National Mall

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Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Opens on Washington DC National Mall Today
 MLK Memorial Opens 

MLK Memorial Opens

Week of formal galas will precede Sunday's dedication

(Newser) - The official dedication isn’t until Sunday, but the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial on the National Mall opens today at 11am. The 30-foot-tall sculpture and 450-foot-long quotations-inscribed wall sit between the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, the AP notes. A week of white-tie and black-tie events will precede Sunday’s...

Park Service Approves Glenn Beck's DC Rally

It's on the anniversary of MLK's 'I Have a Dream' speech

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's controversial DC rally is a go. The National Park Service has approved a permit to stage his "Restoring Honor" event at the National Mall on Aug. 28, the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech at the same location, reports the Washington Post...

'Non-Political' Glenn Beck Rally Looks Pretty Political

...despite foundation's 501(c)3 status

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has insisted that his much-hyped Aug. 17 rally on the national mall will not be political. "This is not a tea party," he said on his radio show in May. "This is not a political event." That's because he's holding the event with the...

Michelle Obama to GWU Grads: 'Keep Giving'

First lady urges new alumni to stay involved

(Newser) - When Michelle Obama agreed to be George Washington University's commencement speaker, she challenged the school's 5,000 seniors to do 100,000 hours of community service. They completed 163,980 hours, reports the Washington Post , spurring the first lady to joke at today's ceremony that if she had known they...

America's Best National Parks
 America's Best National Parks 

America's Best National Parks

(Newser) - In the recession, international air travel is down and national park attendance is way up. Forbes runs down the crème de la crème of America’s national treasures, but be warned: “It's been incredibly hard to get camping space at most national parks,” one travel agent...

After Historic Day, Historic Cleanup

Trash-bin shortage caused tons of litter to pile up

(Newser) - Crews working into the wee hours hauled away at least 130 tons of garbage after America’s largest, and messiest, outdoor bash Tuesday, the Washington Post reports. With trashcans removed for security precautions, inauguration attendees littered the National Mall, leaving it looking like a rendition of Disney's Wall-E. Obama gear,...

Thousands With Tickets Turned Away From Mall

(Newser) - While some fought to escape the Mall after the inauguration, thousands of frustrated ticketholders were barred from entering to see the swearing in of President Barack Obama, the Washington Post reports. “It is irresponsible to issue all of these tickets and not let the people in,” one Californian...

Obamas Visit Bushes While Huge Crowd Waits
Obamas Visit Bushes While Huge Crowd Waits

Obamas Visit Bushes While Huge Crowd Waits

DC's mood lightens as thousands crowd the Mall for inauguration

(Newser) - A tell-your-grandchildren moment is happening in DC right now, reports CNN. Barack and Michelle Obama went from church to the White House to meet George and Laura Bush; then they’re on to the Capitol. Hundreds of thousands are gathered, with up to 2 million expected. One local says Washington’...

Inaugural Crowds Strain DC Transport

Commuters trapped inside station for more than 30 minutes

(Newser) - Washington’s public-transportation system is stretched to breaking today as crowds arriving on the Metro and commuter trains choke the exits at L’Enfant Plaza, the main disembarkation point for the National Mall. At 8:15am, a medical emergency forced officials to slow crowds leaving the station, and packed platforms...

Record 4M Expected Inauguration Day

Unprecedented interest in historic event

(Newser) - A record 4 million people are expected to pack Washington for the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, reports the Washington Post. Extra giant TV screens will be placed on the inaugural parade route and in sections of the Washington Mall to give as many visitors as possible the opportunity to...

Panel Rips MLK Statue, Says He Looks Like a Dictator

Fed commission calls 28-foot sculpture too much like totalitarian art

(Newser) - A federal arts panel is demanding changes to a colossal statue of Martin Luther King Jr. planned for the heart of Washington because commissioners think King looks too "confrontational," almost like a dictator, reports the Washington Post. The 28-foot-tall statue is to be the centerpiece of a 4-acre...

Truckers Protest Fuel Prices
 Truckers Protest Fuel Prices 

Truckers Protest Fuel Prices

List of demands includes end to oil-company subsidies

(Newser) - Truckers led a convoy of vehicles around the National Mall today in Washington to protest high fuel prices, the AP reports. Drivers from the group Truckers and Citizens United converged on DC for an afternoon rally to try to influence Congress to end oil-company subsidies, supplement supply with oil from...

This Just In: Newseum Opens
 This Just In: Newseum Opens 

This Just In: Newseum Opens

Relocated institution's self-glorifying quality leaves reviewer cold

(Newser) - The Newseum reopens today in its new, $450 million home off the National Mall, and reaction to the enterprise is mixed. Granting that the interactive, artifact-laden presentation of the history of news is a good mix of education and entertainment, Edward Rothstein of the New York Times also describes it...

Cops Arrest 160 at Iraq Protests
 Cops Arrest 160 at Iraq Protests 

Cops Arrest 160 at Iraq Protests

Demonstrations staged across the US on war's anniversary

(Newser) - Police arrested more than 160 protesters today at demonstrations across the US to  mark the fifth anniversary of the launch of the Iraq war, Reuters reports. More than 100 were arrested in San Francisco alone, where demonstrators staged a "die-in" and disrupted busy Market Street. About 30 were arrested...

NAACP Blasts MLK Sculptor
NAACP Blasts MLK Sculptor

NAACP Blasts MLK Sculptor

Says Chinese artist hails from, glorifies abusive country

(Newser) - California’s NAACP chapter has condemned the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial planned for the National Mall, saying the choice of a Chinese artist “is in direct opposition to Dr. King’s philosophy.” Lei Yixin not only hails from the country “with the worst record of human...

Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban
Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban

Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban

Environmental show will go ahead as planned

(Newser) - The Rio incarnation of Live Earth, the ecofriendly concert extravaganza scheduled for tomorrow on all seven continents, is back on. Security concerns led a judge to put the kibosh on the event, which is expected to draw up to a million would-be environmentalists to Copacabana beach, but organizers have lined...

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