congressional Republicans

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Senate Dems Push to Pass 100 Bills in One Go

Reid seeks filibuster-proof measures for public lands, water

(Newser) - With time running out in the lame-duck session, Democrats are working hard to push through some 100 environmental bills, Politico reports. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is calling on party leaders to compile a list of public lands and water measures Republicans won’t kill with a filibuster. On the...

Paul Krugman: Obama Must Say No to 'Tax Cut Blackmail'
Obama Must Say No to
'Tax Cut Blackmail'
paul krugman

Obama Must Say No to 'Tax Cut Blackmail'

GOP closer to making 'irresponsible' cuts permanent: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - It’s time for President Obama to stand up against a GOP that wants to extend “obviously irresponsible” tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Keep in mind the big picture: Republicans want to make these cuts permanent, and if they agree...

Hey Obama: Where's Your Backbone?
 Hey Obama: 
 Where's Your 
frank rich

Hey Obama: Where's Your Backbone?

'Weightless' president must stop trying to please GOP

(Newser) - It’s like he has Stockholm Syndrome: instead of standing up for his beliefs, Obama keeps trying to please his Republican captors, seeing their “good side” while they take advantage of him, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . “A chief executive who repeatedly presents himself as...

Obama, GOP Hold Hushed Tax-Cut Talks

President calls for speedy renewal of jobless benefits

(Newser) - Could the president and GOP lawmakers be inching toward compromise ? Working against the clock, Obama and congressional Republicans have been holding behind-the-scenes talks about extending tax cuts—due to expire at year’s end—and renewing expired emergency jobless benefits, and they're making slow and steady progress on the...

Child Nutrition Bill Passes House, Goes to Obama

Democrats sidestep GOP's blocking tactic

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats sidestepped a Republican block and passed a childhood nutrition bill today, the AP reports. The $4.5 billion bill will increase the number of free lunches and dinners provided by schools, and impose nutritional requirements on the food provided in cafeterias and sold in vending machines. Michelle Obama,...

Obama, GOP Will Keep Working on Tax-Cut Deal

They hope to reach compromise on Bush cuts by year's end

(Newser) - Reaching no quick fixes, President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress today vowed to seek a compromise on tax cuts before year's end. "The American people did not vote for gridlock," Obama said following the session. There was no consensus on whether to keep Bush-era tax cuts in...

New Lawmakers to Slumber on Hill

Office will double as bedroom for some frugal freshmen

(Newser) - As they start their lives in Washington, the 94 incoming members of the House of Representatives need places to live—and about 15% are considering simply using their offices. The move puts their disdain for Washington, and for spending, on display. “It's the ultimate I'm-not-a-professional-politician statement,” write Michael...

Liberals to GOP Lawmakers: Decline Health Insurance

Progressives say they should reject government coverage

(Newser) - Progressives are issuing a challenge to incoming Republican House members: If they are so dead-set on repealing health care reform, they shouldn't accept the taxpayer-funded congressional health plan. The fracas started when newly elected Rep. Andy Harris made a fuss during an orientation because his coverage didn't begin right away,...

New GOP Rep: I Have to Wait to Get Health Care?

Maryland's Andy Harris can't understand why benefits don't kick in for a month

(Newser) - For a Republican who campaigned on repealing ObamaCare, Andy Harris had a rather unusual question at a meeting on congressional benefits yesterday: Dude, where's my health care? Harris, an anesthesiologist and newly elected Maryland rep, demanded to know why his federal health insurance takes a month to kick in. “...

Righties to GOP: Stick to Shrinking Gov't

Gay Republicans, Tea Partiers want brass to skip social issues

(Newser) - Gay Republicans and Tea Party leaders are calling on Congressional Republicans to steer clear of social issues, Politico reports. In a letter, advocates ask John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to focus on “the principles of the Tea Party movement”—which they say have nothing to do with social...

Dems Seek $1T 'Swan Song' Budget

Figure less than 1% higher than past year's

(Newser) - An uproar over spending may have spurred a midterm drubbing for Democrats, but they still aim to push through a $1 trillion budget bill during the lame-duck session that begins today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Washington is currently operating on a temporary budget that expires Dec. 2; Democrats hope...

Bachmann Drops Bid for GOP Brass

That huge sigh of relief? John Boehner

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann may rule the House wingnuts index, but she won't be ruling the House GOP in any form. The outspoken Minnesota rep and Tea Partier announced last night that she's ending her bid for the GOP's No. 4 House leadership position, reports the New York Times, which notes...

GOP Holds Lead in Home Stretch
 GOP Holds Lead 
 in Home Stretch 
Scoreboard Update

GOP Holds Lead in Home Stretch

Enthusiasm gap leaves Democrats trailing in likely voters

(Newser) - Republicans are in the driver’s seat as the 2010 election winds down, despite a vigorous last-ditch push from Democrats, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll. Overall, registered voters narrowly prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one, but among likely voters, Republicans hold a 50%-43% edge. In...

Poll: Democrats Gain on GOP
 Poll: Democrats 
 Gain on GOP

Poll: Democrats Gain on GOP

But they're still way behind

(Newser) - After taking a pounding in the polls for months, Democrats are gaining ground ahead of the 2010 election. Over the last month, they’ve cut the GOP lead in half on the question of which party’s candidates voters support, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll , and Democratic...

News Corp. Made Second $1M Donation to GOP Group

US Chamber of Commerce the recipient of Rupert Murdoch's cash

(Newser) - It turns out that Fox News parent company News Corp . didn't make one $1 million donation to a GOP-linked group over the summer: It made two. The beneficiary of Rupert Murdoch 's largesse is none other than the US Chamber of Commerce, a Republican-aligned business lobby that is running a...

John Boehner Really, Really Loves Lobbyists

GOP star is proud to back corporate America

(Newser) - Rep. John Boehner , would-be speaker of the House , has an unusually close relationship with lobbyists, finds the New York Times . The "perpetually tanned, sharply tailored, chain-smoking golfer" from Ohio cultivates an inner circle tied to some of America's most powerful companies, particularly tobacco and financial services firms.

Boehner: Speaker in the Wings
 Speaker in 
 the Wings 


Boehner: Speaker in the Wings

The man who would unseat Nancy Pelosi has a tough task

(Newser) - John Boehner's mainly known for his dogged resistance to Barack Obama's agenda and the perpetual tan that would suggest he represents sunnier climes than Ohio, reports the AP in an in-depth look at the man you might soon know as speaker of the House. But which Boehner will show up,...

GOP's New Health Reform Trick: Don't Fund It

Boehner and Co. know a repeal's impossible

(Newser) - Republicans threatening to repeal health reform is nothing new, but the GOP is realizing the futility of that and moving on to a new tactic: denying funding to pieces of the bill. "Clearly, with the president’s veto pen, we’re going to have to take interim steps,”...

Obama: Congress Is Hypocritical on Oil Spill

Same pols screaming about slow response would have blocked regulation

(Newser) - President Obama wants some members of Congress slamming his response to the Gulf oil spill to know they can't have it both ways, he tells Politico. "If six months ago, I had gone up to Congress and I had said we need to crack down a lot harder on...

Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite
Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite
Dana Milbank

Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite

'Republican Revolution' beginning to look like horndog revolution

(Newser) - Mark Souder may be leaving Congress as a disgraced hypocrite, but hey, at least he ought to fit in at the Republican House Class of '94 reunion. He can hang out and talk sex with Mark Foley, or Mark Sanford, or John Ensign, or any of the whopping 15 Republican...

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