Mitt Romney 2012

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RNC Slogan Tweaks Obama: 'Hype and Blame'

He's not the candidate of 'Hope and Change' argue Republicans

(Newser) - Hope and Change? Try "Hype and Blame." That's the message from the RNC, which unveiled its not-quite-rhyming variation on President Obama's 2008 slogan today. Going forward, both the RNC and the Romney campaign will start using the slogan (and selling $10 bumper stickers emblazoned with it),...

Mitt Romney Mocks Obama's New Slogan

Forward ... over a cliff, ha, ha!

(Newser) - President Obama got his Mitt Romney zinger in on Saturday night, and the GOP candidate returned the favor last night, reports ABC News . At a $2,500-and-up-a-head fundraiser at a Ritz-Carlton just outside DC, Romney tweaked Obama's new slogan, "Forward," saying "it's like, forward, what,...

Bachmann to Endorse Romney
 Bachmann to Endorse Romney 

Bachmann to Endorse Romney

Tea Party favorite to appear at campaign event today

(Newser) - Four months after dropping out of the Republican race, Michele Bachmann has finally decided to endorse another candidate—the inevitable one. The conservative Minnesota congresswoman will endorse Mitt Romney at a campaign event in Virginia today, the Romney campaign tells CBS , which notes that the endorsement from Bachmann, a fierce...

Romney's Openly Gay Spokesman Resigns

Richard Grenell had been controversial

(Newser) - Richard Grenell's job as Mitt Romney's foreign policy spokesman lasted all of about two weeks. Grenell had been a source of controversy on two fronts: He was openly gay, which rankled some conservative commenters, and he had issued a long trail of tweets before taking the job that...

Parties Ignoring Asian-Americans at Their Peril

Demographic could be pivotal in swing states: Atlantic

(Newser) - President Obama is currently way ahead among Asian-American voters, leading Mitt Romney by 59% to 13%. But that could easily change come November: Right now, 29% of Asian-Americans haven't formed an opinion on Mitt Romney, and about half rate President Obama's performance as fair or poor. And yet,...

Obama Enters Political Fray on Death of bin Laden

'Look at people's previous statements,' says president

(Newser) - President Obama today personally entered the fray over the one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death , taking a verbal shot at Mitt Romney without mentioning the candidate's name, AFP reports. "I just recommend that everybody take a look at people's previous statements in terms of whether...

Obama 2012 Rolls Out New Slogan


(Newser) - Fresh off bashing Mitt Romney's 2007 opposition to hunting Osama bin Laden , Obama 2012 today rolled out a seven-minute video highlighting President Obama's economic record, and in so doing, unveiled the campaign's new slogan you can believe in: "Forward." The video unabashedly embraces Obama's...

Romney to Go-Getters: Borrow $20K From Parents?
Romney to Go-Getters:
Borrow $20K From Parents?

Romney to Go-Getters: Borrow $20K From Parents?

ThinkProgress: It shows again he's 'out of touch'

(Newser) - Good advice for young entrepreneurs or another sign that Mitt Romney can't relate to ordinary Americans? Romney told Ohio college students yesterday that if they wanted to start a business, they should just borrow $20,000 or so from their parents, as a friend of his did. (Jimmy John...

In 2008, Obama Blasted Use of bin Laden in Political Ad

Which didn't stop his campaign from doing it today: ABC

(Newser) - The political ad generating all the buzz today is the one from the Obama campaign that invokes Osama bin Laden and suggests Mitt Romney is not prepared to make tough decisions as president. Something about it rang a bell for Michael Falcone at ABC's The Note blog: He points...

Obama Ad: Mitt Wouldn't Have Killed bin Laden

Romney calls new ad divisive

(Newser) - The Obama campaign turned heads today with a new video that strongly implies Mitt Romney wouldn't have ordered the raid killing Osama bin Laden. The video starts off innocuously enough, with Bill Clinton praising Obama's decision to go after bin Laden. "He took the harder and the...

