Facebook privacy

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Zuckerberg's Facebook Page Hacked

'Let the hacking begin,' writes Zuckerberg impostor

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg may need to fiddle with his privacy settings: The Facebook founder's fan page appears to have been hacked. An impostor, posting under what seems to have been Zuckerberg's identity, urged Facebook to transform itself into a "social business" in a post on Zuckerberg's own fan page yesterday,...

Facebook Pauses Phone, Address Sharing

It will be back, but only if you want it, says rep

(Newser) - You can breathe easier: Facebook won’t be sharing your phone numbers and addresses with third-party applications—at least, not just yet. After the company’s announcement of the new feature generated yet another privacy uproar, a director wrote on Facebook’s developer blog that it will put the feature...

Zuckerberg Unveils Facebook Redesign on 60 Minutes

Honcho also talks privacy, Social Network

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg talked about privacy, The Social Network, and Facebook's brand new look in a wide-ranging 60 Minutes interview. The profile-page revamp, which is being rolled out in the coming weeks, offers new ways for users to organize and tag their friends, including new fields for sports played and teams...

Google, Facebook Bicker Over Contacts

Social network sneaks around search giant's block

(Newser) - Angered by Facebook’s data export policies, Google barred Facebook users from importing Gmail contacts last week—but Facebook quickly found a way around the problem, the Guardian reports. Calling for a “world of true data liberation,” Google labeled the social networking site a “data dead end”...

13 Things You Should Never Post on Facebook
13 Things You Should
Never Post on Facebook

13 Things You Should Never Post on Facebook

C'mon, now: You know not to post your phone number ... right?

(Newser) - Love bragging to your Facebook friends that you and your roomie are about to embark on a 10-mile run? Stop. You're basically broadcasting to thieves that your home is theirs for the taking for the next 90 minutes. On the Huffington Post , Catharine Smith and Bianca Bosker list 12 more...

MySpace Leaks User Data, Too
 MySpace Leaks User Data, Too 

MySpace Leaks User Data, Too

But, apparently, it's not quite as bad as Facebook

(Newser) - Poor MySpace: Even in a privacy flap, it has a hard time competing with Facebook. In the wake of the latest Facebook privacy uproar—some apps on the social networking site have been leaking user data —comes news that MySpace has similar problems. Both MySpace itself as well as...

Facebook Likely Outing Gays to Advertisers

Sexual preference may be revealed even if hidden to your friends

(Newser) - Just days after it was revealed that Facebook apps were leaking personal user data , another privacy flap for the social networking site: This time, it appears that Facebook is giving sensitive information—specifically, sexual orientation—to advertisers. Researchers from Microsoft and Germany’s Max Planck Institute recently released a paper...

Congress Has Some Questions for Zuckerberg

 Congress Has 
 Some Questions 
 for Zuckerberg 
facebook privacy breach

Congress Has Some Questions for Zuckerberg

Two representatives get involved in the latest privacy breach

(Newser) - Congress is getting involved in the latest Facebook privacy snafu. Following Monday’s revelation that many popular Facebook apps are transmitting identifying information to dozens of companies, two House members are asking the social networking site for more information about how applications handle user details. Facebook has until Oct. 27...

Facebook Apps Transmitting Personal Data to Firms
Facebook Apps Are Leaking Your Personal Data

Facebook Apps Are Leaking Your Personal Data

Company 'working to fix problem'

(Newser) - Your oh-so-strict Facebook privacy settings aren't necessarily protecting you: Many popular Facebook applications have been transmitting identifying information to dozens of firms, a Wall Street Journal investigation has discovered. It's an issue that affects ten of millions of users and one that breaks the company's own rules about privacy. A...

Facebook Privacy: Deleted Photos Are Not Immediately Deleted
Those Deleted Facebook Pics? Not Actually Deleted

Those Deleted Facebook Pics? Not Actually Deleted

Sixteen months later, one writer's photo can still be found

(Newser) - Despite all Facebook’s talk about improving privacy, it still takes an awfully long time for photos to actually be deleted from the site. Jacqui Cheng experimented with deleting one of her photos from Flickr, Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook last year . Flickr and Twitter removed the photos within seconds—meaning...

