Kirk Cameron

10 Stories

Candace Cameron Bure Speaks Out on Kirk's Protests

She wasn't a part, but doesn't appreciate some of the responses

(Newser) - Candace Cameron Bure would like to make three things clear: No, she has not taken part in her older brother Kirk Cameron's infamous Christmas caroling protests involving throngs of people standing close together and singing, sans masks. Yes, she herself makes sure to practice social distancing and wear a...

Kirk Cameron Leads Yet Another Maskless Caroling Event

Dozens of people joined actor for event in Southern California

(Newser) - Kirk Cameron is ticked off about Southern California's pandemic stay-at-home order, and he's been using the most seasonal of ways to protest it: Christmas caroling. The Growing Pains star has already held two previous singalongs this month attended by hundreds, and on Tuesday he added a third. CBS...

Kirk Cameron Holds Christmas Carol Protests

Hundreds of maskless attendees throng together, singing

(Newser) - Outspoken conservative evangelical Kirk Cameron is staging Christmas caroling protests in Southern California. As TMZ reports, the first one, held Dec. 6, had more than 500 attendees. The second, held Sunday in a mall parking lot in Thousand Oaks, aimed to have more than that and may have accomplished that...

Saving Christmas 'Wins' Big at Razzies

Golden Raspberries salute 'Kirk Cameron & His Ego'

(Newser) - As the Oscars get ready to allegedly salute Hollywood's best tonight, the Razzies held up its stinkers, and Kirk Cameron, you are the big winner. The former Growing Pains star was awarded not one, but four Golden Raspberries last night for his Saving Christmas, reports People . Cameron won Worst...

6 Celebs Who Waited for Marriage

...or at least said they were going to

(Newser) - Need a celebrity role model for your kids? The Stir rounds up 15 stars who stayed virgins until marriage—or at least for a long time:
  • Jessica Simpson: She famously vowed to remain a virgin until marriage, and did—the first time around. The second time around, not so much

Child Stars Oppose Kirk Cameron in Funny or Die PSA

New video is a blast from the past

(Newser) - Evie from Out of This World and Wesley T. Owens from Mr. Belvedere have a message for Kirk Cameron: Cool it with the anti-gay stuff . Evie (aka Maureen Flannigan) and Wesley (aka Brice Beckham) are two of the former child stars who appear in Funny or Die's new video...

Move Over, Kirk: 14 More Anti-Gay Celeb Comments

Mel Gibson, Donald Trump have also made controversial statements

(Newser) - Kirk Cameron isn't backing down from his recent comments that homosexuality is "destructive" to civilization, and it turns out he has a bit of company in Hollywood. The Huffington Post rounds up 14 other celebrities who've been slammed for making anti-gay comments—only some of whom apologized:...

Kirk Cameron Defends His Anti-Gay Comments

Says he's been 'slandered' unfairly

(Newser) - Kirk Cameron, predictably, responded today to the controversy over his recent comments on the "destructiveness" of homosexuality , but he's not backing down. When he appeared on Piers Morgan Tonight Friday, "I spoke as honestly as I could, but some people believe my responses were not loving toward...

Kirk Cameron: Homosexuality Is 'Destructive'

Piers Morgan grills former teen heartthrob on anti-gay-marriage views

(Newser) - Former sitcom star Kirk Cameron flexed his anti-gay-marriage muscle on Piers Morgan last night, the Huffington Post reports. The 1980s Growing Pains heartthrob called homosexuality "unnatural ... I think it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization." Now a "devoted follower of...

Students School Kirk Cameron on Darwin

Child actor-turned-creationist gets schooled by UCLA students

(Newser) - Kirk Cameron embarked on his Darwin-is-like-Hitler tour, visiting UCLA last week to pass out copies of a "revised" edition of On the Origin of the Species that tries to compare the two historical figures—and video has surfaced of the former Growing Pains actor getting taken down by a...

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