Danny Trejo

2 Stories

Hollywood Villain Becomes Hero in Real Life

Actor Danny Trejo pulls child from overturned vehicle after accident

(Newser) - In the movies, he usually plays the villain. But in the real world, actor Danny Trejo just proved he can play the hero as well. The 75-year-old actor pulled a trapped special-needs child from an overturned SUV in Los Angeles, reports ABC7 . The SUV flipped onto its roof after colliding...

Machete Gross, Gory, Comical
 Machete Gross, Gory, Comical 
movie reviews

Machete Gross, Gory, Comical

Danny Trejo is 'ferocious,' Lindsay Lohan is ... naked

(Newser) - Though Machete was written to poke at our anti-immigrant hysteria, it's more about gross, lavish, comical violence than politics. Critics aren't taking too many swings at Robert Rodriguez's latest, which features a "ferocious" Danny Trejo as ex-federale "Machete"—and a mostly naked Lindsay Lohan:
  • The "fountain-like

2 Stories