death camp

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Horrific Death Camp Draws Record Tourism

Auschwitz-Birkenau has 1.43M visitors in 2012

(Newser) - Perhaps the most tragic site in modern European history is drawing record tourist traffic, AFP reports. The Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in southern Poland—where some 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were killed by Nazis during World War II—saw 1.43 million visitors in 2012. "Over the last...

Obama to Poland: Sorry About Gaffe

He regrets the death-camp error, he writes in letter to president

(Newser) - President Obama has apologized to Poland for the "Polish death camp" gaffe he made earlier this week, the AP reports. "In referring to 'a Polish death camp' rather than 'a Nazi death camp in German-occupied Poland,' I inadvertently used a phrase that has caused many...

Obama Death-Camp Gaffe Angers Poles

He referred to a WWII 'Polish death camp'

(Newser) - President Obama paid tribute to a Polish war hero yesterday, but managed to infuriate Poland in the process. At a White House ceremony honoring resistance fighter Jan Karski, who tried to alert the world to the Holocaust, Obama used the phrase "Polish death camp," which is terminology that...

Germany Reopens Hundreds of Nazi Investigations

John Demjanjuk's conviction sets new precedent, say prosecutors

(Newser) - Now that John Demjanjuk has been convicted of war crimes, Germany has reopened investigations into hundreds of other former Nazi death camp guards, looking for ones who might share his profile. Demjanjuk's conviction sets a precedent that could allow others to be charged, prosecutors say, although they are waiting...

Third Most-Wanted Nazi Dies a Free Man

Justice seekers frustrated after Samuel Kunz dies before trial

(Newser) - German prosecutors have evidence linking Samuel Kunz to the murder of 430,000 Jews at a death camp in Poland. What they don't have anymore is a living suspect. Kunz has died peacefully at his home in Germany, where he was due to stand trial next year, the Independent reports....

Death Camp Survivor Confronts Demjanjuk

Ukranian guards 'worse than Germans,' Thomas Blatt tells court

(Newser) - One of the very few survivors of Sobibor yesterday recounted death camp horrors at the Munich trial of alleged SS guard John Demjanjuk. Thomas Blatt, 82, told jurors how he saw his parents and 10-year-old brother sent to the gas chambers at the Polish camp, the Independent reports. Ukrainians like...

Polish Cops Find Auschwitz Sign Cut Into 3 Pieces

5 men in custody after nationwide search

(Newser) - The infamous sign stolen last week from the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz has been recovered, and five men are under arrest, Polish police said tonight. The sign, which reads "Arbeit Macht Frei" ("work makes you free"), had been cut into three pieces, one holding each word....

Infamous Auschwitz Sign Stolen
 Infamous Auschwitz Sign Stolen 

Infamous Auschwitz Sign Stolen

Thieves remove 'Work Makes You Free' inscription from gate

(Newser) - Thieves have made off with the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign that spans a gate at Auschwitz. The sign—which reads "Work Makes You Free" in German—was unscrewed and carried away overnight, AP reports. Police have no suspects but they are reviewing surveillance video footage and pursuing several...

Fever Delays Demjanjuk Trial
 Fever Delays Demjanjuk Trial 

Fever Delays Demjanjuk Trial

Alleged Nazi war criminal too sick to go to court

(Newser) - The trial of John Demjanjuk on charges of accessory to the murder of 27,900 Jews as a Nazi death camp guard was called off for the day today after a doctor determined he was too ill to come to court. Presiding Judge Ralph Alt said the doctor examined Demjanjuk,...

Survivors Weep at Demjanjuk Trial

Names of Sobibor victims read aloud in court

(Newser) - Survivors of Nazi concentration camps and relatives of victims shed tears today at the trial of accused guard John Demjanjuk. The plaintiffs heard a partial list of the 27,900 victims of the Sobibor death camp, where the prosecution alleges Demjanjuk worked. The defendant, strapped to a stretcher, held firm...

Demjanjuk Farce Is a Funny Kind of Justice
Demjanjuk Farce Is
a Funny Kind of Justice

Demjanjuk Farce Is a Funny Kind of Justice

Prosecution seems to be more about German guilt than alleged war criminal's

(Newser) - The world's eyes will be on alleged Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk when he stands trial in Germany next month, but this dying old man is a strange candidate to be the last Nazi to be tried, writes Scott Raab. Demjanjuk—regardless of whether he is guilty of serving at...

Auschwitz Joins Facebook
 Auschwitz Joins Facebook 

Auschwitz Joins Facebook

Museum hopes profile will educate young people

(Newser) - The Auschwitz death camp—now a museum about the horrors that transpired there—has joined Facebook. Officials hope to educate young people about the Holocaust but say they are sensitive to concerns about trivializing the site's history. "We want it to be a place of discourse, but of course...

Demjanjuk Fit to Stand Trial, Germany Rules

Accused Nazi death-camp guard, 89, is officially stateless

(Newser) - John Demjanjuk is physically able to stand trial for his alleged role as an accessory to murder in a Nazi death camp, German officials ruled today. The family of the retired Ohio autoworker, 89, had said ill health made him unfit, but the only condition doctors imposed was a limit...

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