Chinese dissidents

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Blind Chinese Activist to Speak in NYC

Chen Guangcheng and mentor participating in event Thursday

(Newser) - Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese activist who was the focus of a nearly monthlong diplomatic standoff, has a speaking engagement in New York City this week. Chen will speak Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan. His mentor, New York University law professor Jerome Cohen, also will participate...

Chen Guangcheng's Brother Flees Chinese Village

Chen Guangfu hoping to protect son from local officials

(Newser) - The brother of Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng has followed in his younger brother's footsteps and fled their closely guarded village in Shandong province, reports AP . Chen Guangfu has made his way to Beijing with the help of supporters, and is now seeking legal advice on how to protect his...

China Denies Lawyer for Chen's Nephew

Chen Kegui charged with 'homicide' though no one was killed

(Newser) - The Chinese government has denied Chen Kegui his choice of lawyers, saying he must use a pair of government-appointed attorneys in his "intentional homicide" trial. Chen was slapped with that charge because he brandished a knife on April 27 when authorities burst into his home after his uncle's...

Chen: China Going 'Crazy With Reprisals' on My Family

U of Washington offers dissident second fellowship

(Newser) - While Chen Guangcheng lies in a Beijing hospital, authorities in his home province have gone "crazy with reprisals" for his escape from house arrest last month, he tells Reuters . He says two relatives in Shandong have been detained, including a nephew accused of brandishing a meat cleaver at guards...

Chen: 'Lawless' Chinese Officials Must Be Punished

He demands central government investigate Shandong abuse

(Newser) - Chen Guangcheng says that even if he leaves China, he will not abandon his quest for the rule of law to prevail in his home province, Shandong. The central government must investigate and punish the officials who jailed him on false charges and kept him under illegal house arrest for...

Chen: China&#39;s Promises &#39;Just Empty Words&#39;
Chen: China's Promises
'Just Empty Words'

Chen: China's Promises 'Just Empty Words'

Dissident recounts abuses he suffered under house arrest

(Newser) - Chen Guangcheng says he's being treated well enough at the hospital where he's recuperating , but that he doesn't trust the Chinese government to continue being so kind. In an interview with der Spiegel —which the paper says was plagued by a connection that cut out multiple...

State Dept: Chen Has Fellowship at US University

Says agreement allows his wife and kids to leave country, too

(Newser) - It appears a face-saving solution has been found for the Chen Guangcheng diplomatic standoff. China earlier said the blind activist, currently in a Beijing hospital, is permitted to study abroad, and the US State Department this morning announced that Chen has a fellowship at a US university. "As a...

Chinese Dissident Calls Congress: I Need Help

Chen Guangcheng phones in to committee hearing on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - A congressional hearing called today to discuss the plight of blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng got a first-hand perspective: Chen himself called in from his hospital bed in Beijing to ask for US help in leaving the country, reports Reuters . "I want to come to the US to rest,...

Chen: I Want to Leave China on Hillary's Plane

US Embassy denies dissident was pressured to leave

(Newser) - Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng now wants to get out of China as soon as possible, despite assurances made before he left the US Embassy yesterday . "My fervent hope is that it would be possible for me and my family to leave for the US on Hillary Clinton’s plane,...

China Slams US as Dissident Leaves Embassy

Chen Guangcheng taken to Beijing hospital

(Newser) - Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng has left the US Embassy in Beijing "of his own volition" after taking refuge there for six days, according to state media. Chen—who escaped from house arrest last month —traveled with US Ambassador Gary Locke to a Beijing hospital, reports the Washington ...

Blind Dissident Faked Sickness Before Escape in China

Chen Guangcheng shows up Beijing by slipping away

(Newser) - So how exactly does a dissident who has been blind since childhood escape house arrest in China and travel hundreds of miles to safety? The details of Chen Guangcheng's feat are still murky, though the Washington Post says the lawyer pretended to be sick for weeks. When his captors...

Blind Chinese Dissident Escapes to US Embassy

Chen Guangcheng had been under house arrest for opposing Chinese policies

(Newser) - A famed blind Chinese dissident has managed to escape his house arrest and post a video detailing the abuses he's suffered and calling on Premier Wen Jiabao to protect his family. Chen Guangcheng, a self-taught lawyer, has long been in custody for opposing China's forced abortion and sterilization...

China Jails 2nd Writer for Subversion

Chen Xi was arrested last month after publishing his essays online

(Newser) - China handed yet another dissident yet another long sentence today: Chen Xi was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being charged with "incitement to subvert state power" following the online publication of 36 essays he had written. His wife called the verdict "utterly absurd," explaining that...

'Subversive' Chinese Writer Gets 9 Years in Prison

Chen Wei called for free speech, political reform

(Newser) - A Chinese writer has been hit with a nine-year jail sentence for "inciting subversion of state power" after he posted online essays demanding free speech and government reform, reports the BBC . The sentence follows a two-hour, closed-door trial that Chen Wei's wife called "a performance" whose outcome...

Bale Should Be Embarrassed, Says China

...China certainly isn't

(Newser) - China is certainly not embarrassed by the bad PR it got when Christian Bale was attacked while trying to visit dissident Chen Guangcheng, but Bale should be embarrassed, a Chinese government spokesman says. While the actor was invited to attend the opening ceremony for a film, "he was not...

Christian Bale Attacked on Visit to Chinese Dissident

Guards rough up actor, camera crew

(Newser) - After an eight-hour drive from Beijing, Christian Bale wasn't allowed to visit a Chinese dissident. But by roughing up the Hollywood A-lister, guards ensured that the plight of Chen Guangcheng will get more attention worldwide. The actor and a CNN camera crew were punched and pushed by guards when...

Chinese Strip to Support Ai Weiwei

Pornography probe provokes dissident artist's supporters

(Newser) - Supporters of outspoken artist Ai Weiwei are using their bodies as well as their cash to defend him against the Chinese government. In response to news that an Ai assistant might face pornography charges over a nude photo he took of Ai with four women last year, scores of supporters—...

Supporters Send $840K for Ai Weiwei Tax Bill

But state paper accuses him of 'illegal fundraising'

(Newser) - Ai Weiwei has raised $840,000 toward his $2.4 million tax bill , thanks to nearly 20,000 people who have sent in donations to the Chinese artist and dissident. But Ai—who views the money received as loans, not donations—says he will repay it all, though, the Christian ...

Ai Weiwei: Jail Was 'a Kind of Mental Torture'

Ai jailed for his criticisms of government, not tax evasion, says associate

(Newser) - Ai Weiwei spent his nearly three-month detention in a tiny cell, watched 24 hours a day by guards who were never more than 30 inches away whether he slept, showered, or used the toilet. “It is designed as a kind of mental torture, and it works well,” the...

Chinese Dissident's Sister Describes His Detention

Weiwei was kept in tiny room with two guards at all times

(Newser) - The sister of freed Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei says her brother was kept in a tiny, constantly lit room during his three months of detention with two guards present at all times, reports the Washington Post . “They stared at him without ever moving their eyes,” she said, even...

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