alcohol is bad for you

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Reese Witherspoon: I Told Cop I Was Pregnant
 Drunk Reese 
 Told Cop She 
 Was Pregnant 
'gma' interview

Drunk Reese Told Cop She Was Pregnant

Offers up big apology on 'Good Morning America'

(Newser) - Reese Witherspoon didn't hold back when asked about her recent arrest by George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America today: "It was one of those nights. We went out to dinner in Atlanta, and we had one too many glasses of wine, and we thought we were fine to...

John Kerry Wins a Hockey Bet
 John Kerry Wins a Hockey Bet 

John Kerry Wins a Hockey Bet

Unfortunately, that means he gets a case of Molson—in cans

(Newser) - The good news: John Kerry gets a case of beer while he's on a 10-day foreign policy trip. The bad news: He now has to chug his way through 24 cans of Molson. Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird gave Kerry the lager in London because USA beat Canada 3-2...

Confirmed: People Lie About How Much They Drink
Confirmed: People Lie About How Much They Drink

Confirmed: People Lie About How Much They Drink

... a lot, at least in Britain, says study

(Newser) - People in Britain are drinking a lot more alcohol than they care to admit, say researchers at the London's University College. They compared the amounts that people say they drink with actual alcohol sales and found that about 40% of the booze sold is mysteriously unaccounted for, reports the...

Daily Drink Hikes Risk of Cancer Death
 Daily Drink 
 Hikes Risk of 
 Cancer Death 
study says

Daily Drink Hikes Risk of Cancer Death

Alcohol-related cancer deaths surpass total from ovarian cancer: study

(Newser) - You may not consider yourself a heavy drinker, but even a relatively small amount of alcohol seems to raise the risk of death from cancer, a study finds. Researchers found that having a drink and a half or less per day was associated with 7,000 of the 19,500...

Big Boozing Puts Marriage on the Rocks

Divorce rates highest if woman drinks much more than man

(Newser) - 'Til booze do us part? A new study out of Norway says that drinking and marriage don't mix—especially if the woman is doing the heaviest drinking, reports the Los Angeles Times . After looking at nearly 20,000 married couples, researchers found heavy-drinking couples had a divorce rate...

Jason London 'Brutally Attacked' Before Arrest: Rep

Tellingly, rep does not mention the defecation part

(Newser) - Jason London's rep is speaking up on the actor's behalf, insisting that London was actually the victim in Sunday's bar brawl . London's injuries, clearly visible in his epic mug shot, indicate he suffered a "brutal attack," says his rep, according to E! , and witnesses...

Sailors to Face Random Alcohol Tests: Navy

Positive results could prompt counseling

(Newser) - The Navy is growing increasingly worried about alcohol use in the ranks, prompting random testing starting next month, the AP reports. The Navy announced the plan shortly after the Marines announced a similar action. Leaders aren't aiming to wipe alcohol completely from Naval culture; rather, they want to be...

Booze, Drugs, and AK-47s: Target Practice Goes Awry

Ohio men accidentally shoot up neighbors' houses

(Newser) - Residents of an Ohio town found themselves running for cover yesterday afternoon, when their neighbors unwittingly sprayed their homes with bullets while target shooting with AK-47s, police tell ABC 5 . Police responded to 911 calls reporting gunfire at about 2:24, according to the Medina-Gazette , and found themselves dodging bullets...

Rand Paul's Son Arrested at Airport

Police: 19-year-old was drunk, disorderly on Saturday morning

(Newser) - The 19-year-old son of Sen. Rand Paul and grandson of Ron Paul was arrested on Saturday morning for disorderly conduct, underage drinking, and public intoxication at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport, the Charlotte Observer reports. Police suspect William Hilton Paul, 19, had been served alcohol on his flight from Lexington,...

How to Ease Your New Year's Hangover

Many of us will be starting 2013 with a headache

(Newser) - Did a bit of drinking last night? Here are a few tips to help with the hangover you're probably facing this morning, courtesy of ABC News , WebMD , and BuzzFeed :
  • Yes, that coffee really will help. Caffeine has been shown to help reduce the effects of adenosine, the chemical that

Beer Now Officially 'Alcohol' in Russia

It's no longer a foodstuff, and you can't buy it after 11pm

(Newser) - Things just got a lot tougher for any Russian who selected "drink less alcohol" as his New Year's resolution: As of today, beer is officially classified as alcohol there. The Telegraph reports that the beverage, equated with soft drinks by many Russians and previously categorized as a foodstuff,...

Travis Nude in DWI Arrest, Threatened to Shoot Cops

Country singer busted for allegedly driving drunk in Texas

(Newser) - Country crooner Randy Travis is having a bad year: He was arrested last night on suspicion of drunk driving, and it's his second arrest since February (when he was busted for allegedly getting drunk in front of a Baptist church after a fight with his girlfriend). This time around,...

8% of Pregnant Americans Booze

And of those, 20% went on at least one binge: survey

(Newser) - Pregnant Americans are mostly a teetotaling bunch, according to a new government survey. The CDC spoke with 14,000 pregnant women who were asked whether they drank alcohol in the previous month and how much, and one in 13 reported doing so. The more troubling stat: Of those who said...

Drunk Guy Who Tied Kids to Car: I Thought They'd Like It

Because who wouldn't? Plus, other tales from the bottle...

(Newser) - An Indiana man who thought it was a good idea to drunkenly strap four kids to the hood of his car and go on a three-block joy ride has pleaded guilty to several charges. Aaron Stefanski, 29 of Fort Wayne, was arrested in May after a witness called 911. Stefanski...

Family Wakes, Finds Lexus in Their Pool

Driver suspected of drunken driving

(Newser) - It might've seemed like the most fantastic Mother's Day gift ever had a taken a very wrong turn when the Diaz family awoke Sunday to find a Lexus—at the bottom of their swimming pool. The Southern California family says that drivers navigating the tricky intersection next to...

Rihanna's Constant Drinking a Big Problem

'Excessive partying' taking a toll, sources say

(Newser) - Rihanna was hospitalized after the Met’s Costume Institute gala Monday night, supposedly due to dehydration. But sources tell the New York Post the real problem is "excessive partying and not slowing down. She has been traveling nonstop and going wild." She also made some waves before her...

Thieves Swipe Truckload of Corona

1,800 cases make for one big Cinco de Mayo party

(Newser) - Somebody is a few thousand limes away from one big party. Police in central Pennsylvania are searching for a missing beer trailer loaded with about 1,800 cases of Corona. Carlisle police say the trailer was stolen from a distributor sometime between Friday and yesterday. Perhaps not coincidentally, Saturday marked...

Colbert Extremely Disturbed About Sanitizer-Swilling Kids

'Our kids are getting sani-tipsy,' he warns

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert is very, very upset about the new trend of teens getting drunk on hand sanitizer —especially since it was based on one Los Angeles Times article involving a whopping six kids. “I want to send a very strong message to these LA teens,” Colbert said...

Army to Prince Harry: Cut the Boozing

At least, not if he wants to go back to Afghanistan

(Newser) - If Prince Harry wants to make it back to Afghanistan as much as he says he wants to, he'll have to stop partying. His Army superiors have ordered the 27-year-old away from bars and social gatherings and instructed him to focus on his Apache helicopter training, sources tell the...

Drunk Buggy Driving? Amish Collide With Cop Car

4 young adults charged with illegal possession of alcohol

(Newser) - Just because they drive buggies instead of cars doesn't mean Amish kids can't get into trouble. Four were arrested and charged with illegal possession of alcohol last night after their buggy crashed—directly into a police car, NBC Philadelphia reports. At the time, police were responding to a...

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