freedom of the press

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2 Editors Guilty in Landmark Hong Kong Case

It's another big blow to press freedom in the territory

(Newser) - A Hong Kong court convicted two former editors of a shuttered news outlet on Thursday, in a case widely seen as a barometer for the future of media freedom in the city once hailed as a bastion of free press in Asia. Stand News former editor-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen and former...

Florida Looks to Crack Down on Political Bloggers

Bill would force them to register like lobbyists

(Newser) - Any blogger mentioning Florida's governor or a state legislator would be required to register with the state under newly proposed legislation experts say would surely violate the First Amendment. Senate Bill 1316 states any person who writes "an article, a story, or a series of stories" about "...

Amid 'Uncertainty' Over New HK Law, a Big Move for NYT

Newspaper to relocate portion of its international staff in Hong Kong to Seoul

(Newser) - With low taxes and a location close to China's mainland, Hong Kong has long been seen as an ideal site in which media outlets can set up shop for their international teams. The New York Times, however, has announced that, due to Hong Kong's new security law against...

Pompeo's NPR Feud Continues With a 'Perfect Message'

Secretary of state says barring reporter from trip after dust-up with another reporter is appropriate

(Newser) - After Mike Pompeo berated NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly last month in an expletive-filled rant for turning a discussion about Iran to Ukraine and ex-US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, the State Department took an apparent retaliatory step against one of Kelly's colleagues: Michele Kelemen was barred from the press pool...

NPR Host: 'Stakes Are Too High' to Not Ask Tough Questions
Here's What
NPR Host 
Has to Say
About Pompeo

Here's What NPR Host Has to Say About Pompeo

Mary Louise Kelly defends press freedom after spat with secretary of state

(Newser) - NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly says she was just doing her job when she asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about Ukraine , only to be accused of violating "the basic rules of journalism and decency." "Journalists don't sit down with senior government officials in the service...

Chris Wallace of Fox Delivers Stinging Rebuke of Trump

President 'engaged in the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history'

(Newser) - Chris Wallace of Fox News has not been shy about voicing his criticism of President Trump, and he delivered a strong rebuke Wednesday night. "I believe that President Trump is engaged in the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history," Wallace said during...

High School Newspaper Fights to Run Story on Student in Porn

Award-winning adviser has won this fight before

(Newser) - Once again, a California high school newspaper's adviser is risking her job over a story that school administrators don't want published. In the past, Kathi Duffel and her students have fought the school district over stories on inaccuracies in a school safety handbook, the segregation of black male...

One of Time's People of the Year Just Got Arrested

Philippine journalist and Rappler CEO Maria Ressa is a prominent Duterte critic

(Newser) - A high-profile journalist detained in the Philippines says President Rodrigo Duterte is trying to silence her. Maria Ressa , CEO of news site Rappler and a 2018 Time Person of the Year alongside Jamal Khashoggi, faces a cyber libel charge stemming from a 2012 article that linked a prominent businessman to...

WH Threatens Acosta Press Pass; CNN Seeks Emergency Hearing

White House sent letter saying journo will be suspended again, creating 'paper trail'

(Newser) - The White House is now saying that once a judge's ruling restoring Jim Acosta's press credentials expires at the end of November, it's going to suspend him once again, per the Washington Post . In response to the news, which came via letter from the White House, CNN...

Journos Dispute WH Account on Barring CNN Reporter

WH says Kaitlan Collins refused to leave previous event, claims ban wasn't tied to her questions

(Newser) - The White House on Thursday defended its decision to bar a CNN correspondent from attending an open press event but contended it had nothing to do with the questions she asked. Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said Kaitlan Collins was denied access to Trump's Rose Garden event with the...

Trump Bans 'Dishonest' Washington Post

'Phony' paper has press credentials revoked

(Newser) - Donald Trump has decided that the Washington Post—winner of 47 Pulitzer prizes, including one for its role in exposing the Watergate scandal—isn't the kind of newspaper he wants covering his campaign. He announced on Facebook Monday that he's revoking the "phony and dishonest" paper's...

Gawker Just Got Its Own Billionaire Backer in Hulk Hogan Trial

Hogan vs. Gawker is essentially now PayPal vs. eBay

(Newser) - Hulk Hogan's ongoing lawsuit against Gawker is starting to look a lot like a game of Rock'em Sock'em Robots with two tech billionaires at the controls. On Thursday, PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel admitted to secretly funding Hogan's lawsuit to the tune of $10 million. Reuters reports...

Mass-Media Prof Asks for 'Muscle' to Remove Journo

Mizzou activists mob photographer, cameraman, tell them to leave 'safe space'

(Newser) - A University of Missouri photojournalist on freelance assignment for ESPN found himself in a confrontation with student activists Monday as they tried to ban him from the tent city they'd set up on campus in response to recent racial strife there, the New York Times reports. A tense video...

America's Press Freedom Ranking: 46th

We drop 13 spots thanks to Manning, Snowden

(Newser) - Reporters Without Borders has released its annual World Press Freedom Index , and the US suffered "one of the most significant declines" in 2013, the group says. Thanks to the conviction of WikiLeaks leaker Chelsea Manning and the pursuit of NSA leaker Edward Snowden, among other things, the US dropped...

Russia Kicks Out First US Journalist Since Cold War

No explanation offered for expulsion

(Newser) - Looks like the Kremlin thaw that saw the release of Pussy Riot members may have been short-lived: Radio Free Europe's David Satter has become the first American journalist to be kicked out of Russia since Newsweek bureau chief Andrei Nagorski got the boot in 1982, reports the Guardian . Satter...

UK Made Guardian Destroy Hard Drives: Editor

Wanted to stop Snowden reporting, Alan Rusbridger says

(Newser) - The UK's interference with the Guardian's Snowden reporting apparently goes deeper than just the detention of Glenn Greenwald's partner . In a new opinion piece in the Guardian , editor Alan Rusbridger says that over the course of the past two months, the British government repeatedly demanded "the...

Times Reporter Ordered to Testify in Leaks Case

James Risen expected to appeal in case with free-press implications

(Newser) - A reporter for the New York Times has been ordered by an appeals court in Virginia to testify against the man accused of slipping him classified CIA secrets, reports USA Today . James Risen has previously promised to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court if necessary and to...

NYT, AP Boycott Holder's Off-Record Media Powwow

Meeting 'isn't appropriate' as outlets 'aggressively covering' scandal

(Newser) - Eric Holder just wants to talk to reporters, without worrying about any pesky reporting. The attorney general has called an off-the-record meeting with the Washington bureau chiefs of several major media outlets to discuss the Justice Department's handling of leak investigations , but two of the most major—the AP...

Holder Backed Fox News Probe
 Holder Backed Fox News Probe

Holder Backed Fox News Probe

Attorney general signed off on controversial search warrant

(Newser) - Eric Holder has deftly sidestepped accountability for the Justice Department's spying on the AP by saying he recused himself from the case , but he can't pull the same trick in the Fox News case . The attorney general personally signed off on the search warrant targeting Fox reporter James...

Gov't Spied On Fox Journalist, Too

Examined James Rosen's emails, phone records

(Newser) - Of all the news organizations the government could spy on, it chose to tangle with ... Fox News. And this one goes further than the AP . The Justice Department examined Fox News reporter James Rosen's personal emails, phone records, and visits to the State Department, the Washington Post reports. The...

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