2012 Presidential Candidates

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Why the Daniels Family Vetoed Mitch's 2012 Run

Wife Cheri simply didn't want the scrutiny, insiders say

(Newser) - When Mitch Daniels asked his wife Cheri to deliver the keynote at the Indiana GOP’s spring dinner earlier this month, sources say it was partially an attempt to show her how well-received she would be when she entered the spotlight. But it didn’t work; as we learned yesterday,...

Roger Ailes Thinks Sarah Palin 'Is an Idiot' (New York Magazine Profile)
 Roger Ailes 
 'Thinks Palin 
 Is an Idiot' 
'new york' profile

Roger Ailes 'Thinks Palin Is an Idiot'

'New York' profiles Fox News boss

(Newser) - In the wake of President Obama’s 2008 win, Roger Ailes successfully built up Fox News’ ratings and raked in $900 million last year—but he still hasn’t found a 2012 candidate to throw his weight behind, according to an extensive New York magazine cover story. “You can’...

Mitch Daniels Is Out: Who Will Replace Him in 2012 Presidential Race?
 Daniels Is Out—Now What? 

Daniels Is Out—Now What?

Republicans look for an alternative

(Newser) - Now that Mitch Daniels is officially out of the 2012 race, many Republicans are scanning the field to find another suitable alternative to Mitt Romney. Politico looks at the possibilities:
  • Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Though they have both flatly said they won’t run, donors and operatives are likely

Sunday Morning Talk Shows: GOP Reacts to Mitch Daniels' Decision Not to Run for President

 Boo to Whew!: 
 GOP Reacts to 
 Daniels' Dodge 

Boo to Whew!: GOP Reacts to Daniels' Dodge

Gingrich, predictably, is quite relieved; eyes turn to Paul Ryan, others

(Newser) - A reeling GOP took to the airwaves today to react to Mitch Daniels' decision not to run for president, reports Politico, and to speculate on who might take his place. Paul Ryan's reaction was typically "disappointed. I think his candidacy would have been a great addition to this...

Torqued at Dems, Unions Sit on Wallets

Support to House Democrats drops nearly 50% in first quarter

(Newser) - Angry at lack of support by the Democratic Party in the face of Republican attacks, unions have sharply cut back their financial support, reports the Washington Post . Union political action committee spending for House Democrats dropped nearly in half for the first quarter of 2011, compared to the same period...

Mitch Daniels: I Will Not Be a Candidate

Indiana governor says wife, daughter nixed presidential run

(Newser) - Republicans looking to Mitch Daniels to jump into the 2012 race and be their rock star have their answer: No thanks. “I will not be a candidate,” Daniels said in a statement given to the Indianapolis Star late last night that said his wife and daughters nixed a...

Ex-Pizza CEO Herman Cain Joins 2012 Race

Former Godfather's exec has never won elective office

(Newser) - The pizza man is in, too. Former Godfather's CEO Herman Cain declared today that he's running for president in 2012, reports the Christian Science Monitor . Having never won elective office, the conservative Cain is, of course, a huge long shot, writes Peter Grier. But he's also a...

'Fired Up' Michelle Obama Makes First 2012 Speech

First lady begins 2012 campaign

(Newser) - Michelle Obama made her first foray into the 2012 presidential campaign yesterday, telling donors that her husband needs them to "work like you have never worked before" so he can finish the job he started. Though the first lady said her husband has accomplished much in almost 2 1/2...

Utah Grumbles: Huntsman Isn't Mormon-y Enough

Faithful think he's trying to distance himself from LDS church

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman isn't flying his Mormon colors proudly enough for many in Utah, reports Politico . The former governor's decision to put his 2012 headquarters in Florida, coupled with comments perceived as downplaying his faith (he told Time it was "tough to define" whether he was still a...

Tim Pawlenty to Declare 2012 Bid

Announcement to come Monday, aide says

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty will make the obvious official on Monday: He is indeed running for president. An aide tells Politico that Pawlenty will announce his bid alongside his wife at a town hall in Des Moines. Pawlenty was the first candidate to launch an exploratory committee two months ago, making his...

