
7 Stories

For Man in Diabetic Shock, McDonald's Worker Knew What to Do

Michigan restaurant manager comes to the rescue of elderly customer with a sugar-loaded OJ

(Newser) - A scary bout with low blood sugar ended in relief for an elderly Michigan man thanks to a quick-thinking McDonald's worker last month. On Sept. 20, Sue Causey went to pick up her husband, 84-year-old Ron Causey, at a senior center in Southgate, where he'd been playing cards—...

Borders Staff List Ways We Drove 'Em Crazy

Workers displayed 'Things We Never Told You' before shutdown

(Newser) - Ah, the joys of customer service. Before Borders went belly up, employees displayed a list of grievances with us ... the customers. Entertainment Weekly's Shelf Life blog lists the bullet-pointed "Ode to a Bookstore Death":
  • "It confused us when we were asked where the non-fiction section is."

Guy Orders KFC, Gets Bag of Cash Instead

Customer realizes error, calls cops

(Newser) - A 21-year-old man just wanted some fried chicken, but when he left the drive-through of a KFC in Kansas and looked in his bag, it was instead full of money. Seems an employee had put the bank deposit into a bag, which another employee accidentally gave to the man in...

Brawl Over Starbucks Lingo Gets Customer Booted

'All I did was ask for a bagel,' professor insists

(Newser) - It was only a matter of time before Starbucks' bizarre lingo (tall? whatever happened to small?) drove someone batty. Fittingly, it was a college English professor who finally had enough, and subsequently got removed from the store by three police officers. "I just wanted a multigrain bagel," Lynne...

Guy Crawls Through Drive-Thru for Filet-O-Fish
Guy Crawls Through
Drive-Thru for Filet-O-Fish
extreme munchies dept

Guy Crawls Through Drive-Thru for Filet-O-Fish

Pushes, slaps McDonald's employee before taking sandwich

(Newser) - A New Jersey man really, really wanted his Filet-O-Fish—and he crawled through a McDonald’s drive-thru window to get it. “His Filet-O-Fish was taking too long at 4:30 in the morning,” a police officer tells NBCNewYork , so the customer climbed through the window, pushed an employee...

Online, Everyone's a Critic—but Not So Critical

Customer reviews tend to be positive

(Newser) - Online reviewers are a little like T-Ball parents: To them, everyone’s a winner. Though the Internet is laden with snark and meanness, customer reviews are a bastion of the positive, with the average grade sitting at about 4.3 out of 5 stars, according to Bazaarvoice, a company that...

After Clunker Frenzy, Dealers Expect a Slump

(Newser) - Just as the "cash for clunkers" program sparked a boom in auto sales, its cancellation will likely depress the industry, CNNMoney reports. As of today, the last day of the government-funded incentive, rebate applications for 625,000 trade-ins totaling $2.58 billion had been submitted. “We're definitely going...

7 Stories
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