
12 Stories

Church 'Outraged' Over Funeral for Trans Activist
Church 'Outraged'
at 'Scandalous'

Church 'Outraged' at 'Scandalous' Funeral

Trans activist Cecilia Gentili was memorialized at an iconic New York church, in iconic fashion

(Newser) - The funeral of a trans activist that was held at Manhattan's iconic St. Patrick's Cathedral went viral last week, and now the Archdiocese of New York is speaking out against it in no uncertain terms. Cecilia Gentili, who died at age 52, was a "pillar" of the...

290-lb Transvestite Hooker Pummels Attacker

5'7" kid picked on the wrong prostitute

(Newser) - A would-be robber met his match when he tangoed with the wrong cross-dressing hooker. Sixteen-year-old Rufus Bowman approached what he thought was a 6'1", 290-pound female prostitute in a pink halter top and pumps. However, that lady-of-the-night turned out to be Joshua Bumpus. When the pair went into an alley...

Kathryn Bigelow: 'Transvestite of Directors'

Hurt Locker director plays it like a man to fit in in macho Hollywood

(Newser) - Kathryn Bigelow may be a female director, Martha P. Nochimson writes, but her success comes from “masquerading as the baddest boy on the block.” Yup, the Hurt Locker auteur is not the “Queen of Directors,” as Quentin Tarantino described her, but the “Transvestite of Directors....

Obama Scared to Show His Face in ... San Francisco?

Crazy left has made it ugly for Dems before

(Newser) - Given the adoring crowds he’s attracted in, say, Berlin, one would think President Obama would have a number of public appearances scheduled during a quick jaunt to San Francisco beginning tomorrow. But evidently, his staff is so worried about rabid lefties that Obama’s just dropping in for an...

Brit Stand-Up Runs 43 Marathons in 52 Days

Eddie Izzard 'beyond exhaustion' after 1,100 mile charity challenge

(Newser) - Eddie Izzard had never run more than 5 miles in his life before this summer but he'll be aiming for the finish line in his 43rd marathon today, the Guardian reports. The stand-up comedian, 47 years old and better known for wearing high heels and make-up than for running, took...

Schreiber 'Giddy' in Drag
 Schreiber 'Giddy' in Drag 

Schreiber 'Giddy' in Drag

Actor finds cross-dressing 'exhilaratingly humiliating'

(Newser) - Acting is all about challenging yourself—just ask Liev Schreiber, who had to get a full body wax, sport a dress and master walking in high heels for his role as a transvestite in Ang Lee’s Taking Woodstock, People reports. “It was exhilaratingly humiliating," Schreiber said of...

Transsexuals Dazzle in Thai Pageant
 Transsexuals Dazzle 
 in Thai Pageant 

Transsexuals Dazzle in Thai Pageant

Annual contest celebrates the 'third gender'

(Newser) - While Americans took a breather from Miss California beauty pageant drama, Thailand held its 12th annual Miss Tiffany Universe contest today, featuring only transsexuals or transvestites, Huffington Post reports. The contest seeks to advance human rights causes for the country’s transgender population, whose “third gender” status is classified...

Wife Shot Hubby for Being 'Self-Loathing' Cross Dresser

Violent ex-cop 'sexual deviant,' drove wife mad, attorney argues

(Newser) - A Queens woman is defending herself against charges she murdered her ex-cop husband by arguing that the violent, "self-loathing" cross dresser drove her mad, reports the New York Daily News. "Here was a person engaged in self-loathing, remorse, and an Irish sense of guilt," said the attorney...

Trannies Party 'Till Dawn in Mexican Town

Festival recognizes cross-dressing 'muxes,' crowns a queen

(Newser) - Indigenous gays and transvestites partied into the wee hours last night in a southern Mexican town, Reuters reports. The annual bash for so-called "muxes" ended today with a parade that crowned a trannie queen and celebrated the harvest, as it has done for decades. But only recently has...

Transsexual Thai Students Get Own Toilets

Up to 20% of rural high school's boys would rather be girls

(Newser) - A high school in rural Thailand has given its many transgender students their own restroom, the BBC reports. Situated between the boys' and girls' rooms, the room has a half male/half female figure painted on the door. Inside, effeminate teenage boys preen. As many as  20% of the school's male...

Dude Looks Like a Lady
Dude Looks
Like a Lady

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Move over, Cate Blanchett: A list of the best cross-dressers on the big screen

(Newser) - Inspired by Cate Blanchett's best-actress award at the Venice Film festival for I'm Not There, in which she plays Bob Dylan, Entertainment Weekly notes other memorable big-screen cross-dressers:
  1. John Travolta as Edna Turnblad, Hairspray
  2. Divine as Babs Johnson, Pink Flamingos
  3. The Kids in the Hall
  4. Dustin Hoffman as Michael Dorsey/Dorothy

Drag Queens Take Over Bingo
Drag Queens Take Over Bingo

Drag Queens Take Over Bingo

Bingo doesn't know what hit it

(Newser) - Time documents the rise of drag queen bingo, the revolution that added trannies to grannies to make church basements a little more fabulous. It began in Seattle in the early '90s, when Judy Werle hatched a bingo AIDS fundraiser. "We decided to liven it up in the way that...

12 Stories
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