Michele Bachmann Might as Well Run
 Might as 
 Well Run 

Joan Walsh

Michele Bachmann Might as Well Run

She's no worse than the rest of the GOP field: Joan Walsh

(Newser) - Joan Walsh writes that she used to dismiss the idea of a Michele Bachmann presidential run as laughable. But after watching the GOP's 2012 follies of late— especially you, Newt —she's changing her tune a little. "As the likely GOP contenders engage in a race to...

Newt Donors Head for the Hills
 Newt Donors Head for the Hills 

Newt Donors Head for the Hills

His criticism of Paul Ryan spooks the base

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s vaunted money machine appears to be breaking down in the wake of his Meet the Press appearance, in which he called Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan “right-wing social engineering.” (You can see the video here .) “The last 48 hours have called into question...

Obama Thanks Romney for 'Assist'

Laugh line goes over well in Massachusetts

(Newser) - President Obama held a pair of fundraisers in Boston last night, and in both he tried out a new jab at Mitt Romney, saying that he'd passed health care reform "with a little assist from the former governor of Massachusetts." Both swipes drew laughter, notes the Washington ...

The M-Word: A Moderate Eyes the GOP Nomination

With GOP candidates fighting over the far right, Jon Huntsman aims at middle

(Newser) - Is there room in today's GOP for a presidential nominee who is moderate on gay rights, immigration, and cap-and-trade climate regulation? Someone who even—gasp—supported the stimulus and worked with the Obama administration as ambassador to China? With Jon Huntsman kicking off his first campaign swing through New...

GOP Elites Beg Daniels to Run

Republicans see Indiana governor as their 'savior' in 2012: Politico

(Newser) - When it comes to the 2012 presidential election, Republicans are “depressed,” says one integral GOP member. Lobbyists tell Politico that instead of asking, “Who do you like?” they ask each other, “Who do we back?” Top Republicans, in fact, believe President Obama will be reelected if...

VIDEO: Protester Dumps Glitter Confetti on Newt Gingrich, Wife
 Protester Showers 
 Gingrich With Glitter 
'Feel the rainbow, Newt'

Protester Showers Gingrich With Glitter

Prankster wants politician to 'stop anti-gay politics'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign is off to kind of an embarrassing start . The latest incident: A protester at a Minneapolis book signing yesterday dumped glitter confetti all over Gingrich and his wife. "Feel the rainbow, Newt! Stop the hate! Stop anti-gay politics!" said the man, who told...

In GOP Field, Don't Forget Rick Perry

He's quietly nosing around about a run: Real Clear Politics

(Newser) - Another name to add to the GOP mix for 2012: Rick Perry. The Texas governor publicly denies he's considering a run, but Real Clear Politics reports that he "sees a vacuum and is waiting to be summoned into the race," possibly by late summer. Already, an aide...

Iowan to Gingrich: 'You're an Embarrassment'

Newt takes heat for undercutting Paul Ryan

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is taking heat on the right, after calling Paul Ryan’s Medicare revamp “right-wing social engineering,” and saying he supported a “variation” on an individual health care mandate. Asked about Ryan’s voucher plan on Meet the Press , Gingrich replied, “I think that that...

Mitt Romney Raises $10M in One Day

Donors hope to intimidate rivals with show of financial muscle

(Newser) - Mitt Romney flexed his financial muscle yesterday, raising $10.25 million in a one-day call-a-thon. “That’s a terrific start,” Romney told reporters, adding, “Actually, it’s more than just a start—it really gives us the boost that we need.” It’s also the kind...

Donald Trump's Flirtation With Presidential Run: What We Learned
 What We Learned From Trump 

What We Learned From Trump

Confrontation is good, media might not be so good

(Newser) - Donald Trump is taking his toys (and his hair) out of the 2012 sandbox and going home to run Celebrity Apprentice, and that has the blogosphere predictably buzzing. A sample of reactions to the Donald's departure:
  • Chris Cillizza, the Washington Post: While "Trump’s Icarus-like rise and fall

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