People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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PETA: Go Vegan, Mars!
 PETA: Go Vegan, Mars! 

PETA: Go Vegan, Mars!

Animal rights organization lobbies SpaceX founder

(Newser) - If PETA has taught us nothing else, it is that we have completely messed up our own planet with our insistence on wearing fur, eating meat, and racing goldfish . But there's a light at the end of the tunnel: Mars. The animal rights organization is lobbying for the planet...

PETA Contest Prize? Free Vasectomy

An inspired way to bring awareness to the neutering issue

(Newser) - This has got to be one of PETA’s weirdest stunts yet: The animal rights group is staging a contest related to its spay/neuter campaign, and the lucky winner will get … a free vasectomy. To enter, you just get your cat or dog spayed or neutered, then submit an...

PETA to LiLo: We'll Pay for Rehab If...

...she becomes a vegan. Or $20K of rehab, at least

(Newser) - If Lindsay Lohan really wants her stint in rehab to be sponsored , all she has to do is give up her addiction ... to meat and cheese. Headline-grabbing PETA has reached out to the star, offering to pitch in $10,000 if she goes vegan for the rest of her stay—...

Bush-Era FBI Put Liberal Activists on Terror List
Bush-Era FBI Put Liberal Activists on Terror List

Bush-Era FBI Put Liberal Activists on Terror List

PETA, Greenpeace, others unfairly targeted

(Newser) - The FBI investigated and monitored a variety of liberal activist groups without proper cause during the Bush Administration, the Justice Department concluded today. Though the Inspector General cleared the FBI of the most serious allegation against it—that it targeted the groups based on how they exercised their First Amendment...

Ringling Trainer's Photos Fuel Abuse Charges

Qualms about baby elephant treatment leads trainer to PETA

(Newser) - The posthumous confessions of a former Ringling Bros. elephant wrangler have given PETA new ammunition in its ongoing fight against the nation’s biggest circus, which it accuses of animal cruelty. Sammy Haddock, who appears to have been seeking absolution, documented what he attested is brutish behavior towards baby elephants...

Worst. Blog. Name. Ever.
Worst. Blog. Name.

Worst. Blog. Name. Ever.

The PETA Files are raising some eyebrows

(Newser) - The fine, no doubt well-intentioned people at PETA have a new blog, notes Chris Matyszczyk of CNET, and they evidently didn’t put too much thought into the name. It’s called (drum roll please): The PETA Files. At least, let’s assume they didn’t put much thought into...

PETA Launches Curious Attack on the Overweight

(Newser) - PETA has rolled out a new ad campaign that does not sit well with the more portly among us, the Huffington Post reports. A billboard in Jacksonville, Fla., features a cartoon of an overweight woman in a bikini with the message: “Save the whales, Lose the Blubber: Go Vegetarian....

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