Six Reasons Why I&rsquo;m Not on Facebook
Six Reasons Why
I’m Not on Facebook

Six Reasons Why I’m Not on Facebook

Wired 's UK editor on why he bucks the trend

(Newser) - David Rowan knows that shunning social networks will make him sound like an "old dude." But the UK editor of Wired is OK with 'old' if that means avoiding the social and political costs of our "ever-greater enmeshment" in proprietary networks. Here's what turns this techie off:...

Would-Be Abortion Clinic Bomber Caught Via Facebook

FBI busts NC man who posted threats online

(Newser) - Want to bomb an abortion clinic, or anything, for that matter? Maybe don't advertise it on Facebook. A North Carolina man who described himself as "the Christian counterpart of Osama bin Laden" on his Facebook page faces 20 years in prison after Planned Parenthood alerted the FBI to his...

Zuck: Privacy Is the 'Third Rail'
 Zuck: Privacy Is the 'Third Rail'  
'new yorker' profile

Zuck: Privacy Is the 'Third Rail'

Facebook founder opens up for rare interview

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg granted a rare interview to the New Yorker , and though it discloses nothing too shocking, the Facebook founder is getting some attention for his latest comments about privacy. Highlights:
  • On privacy: Privacy is the Internet's "third-rail issue," he says. “A lot of people who are

New Facebook Feature Makes Stalking Even Easier!

Surely Mark Zuckerberg saw this backlash coming

(Newser) - Another day, another Facebook privacy flap: Now the social networking giant is testing a feature that Mashable calls a "stalker button." It's actually a subscription feature, allowing you to subscribe to all the actions of any of your friends—meaning you will receive notifications any time that person...

Zuckerberg Fights to Keep Private Life Out of Lawsuit
Zuckerberg Fights to Keep Private Life Out of Lawsuit
oh, the irony dept.

Zuckerberg Fights to Keep Private Life Out of Lawsuit

Wants to keep lid on 'unnecessary details'

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg would like a little privacy, please. The head honcho of Facebook, who is currently fighting Paul Ceglia's claim to own 84% of the site, says the lawsuit is trying to uncover unnecessary, private details about his life in order to harass him. The claim seems to stem from...

Germany Bans Bosses From Checking Your Facebook

Some 45% of employers vet applicants on social-networking sites

(Newser) - You look great in your interview duds and make a smashing first impression, so what could torpedo your chances of getting the job? Those Facebook photos of you doing a kegstand. Move to Germany, reports der Spiegel, where Berlin has recently banned bosses from checking would-be employees' social-networking profiles. The...

Unblockable Zuckerberg Story Is BS, Says Facebook

Happens to users blocked 'large number of times'

(Newser) - This morning started out as Everybody Pile on Zuck Day, with the media (including your favorite site, Newser) reporting that Mark Zuckerberg is the only Facebook user who absolutely, positively cannot be blocked . Not so, according to a "Facebook spokesperson" (from the appropriately named " OutCast PR ")....

You Can't Block Zuckerberg
 You Can't Block Zuckerberg 

You Can't Block Zuckerberg

Why not? It's a mystery

(Newser) - If you’re creeped out by Mark Zuckerberg and his apparently insatiable desire to know exactly where you are and what you’re doing , you could always just block him on Facebook, right? Wrong. As BlockZuck.com points out, the Zuck appears to be the only Facebook user who can’...

How to Disable Facebook's Places

Location-based feature is opt-in—here's how to opt out

(Newser) - Facebook has unveiled its long-awaited Places feature , as usual assuming that all users will be thrilled to "take part in all of their privacy-eroding new features," writes Adam Dachis at Lifehacker . Luckily, "it's pretty easy to opt out of this one," he says, assuming you're not...

ACLU Bemoans Facebook Places, but Many Are Fans
ACLU Bemoans Facebook Places, but Many Are Fans

ACLU Bemoans Facebook Places, but Many Are Fans

Privacy isn't a concern, say others

(Newser) - Facebook’s highly anticipated “Places” feature is here , and the ACLU is not happy about it. It's taken issue with features that allow your friends to check in for you and allow non-friends to see where you are via “Here Now." It declares (bold theirs) "in ...

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