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MySpace Founders Leaving in News Corp Shakeup

CEO leaving, will be replaced by former Facebook exec

(Newser) - Big changes afoot at MySpace: Co-founder Chris DeWolfe is stepping down as CEO and fellow co-founder Tom Anderson is in talks with owner News Corp to end his run as president. MySpace has lost much of its mojo in recent years to Facebook, and it looks like  DeWolfe will be...

'Dork' White Rapper Finds College Niche

(Newser) - Asher Roth’s image isn’t classic hip-hop: He’s a white kid who wears sweatshirts and calls himself a “dork.” But that image, along with the breakout hit “I Love College,” has earned him a top-10 spot on iTunes and millions of MySpace streams, the...

Campus Cops Track Facebook for Lawbreakers

Police have gathered intel on the cyberbeat for years

(Newser) - As teenagers embrace social networking, campus cops have started using Facebook and MySpace to prevent brawls, monitor gangs, and—in one case—identify an armed robber based on clothing he wore in his profile picture. Officers assigned to the cyberbeat regularly scour thousands of students' pages, many of which flaunt...

Girl Faces Kid Porn Charges for Posting Self Nudes

14-year-old may have to register as sex offender

(Newser) - A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been charged with possessing and distributing child porn for posting nude photos of herself on her MySpace web pages, reports WPIX-TV. If convicted, the girl may have to register as a sex offender. The case highlights increasing problems with children posting or texting racy...

I Say, Old Chap, Big Brother Is Watching Twitter

UK government weighs monitoring social sites for security threats

(Newser) - The British government wants to keep an eye on what people are doing on Facebook. On the lookout for terrorist plots, the Home Office has provoked an outcry from civil libertarians by floating a plan to track users of social networking sites, which were previously free of government monitoring, reports...

Craigslist Beats MySpace as Top Search Term

Tanking economy helps company to first win

(Newser) - Bargain hunters helped Craigslist beat MySpace as the Web’s most popular search term last week, CNET reports. Searches for the classifieds site soared 105%, giving the San Francisco-based company its first ever most-searched-for crown. Business has been booming—bartering is up 100% and roommate ads 65%—but searches for...

Social Networking Now Trumps Email: Nielsen

Social networking explosion attracting users but not advertisers

(Newser) - Social networking has become more popular than email—but that popularity hasn't translated into profitability, a new Nielsen study finds. Social networking "member communities" such as Facebook are now the most popular Internet activity, according to Nielsen's figures, attracting 67% of global Internet users and still growing fast. Email...

Lookin' for Love, 1 in 4 Turn to Arms of Networking Sites

Online dating no longer has social stigma

(Newser) - For those looking for love in all the wrong places, the right place might just be Facebook, reports the Telegraph, citing a new poll that shows one in four Britons are dating or have dated a person met through a social-networking site such as MySpace or Bebo. And in further...

Murdoch: I'm Not Cowed by Recession, Chernin Exit

MySpace co-founder denies rumors he's considering jumping ship

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch is touting his own "contrarian" tendencies as what will see News Corp. through the current recession and the implosion of the print media business. “In the past, we have met downturns with vigor, often departing from the herd. We have emerged much stronger," he said...

Sex Offenders Kicked Off MySpace Land on Facebook

Company analyzing data for MySpace says of 90K booted, minimum 8K back online

(Newser) - MySpace grabbed headlines today when it announced that it had kicked 90,000 registered sex offenders off the site over the past 2 years. Where did they all go? Many went to Facebook, says Sentinel, the security firm that roots out such offenders for MySpace. “We found over 8,...

Facebook Stomps MySpace in Traffic (But Not Ads)

...not in making money

(Newser) - Facebook has taken a runaway lead in the social networking rat race, Advertising Age reports. Tied with rival MySpace as recently as June, Facebook has gone on a tear since, growing a whopping 10% a month. It now boasts 200 million unique users, roughly twice MySpace’s 100 million. But...

Obama Is Update, Reboot for Presidency's Software

Dem will use internet to reach out to, get advice from voters

(Newser) - Barack Obama is poised to be, by far, the most wired president ever, reports CNN. With more than a million MySpace friends, 3.7 million Facebook pals, and online access to more than 13 million voters, Obama invented a new media model and will be able to communicate in ways...

Whew! They're Still Together
 Whew! They're Still Together 

Whew! They're Still Together

Lilo denies breakup rumors

(Newser) - You can relax now. Lindsay Lohan has once again used her MySpace blog to tell it how it is—and firmly deny rumors that she and Samantha Ronson have broken up, E! reports. The starlet has a request for every media outlet that reported the rumor: “Get your stories...

Status Update: Everyone Else's Life Is More Exciting

Writer bemoans the constant barrage of jealousy from Facebook

(Newser) - Remember those holiday letters, the ones informing you of all the exciting things your friends did while you sat at home? Facebook brings you that jealousy 24/7, writes Patricia Beauchamp in the Washington Post. While she’s “wondering how much she could get for a box of gaucho pants...

Ronson Hospitalized for Exhaustion

Back home after visit to LA clinic, DJ cites busy schedule

(Newser) - Samantha Ronson checked herself in to a Los Angeles hospital for exhaustion yesterday, but is now resting up at home, People reports. On her MySpace page, Ronson thanked fans “for all your messages,” and attributed her poor health to “traveling and working too much.” But thanks...

MySpace Bully Not Guilty on Key Felony Charge

Drew convicted on lesser charges of using computer without authorization

(Newser) - A federal jury has rejected felony charges against cyberbully Lori Drew, convicting her instead of accessing a computer without authorization, a misdemeanor, the AP reports. The Missouri mom violated MySpace terms by creating a fake teen-boy profile to harass a neighborhood girl, but was found not guilty of using a...

MySpace Suicide Case Goes to Jury

Missouri mom accused of bullying neighborhood teen with fake persona

(Newser) - Lori Drew’s fate is in the hands of a California jury as the case of the “MySpace bully” goes into deliberations, Wired reports. After forceful closing arguments yesterday, the jury will decide whether the mother committed computer fraud by creating a false online identity used to bully a...

GN'R, Sir Paul Release New Albums Early

Eagerly awaited projects debut on MySpace—free

(Newser) - Fans can get an early online taste—legally—of the latest albums from Guns N’ Roses and Paul McCartney thanks to MySpace, Reuters reports. Members can stream the music free starting today but can't download it. Early reaction to the first GN'R album in 17 years is generally positive; Entertainment ...

Cyber-Sneak Mom 'Bullied My Baby to Suicide'

Trial opens in nation's first cyber-bullying case

(Newser) - A mother tearfully recalled in a Los Angeles court yesterday how her 13-year-old daughter hanged herself shortly after receiving a hateful online message from a neighbor woman posing as a teenage boy, AP reports. Lori Drew allegedly created a MySpace persona named Josh to first woo then harass Megan Meier,...

Love to Fans: I'm 'Not Suicidal'

Singer regrets blog post about death

(Newser) - After alarming fans in a recent MySpace blog post about death, Courtney Love reassures everyone: “No, I am not suicidal,” Us magazine reports. The musician, whose husband, Kurt Cobain, committed suicide, posted a follow-up to explain: “Occasionally, like all of us, I get depressed.” She said...

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