British Petroleum

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BP Response Plan Was Based on Surface Spills

Government models weren't updated for deepwater drilling

(Newser) - BP's response to the Gulf spill was based on outdated government-provided models that were proven wrong by scientists before they were proven wrong by the disaster. The Minerals Management Service predictions—which didn't even address how oil would behave when spilled a mile under the surface—gave very low odds...

Glitch Sends More Oil Gushing Into Gulf

BP has to remove containment cap after robot bumps it

(Newser) - Another BP glitch in the Gulf has sent what appears to be significantly more oil gushing into the ocean. The company had to remove its containment cap today after a robot sub bumped into the venting system, reports NBC . BP hopes to have it back in place later today, but...

Judge Blocks Drilling Ban; White House Will Appeal

Affected companies oppose 6-month moratorium

(Newser) - The Obama administration may not impose a 6-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal judge in New Orleans ruled today. The White House immediately said it plans to appeal the decision, CNN reports . The Interior Department imposed the ban in the wake of the...

Dave's Latest Top 10 Target: BP's CEO

Brilliants ways Tony Hayward can improve his image

(Newser) - David Letterman knows a thing or two about image repair, and last night he had a few suggestions for bumbling BP CEO Tony Hayward, compliments of his Top 10 list. Should Hayward follow tips like "No. 10: Catch Osama" and "No. 2: Hang out at BP station, let...

BP Has Failed; Blow Up the Well
 BP Has Failed; 
 Blow Up the Well 

BP Has Failed; Blow Up the Well

The Navy should take over here

(Newser) - BP isn’t even trying to stop the oil leak anymore—Tony Hayward admitted as much to Congress last week. The company is content to wait months for its relief wells to come online. So enough is enough: It’s time to take this situation out of the bumbling hands...

BP, Transocean Hire Swarm of Lobbyists

...who swear they're just 'trying to give information to people'

(Newser) - The oil gushing into the Gulf has been black gold for one someone: the lobbyist. BP, Transocean, Halliburton, and many, many other small and large industry players affected by the spill have hired a bevy of lobbyists from both sides of the aisle, reports the Washington Post , which offers an...

BP Fought Back Against Obama Demands

Balked at picking up tab for White House drilling moratorium

(Newser) - BP didn’t just roll over in the face of Barack Obama’s (ahem) “shakedown.” At the negotiating table, the oil giant managed to shoot down some of the White House’s requests, the Wall Street Journal reports—for example, it refused to pay to restore the Gulf...

Meet Bob Dudley, BP's Tough New Gulf Boss

American Bob Dudley takes over spill management

(Newser) - Now that Tony Hayward has gotten his life back , BP is turning to a yank—Bob Dudley—to salvage its Gulf debacle, and the managing director may actually have had tougher jobs than this one. Dudley made a name for himself by steering BP's Russian consortium through a bizarre political...

Music Stars Join Together in BP Boycott

Lady Gaga, Korn, others won't use BP fuel

(Newser) - A coalition of artists including Lady Gaga, the Backstreet Boys and Creed won't be filling the tanks of their tour buses at BP stations this summer. Korn's Jonathan Davis is leading the drive to get as many musicians as possible on board for a boycott of all BP fuels. News...

BP: Well Could Gush 100K Barrels a Day

Internal estimates much higher than what it first told Congress

(Newser) - BP's doomsday scenario was that a ruptured well could gush up to 100,000 barrels of oil a day, according to internal documents released today by Rep. Ed Markey—a far cry from the 5,000 barrels at which it pegged the leak at the time it submitted the documents...

Emanuel: BP's CEO 'Got His Life Back'
 BP's CEO 
 'Got His 
  Life Back' 


Emanuel: BP's CEO 'Got His Life Back'

Hayward has no future in PR, says Rahmbo

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel isn't so sure that BP CEO Tony Hayward should keep his day job, but he definitely should rule out a career in PR after his yachting debacle. "Well, to quote Tony Hayward, he has got his life back,” Emanuel told This Week, adding that, "This...

How to Stop Spill? Lawmakers Try Prayer

Today's the day to ask for God's help in stemming the flow

(Newser) - The efforts by mere mortals to stop the crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico from the disabled Deepwater Horizon have been a series of failures, followed by partial, and precarious at that, successes at diverting the flow. So Louisiana state legislators decided it was necessary to appeal to...

BP's Tony Hayward Spends Day at Yacht Race

The gaffe-prone CEO causes another PR kerfuffle

(Newser) - The Internet is awash in "getting his life back" jokes. A day after being relieved of day-to-day duties on the Gulf spill, BP CEO Tony Hayward jetted overseas to watch his yacht (named "Bob") compete in a swank race off the coast of England, reports AP . As...

BP Used Cheaper Well Design in Gulf

'Long string' is riskier for deepwater sites

(Newser) - Two more of those cute oil-drilling phrases to keep track of: "long string" and "liner tieback." Both refer to well designs, with "long string" the cheaper of the two because it's relatively easy to execute. "Liner tieback" is more complex, and thus more expensive, but...

Rand Paul: Let Joe Barton Explain Himself

Limbaugh, others say 'shakedown' is accurate term

(Newser) - Rand Paul's been in enough hot water lately, so he stops short of endorsing Joe Barton's infamous apology to BP. But he feels his pain, notes Think Progress . "I don't know about that," he said when asked about the statement. "I don't want to pile on him...

BP Partner: It's BP's Fault
 BP Partner: It's BP's Fault  

BP Partner: It's BP's Fault

Andarko thinks oil giant guilty of negligence, should keep paying

(Newser) - Anadarko Petroleum Corp., which owns a quarter of BP PLC's blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, late yesterday blasted BP's "reckless decisions and actions" that led to the well's explosion. The information disclosed this week "indicates BP operated unsafely and failed to monitor and react to...

Gulf Shrimpers, Out of a Job, Work for BP

Oil giant pays victims competitive wages to clean up its mess

(Newser) - For shrimpers on the Gulf of Mexico unable to practice their trade because of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, one employment option remains: working for BP, the company that destroyed their livelihood. The oil giant's "Vessels of Opportunity" program covers costs and pays trawlers close to what they would...

BP Pulls Hayward From Spill Duties

Chairman says he'll deal with media more

(Newser) - Looks as though Tony Hayward’s getting his life back after all. The BP CEO is handing over operations in the Gulf of Mexico to managing director Bob Dudley and heading back to England, at least for a while, chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg tells Sky News . Hayward probably won’t be...

Tony Hayward's Favorite Line: I Don't Know

If Tony Hayward is a guide, you need to know nothing

(Newser) - Joe Barton may have stolen some of the thunder at yesterday's congressional hearing with his BP apology and retraction , but let's not forget the performance of CEO Tony Hayward, who did "his best imitation of a blowup doll," complain Jason Linkins and Ben Craw. If Hayward is to...

Stewart Tears Into Joe Barton

Apologizing to BP is like defending Jeffrey Dahmer

(Newser) - Jon Stewart turned his attention once more to the Gulf spill, or, as he likes to call it, Day 59 of the Strife Aquatic—which means he naturally had to rip into Joe Barton and his mea culpa , which Stewart likened to saying something as sensible as: "It pains...

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