time leader at the helm of Europe's biggest economy, the...

Merkel Faces Tough Choice After Germany Election Result

She hopes to form new government—by Christmas

(Newser) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative alliance won the most seats in Germany's election on Sunday, meaning she will keep her job for a fourth term—but it was her party's worst showing since 1949 and the process of forming a new government could drag into next year....

Merkel Leads Exit Polls, Hails 'Super Result'
 Merkel Leads 
 Exit Polls, Hails 
 'Super Result' 

Merkel Leads Exit Polls, Hails 'Super Result'

But looks like she'll have to forge a coalition

(Newser) - Chancellor Angela Merkel says her conservatives will do everything to make the next four years successful for Germany after what appears to be a triumphant election win. ARD and ZDF television projections today showed a wide lead for Merkel's conservative Union bloc over challenger Peer Steinbrueck's Social Democrats....

Merkel's Party Loses Big in Stronghold

Conservatives lose Baden-Wuerttemberg first time in 58 years

(Newser) - Japan's nuclear disaster is not just an environmental tragedy—it has started claiming political victims. Germany's Green Party appears poised to win a state government for the first time, trouncing Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives in their stronghold in southwest Germany. The Greens and Social Democrats won 47.3% in Baden-Wuerttemberg...

Merkel Wins Re-Election, New Coalition

 Merkel Wins 
 New Coalition 

Merkel Wins Re-Election, New Coalition

Germany's chancellor will form new bloc with center-right

(Newser) - Angela Merkel was headed to re-election today, and German voters were sending her along with enough votes to cobble together a center-right coalition and ditch the Social Democrats she has been allied with since 2005. Exit polls on German television showed Merkel's conservative bloc with 33.4% of the vote,...

Merkel Heads for 2nd Term, With Messy Coalition

German vote could free or hamstring chancellor for 4 more years

(Newser) - Germany votes in a federal election in less than 48 hours, but Angela Merkel has better things to do than campaign; she's in Pittsburgh with the rest of the G20. Merkel is assured of a second term, but in Germany's complex system of coalition politics, the bigger question is which...

'German Borat' Rides High in Election Polls

(Newser) - With the slogan "Yes weekend" and promises to subsidize tanning beds and cosmetic surgery, candidate Horst Schlaemmer has stormed the otherwise drab German election campaign scene. Unlike rivals Angela Merkel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, aspiring chancellor Schlaemmer doesn't exist—he's a character created by a comedian—but that didn't stop...

Merkel's Party Wins Big in German Election

Left decimated as chancellor gets a boost ahead of national vote

(Newser) - The right-wing party of Angela Merkel came out on top in a closely watched German state election last night, giving the chancellor a major boost ahead of a federal election later this year. In Hesse, home to the financial powerhouse Frankfurt, right-wing premier Roland Koch won a new mandate, while...

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