life expectancy

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Lives Get Shorter for Less Educated Whites
 Lives Get Shorter for 
 Less Educated Whites 
study says

Lives Get Shorter for Less Educated Whites

For those with no high school diploma, it drops 4 years

(Newser) - The life expectancy of less educated whites decreased dramatically between 1990 and 2008: Four years on average, with three for men and a whopping five for women, a study finds. "We’re used to looking at groups and complaining that their mortality rates haven’t improved fast enough, but...

Women May Be Smarter, But They're Also Lazier

Despite longer lifespan, ladies are less active

(Newser) - Guys, here's something to cite the next time your gal is nagging you to get off the couch: An international study suggests that women are lazier than men. A paper published by Lancet this week surveyed 122 countries to find out how active the global population is, reports Time...

Japan Loses Top Spot in Life Expectancy

Women from Hong Kong now the longest lived

(Newser) - Japanese women are no longer the world's longest living, their longevity pushed down in part by last year's devastating earthquake and tsunami, according to a government report today. The top of the global life expectancy rankings now belongs to Hong Kong women. The annual report by Japan's...

Sit 3 Hours a Day, Die 2 Years Earlier

...even if you're healthy otherwise: study

(Newser) - It's a wonder anyone dares sit anymore, considering the avalanche of recent studies that have been telling us that doing so ups our risk of cancer and heart disease , makes us fatter , and turns meetings into awful experiences . And here's a new one to add to the pile:...

Someday, Men Won&#39;t Die First
 Someday, Men Won't Die First 
in case you missed it

Someday, Men Won't Die First

Life expectancy gap could close by 2030

(Newser) - For generations, men have been the unquestioned leaders in the race to die first, but now it looks like they're losing their edge. The life expectancy gap between men and women is closing, and by 2030, men could very well live as long as women, an advisor for Britain'...

New Yorkers Living Longer Than Most of Us

City's life expectancy now 2 years above national average

(Newser) - A Big Apple a day might help keep the Grim Reaper away: Newborn New Yorkers can now expect to live a lot longer than the average American, Mayor Michael Bloomberg says. At 80.6, the city's life expectancy—which was long well below the national average—is up almost...

Each Hour of Boob Tube Hacks 22 Mins. Off Your Life
Each Hour of Boob Tube Hacks 22 Mins. Off Your Life
in case you missed it

Each Hour of Boob Tube Hacks 22 Mins. Off Your Life

Each hour watching TV can take 22 minutes off your life

(Newser) - Watching TV could be as dangerous as smoking or obesity, with each hour in front of the boob tube shortening your life by 22 minutes, reports the Telegraph . For adults who watch six hours of TV a day, that works out to nearly five years of less living. Researchers used...

Exercising 15 Minutes Daily Adds Years to Life: Study

A small amount of activity could have huge benefits

(Newser) - What's more important to you: saving about 15 minutes every day or three years later on? Exercising 92 minutes per week could substantially extend your life, according to a new study. Researchers in Taiwan studied more than 400,000 subjects between 1996 and 2008, and deduced that those who...

Women Dying Younger ... in Parts of US

Smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure are the big culprits

(Newser) - If you're a woman living in Madison County, Mississippi, you might want to consider moving. Females in certain parts of the country are dying younger than they did a generation ago, according to new data. In general, life expectancies of women in the US have dropped the most they...

Best Place to Be a Mom Is ...
 Best Place to Be a Mom Is... 

Best Place to Be a Mom Is...

...Norway, says index that considers maternity leave, mortality rates

(Newser) - Moms who want the good life should consider heading north. That's because Norway is the best place in the world to be a mother, according to new survey. Why? Norway has great health benefits, an average year-long maternity leave from work, and low child mortality rates, along with a...

US Life Expectancy Hits Record High

Newborns can now look forward to 78.2 years of breathing

(Newser) - US life expectancy hit an all-time high in 2009, according to new government data released yesterday. A baby born that year can expect to live an average of 78.2 years, USA Today reports, up from 78 years in 2008. That’s in part because death rates fell significantly for...

US Life Expectancy Falls for Third Time Since 1980

Though it did increase for black men, hitting all-time high

(Newser) - The overall US life expectancy fell slightly in 2008, from 77.9 years to (gasp) 77.8 years, according to a new report from the CDC. It’s the first drop since 2005, and just the third since 1980. Actually, to be more precise, it was the life expectancy of...

US Hispanics Outlive Whites, Blacks

And women outlive men among all three races

(Newser) - Hispanics in the US can expect to live more than two years longer than the average white person and more than seven years longer than the average black person, according to new figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report is the strongest evidence yet for the...

Younger Husband Shortens Wife' Life
 Younger Husband 
 Shortens Wife's Life 

Younger Husband Shortens Wife's Life

Danish study defies expectations

(Newser) - Having a young husband can reduce a woman's life expectancy, a new study says. Marriage stats have long shown that men with younger wives tend to live longer. Researchers had assumed the same held true for women—but a study of 2 million Danish couples showed otherwise, Science Daily reports....

Women in Healthy Nations Prefer Metrosexual Look

Macho look popular in disease-plagued countries

(Newser) - Whether a woman finds herself attracted to big-jawed macho types or softer, more feminine-looking men may be a question of health. A new study of women in 30 countries found that those in places where life expectancy is low and disease rates are high, like Mexico, preferred men with masculine...

Sitting at That Computer Is Shortening Your Life

Too much time in the chair increases risk of just about everything

(Newser) - Hey you, reading this at your computer: You might want to get up and stretch. A new study shows that every hour per day spent in front of that monitor raises your risk of early death from heart disease by a whopping 18%—ie, someone who spends an average of...

US Life Expectancy, Health Costs Not a Pretty Picture
US Life Expectancy, Health Costs Not a Pretty Picture
numbers don't lie

US Life Expectancy, Health Costs Not a Pretty Picture

Viral graph shows better stats for numerous developed countries

(Newser) - A graphic that's gaining wide currency on the Internet paints a grim picture of the American health care system, which costs more than any other country's but results in an average life expectancy that's solidly middle-of-the-pack. The graph, originally posted on a National Geographic blog, wasn't clear enough for the...

Half of US Babies Will See 100
 Half of US Babies Will See 100 

Half of US Babies Will See 100

Upward life expectancy trend shows no signs of slowing

(Newser) - More than half of the children born today in wealthy developed countries will live to see their 100th birthday. New research coming out of Denmark also suggests life expectancy in general has increased dramatically as medicine and diagnosis of diseases afflicting the elderly have improved. Since the 1950s, the BBC...

US Life Expectancy at Record High: 77.9

(Newser) - Americans are living longer than ever before, with an average life expectancy of 77.9 years, reports NPR. The CDC, citing 2007 death certificate records, says US men now live 75.3 years, and women 80.4. Great news, until you consider people in more than two dozen other countries...

Add a Little Weight, Gain 6-7 Years: Study

(Newser) - Being a touch on the heavy side could help you live an extra few years, Japanese researchers say. People who were a little overweight at 40 lived 6 to 7 years longer than those who were very thin at that age, AFP reports. The very thin had a life expectancy...

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