Montauk Monster

2 Stories

'Montauk Monster' Killed in Panama

Hairless creature on beach confounds cryptozoologists

(Newser) - A bizarre-looking creature found on a Panama beach has excited the world of cryptozoology, the Daily Telegraph reports. A group of teens said they feared for their safety and beat the hairless creature to death as it crawled from a cave and moved toward them. The animal—dubbed "Gollum"...

It's Baaaack: Montauk Monster Reappears

What it is, no one knows

(Newser) - It’s baaaack: the Montauk Monster—or something like it—has been spotted on a Long Island beach after sparking a flurry of blog speculation when it washed ashore last year, Gawker reports. The dead creature, which looks like a half-dog, half-pig with a beak, was stolen after its first...

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