Gulf oil spill

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Despite Oil, Sea Turtles Released in Gulf

Dangers of captivity greater than danger of getting oiled

(Newser) - Federal biologists are releasing thousands of endangered Kemp's ridley baby sea turtles into the western Gulf of Mexico, betting that by the time the silver dollar-sized swimmers make it to the oil-fouled waters of the eastern Gulf, BP will have cleaned up its goopy mess. Texas has not been significantly...

Rig's Alarm System Disabled on Day of Blast

Functioning alerts would have warned of explosion: technician

(Newser) - An electronics technician aboard the ill-fated oil rig Deepwater Horizon told an investigative panel today that an alarm system was partially shut down on the day the rig exploded. Mike Williams said the system was turned on to monitor for fire, explosive gas, and toxic gas but that its sound...

Feds to Investigate BP Managers

Two men who were on the rig when it exploded targeted

(Newser) - Federal investigators have named two BP managers as “parties of interest” in their probe of the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Both men were aboard the rig when it blew, the Wall Street Journal reports. One, Robert Kaluza, BP’s employee overseeing rig operations, has twice been called to testify in...

BP Admits Doctoring Gulf Photos

Staff ordered to stop Photoshopping crisis images

(Newser) - BP has told its staff to stop altering images on its Gulf crisis website after sharp-eyed bloggers spotted some clumsy Photoshopping. One image of a crisis center was altered to make it appear as if all the screens were in use. Another photo, taken from a helicopter on the deck...

Tropical Storm Bonnie Moves Toward Spill

But cap will remain on well

(Newser) - A rainstorm in the southern Bahamas accelerated into Tropical Storm Bonnie today while following a course that could take it over the site of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill by Saturday. Crews and rigs were ordered to clear out , but authorities said the temporary cap over the well was...

Spill Causes Boom in Oil Industry Lobbying

And most lobbyists used to work for the feds

(Newser) - The Gulf oil spill has created a bonanza for oil industry lobbyists, as the firms involved ramp up damage control and the industry as a whole works to fight new anti-drilling legislation. The American Petroleum Institute, the chief lobbying group for big oil, spent $2.3 million between April 1...

Harry Reid Delays Climate Change Bill

Will pursue more modest legislation on energy

(Newser) - Harry Reid has decided to put sweeping climate change legislation on the back burner, and instead bring a more limited package of oil spill response measures to the floor next week, senior Democratic aides tell the Hill . Aides insist that Reid hasn’t given up on passing the legislation this...

Drilling Halted as Storm Brews
 Drilling Halted as Storm Brews 
forget relief well by weekend

Drilling Halted as Storm Brews

Ships prepare to pull out Gulf spill area

(Newser) - Dozens of ships are preparing today to pull out of the Gulf of Mexico as a tropical storm brews in the Caribbean, halting deep-sea efforts to plug BP's ruptured oil well. Though the rough weather is hundreds of miles from the spill site, officials ordered technicians to suspend work as...

Oil Giants (Minus BP) Create Spill Response System

Exxon, Chevron, others learn from BP's mistakes

(Newser) - Four oil giants are teaming up to create an early-response system to contain disasters like the Deepwater Horizon spill. Exxon, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, and ConocoPhillips are committing an initial $1 billion to create the nonprofit Marine Well Containment Co., though maintaining the "strike force" will cost more over...

Relief Well Should Reach Wellhead by Weekend
 Relief Well Should Reach 
 Wellhead by Weekend  


Relief Well Should Reach Wellhead by Weekend

'Everything's looking good,' well could be dead in 2 weeks

(Newser) - BP's relief well should finally reach its broken wellhead by the weekend, says federal coordinator Thad Allen, meaning the gusher could be snuffed for good within two weeks. BP vice president Kent Wells said crews hope to drill sideways into the blown-out well and intercept it at the end of...

Sandra Bullock Asks Fans to Help Restore Gulf

Celebs team up in PSA for oil spill cleanup

(Newser) - Sandra Bullock asks Americans to support the Gulf Coast cleanup in a new public service announcement that premiered on . Bullock, along with Dave Matthews, Blake Lively, Lenny Kravitz, Emeril Lagasse, and others urge viewers to sign the petition at , which asks Congress to secure funding for...

BP's New Plan: Static Kill
 BP's New Plan: Static Kill 

BP's New Plan: Static Kill

'In a good position not to have a catastrophic event'

(Newser) - Once again, BP has a new plan. This one's called a "static kill" and could, the company says, make it possible to permanently seal the Deepwater Horizon well sooner than had been expected. The procedure would pump heavy mud into the capped well, forcing oil and gas back down...

Seeping Oil May Be 'Natural'
 Seeping Oil May Be 'Natural' 

Seeping Oil May Be 'Natural'

Feds believe leak was hidden while well was gushing

(Newser) - The Coast Guard believes the oil seeping out of the sea floor near BP’s infamous well is entirely natural, Admiral Thad Allen tells the BBC . Oil has been detected about 1.9 miles from the well, but such leaks can occur naturally on the ocean floor, and may have...

Worries Over Leaks Mean Another Day of Tests

'Anomalies' spur caution, Thad Allen says

(Newser) - Worries over "anomalies" and seeping oil near the site of the Gulf spill have led authorities to order another day of testing on the cap over the damaged BP well, CNN reports . "There is no indication at this time this is any indication of a significant problem in...

Cajuns Wonder If Gulf Spill Is Last Straw
 Cajuns Wonder If 
 Gulf Spill Is Last Straw 

Cajuns Wonder If Gulf Spill Is Last Straw

Many plan to stay till the bitter end, if need be

(Newser) - The sultry, salty soul of Louisiana's Cajun culture is inextricably bound to the rhythm of the waters of the Gulf: The sea provides plentiful food, work, and a lifestyle that has endured since the Cajuns settled there in the 1700s. But the sea has also been quick to punish, and...

Feds: Oil Cap Can Stay Closed Despite Seep

Dispute on monitoring settled after testy letter from Thad Allen

(Newser) - The federal government said this morning BP can keep the cap shut tight on its busted Gulf of Mexico oil well for another day despite a seep in the sea floor after the company promised to watch closely for signs of new leaks underground, settling for the moment a rift...

Feds Alarmed by Gulf Seepage
 Feds Alarmed by Gulf Seepage 

Feds Alarmed by Gulf Seepage

Fears that capped oil may be leaking out elsewhere

(Newser) - The new discovery of seepage near the plugged BP well has alarmed federal officials who have warned the company to rigorously monitor the seabed. BP must be prepared to reopen the well immediately if scientists find evidence of spin-off leakage near the oil cap, according to a testy official apparently...

BP: Cap May Hold Til Well's Plugged

Feds, oil giant differ on whether to resume siphoning

(Newser) - BP hopes to keep using its giant stopper to block oil from reaching the Gulf of Mexico until they plug the blown out well permanently. "Right now we don't have a target to return the well to flow," said COO Doug Suttles. Federal response commander Thad Allen outlined...

As 48-Hour Mark Looms, BP Watches

(Newser) - As this afternoon marks the critical 48-hour point since BP plugged its Macondo well, engineers tensely monitor pressure readings and underwater images from their massive cap and try to decipher them. With pressure at the wellhead rising ever so slowly—yet rising nonetheless—BP hopes to have more definitive data...

Gulf Coast Residents Doubt Leak Is Plugged

Victims skeptical of oil giant's big news

(Newser) - Many Gulf Coast residents don't believe it. Some accuse BP of making it up. And even those convinced that the oil leak has finally been stopped are tempered in their relief, aware that their environmental nightmare is far from over. "It's a beautiful thing that it's shut off,"...

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