Tiger Woods Rachel Uchitel

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Rachel Uchitel Had 'Crazy Ambien Sex' With Tiger
 Rachel Uchitel Had 
 'Crazy Ambien Sex' With Tiger 

Rachel Uchitel Had 'Crazy Ambien Sex' With Tiger

Plus, Ashley Dupre, of all people, weighs in on Woods scandal

(Newser) - The Tiger Woods news just keeps on getting more disturbing: The latest revelation involves the drugs he allegedly did with Rachel Uchitel before they slept together. Uchitel, aka alleged mistress No. 1, bragged to friends about her “crazy Ambien sex” with Tiger, sources tell Radar . Why the insomnia drug?...

Tiger Voicemail: The Slow Jam
 Tiger Voicemail: The Slow Jam 

Tiger Voicemail: The Slow Jam

Woods' message for Jaimee Grubbs gets remixed, and more

(Newser) - Just when you thought the Tiger Woods scandal couldn’t possibly go more viral, some genius remixed the golfer’s infamous voicemail left for Jaimee Grubbs and turned it into a slow jam. The Frisky points to the sure-to-be-a-hit track—listen via the video. In more Tiger-goes-pop-culture news, check out...

Childhood Pal Arranged, Covered Up Tiger's Trysts

Byron Bell is also president of one of Woods' companies

(Newser) - A childhood friend who’s now the president of one of Tiger Woods’ companies helped arrange the golfer’s Australian rendezvous with one of his alleged mistresses, with Byron Bell buying plane tickets and booking hotels in his name to keep the affair secret. Sources tell TMZ Bell flew to...

Tiger 'Amazing in Bed'

 Tiger 'Amazing in Bed' 
it's getting worse

Tiger 'Amazing in Bed'

The third alleged mistress brags to a friend

(Newser) - And now this: The third woman linked to Tiger Woods' extracurricular activities told a friend that he was "amazing in bed." Kalika Moquin, a marketing manager at a Vegas nightclub, reportedly dished to a friend, who has now dished to Life & Style . Woods and Moquin reportedly last...

Rachel Uchitel Bails on Press Conference
Rachel Uchitel Bails on Press Conference

Rachel Uchitel Bails on Press Conference

Talk with Tiger may have averted alleged galpal's appearance

(Newser) - Today's eagerly expected press conference called by reputed Tiger Woods paramour Rachel Uchitel was abruptly canceled without explanation. Lawyer Gloria Allred called off the scheduled appearance, the Los Angeles Times reports. That’s the first press conference cancellation ever for the celebrity lawyer, notes TMZ , which says it has evidence...

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