Biden: 'I Promise You, the President Has a Big Stick'

VP was talking foreign policy, but...

(Newser) - Joe Biden went after Mitt Romney today as "out of touch" on foreign policy and used the new Obama 2012 catchphrase—"Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive"—to make his point, notes Politico . "If Governor Romney had been president, could he have...

Rob Portman&#39;s Edge: He&#39;s Dull as Dirt
 Rob Portman's Edge: 
 He's Dull as Dirt 
VP Watch

Rob Portman's Edge: He's Dull as Dirt

Mitt Romney might pick Ohio senator as a kind of anti-Palin

(Newser) - Most media VP speculation is swirling around colorful personalities like Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Bob McDonnell, but Politico has its eye on a candidate who exemplifies drab: Rob Portman. The last bill the Ohio senator introduced was a measure controlling Asian Carp in the Great Lakes—not exactly the...

Jimmy Carter: Mitt Romney Wouldn't Be So Bad

Ex-president also calls Citizens United ruling 'stupid'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter isn't losing sleep over the prospect of Mitt Romney winning the 2012 election. In an interview with MSNBC, spotted by Mediaite , Carter said that, though he would prefer to see Barack Obama win, "of all the Republican candidates who were prominent, I think Romney would be...

Rubio for VP Would Be Just Like McCain's Palin Pick

He doesn't fit Romney's own criteria for president: John Dickerson

(Newser) - Marco Rubio tends to be on everybody's short list of VP candidates for Mitt Romney, and if that becomes reality it will be much like John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin, writes John Dickerson at Slate . Like Palin, Rubio is a politically savvy choice: He's a grass-roots...

Santorum Almost Endorses Romney

Ex-candidate knocks Newt into 4th place in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Rick Santorum, in his first interview since dropping out of the GOP race, had some words of praise for Mitt Romney but stopped just short of a full endorsement, despite pressure from CNN's Piers Morgan. Romney gave a "good speech" after his 5-state primary sweep , Santorum said, saying...

Romney Wins Delaware, Gingrich's Last Hope

He sweeps 5 states, stakes claim to GOP nomination

(Newser) - Is tonight the night that knocks out Newt Gingrich once and for all? Mitt Romney has won Delaware, billed as Gingrich's last-gasp chance, as part of a five-state sweep, according to the Wall Street Journal . In addition to Delaware, Romney won Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. He...

VP Candidates Don't Deliver Big Home-State Boost

Nate Silver: It's worth a few percentage points at best

(Newser) - We've heard that as running mates, Rob Portman of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida could help Mitt Romney in their battleground home states—but statistics wiz Nate Silver isn't so sure. In the New York Times , he evaluates the performances of presidential tickets in the VP nominee'...

Newt May Score Upset Win in Delaware
 Newt May Score 
 Upset Win in 

primary preview

Newt May Score Upset Win in Delaware

He says he'll 'reassess' campaign if he doesn't

(Newser) - Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and Delaware hold their Republican primaries today, and while many observers have already heard the fat lady sing for Newt Gingrich, there may still be a twist or two left in the race. Gingrich has been spending a lot of time in Delaware and...

Stewart: No One Wants to Be Romney's VP

'Daily Show' host runs down the rejections

(Newser) - Now that we know Mitt Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee, only one question remains: Who will serve as his running mate? The answer to the question so far seems to be a resounding "Not it!," Jon Stewart pointed out last night . He ran through those who...

Romney Is Even Weirder Than You Thought

At least, according to Alex Pareene, who goes on to list all the reasons why

(Newser) - The Romney campaign says that labeling its candidate "weird" amounts to a veiled attack on Mormonism. But in an excerpt from Alex Pareene's new e-book at Salon , Pareene holds that Mitt Romney is, in fact, just plain bizarre, like "a brilliantly designed politician android with an operating...

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