Gabrielle Giffords shooting

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Gabrielle Giffords Photos: First Pictures of Congresswoman Released
 First Photos of Giffords Out 

First Photos of Giffords Out

Congresswoman might be released from rehab this month

(Newser) - It's been five months since the public got a clear view of Gabrielle Giffords, and she's looking pretty good for someone who nearly died: Photos released on her Facebook page today show the congresswoman smiling, her hair cropped short, with no sign of the gunshot she took to...

Gabrielle Giffords Isn't Close to Returning to Work

She struggles to speak in full sentences, though hope remains

(Newser) - Gabby Giffords still struggles to speak in complete sentences, and she's not close to returning to Congress, writes EJ Montini in the Arizona Republic . He interviews Giffords' chief of staff for the most realistic assessment to date of her recovery. Hope remains: Giffords' comprehension seems about normal and she...

Endeavour Commander Mark Kelly Sends Message from Space to Gabrielle Giffords
 Mark Kelly 
 Sent Space 
 to Giffords 

Mark Kelly Sent Space Shout-Out to Giffords

Endeavour commander surprises during U2 concert

(Newser) - Not content to boast one of the best live shows on planet Earth, U2 went even further for a cameo during a recent concert. Space shuttle Endeavour commander Mark Kelly delivered a message to his wife, Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, during the band's concert Saturday night at Seattle's...

Loughner Deemed Incompetent to Stand Trial

'Thank you for the freak show,' he tells judge

(Newser) - A federal judge declared today that Jared Lee Loughner is mentally incompetent to stand trial in the shooting of Gabby Giffords, reports the Arizona Daily Star . Doctors testified that he is schizophrenic and would not be able to understand the proceedings. The ruling came after Loughner was removed from the...

Tucson Shootings Gov't Hoax: Conspiracy Theorists

Victims approached, alarmed by reps from one website site proclaiming just that

(Newser) - The conspiracy theories about the Gabrielle Giffords shooting have started to crop up—and one website in particular has been alarming survivors and others connected to the tragedy. The site, run by a Texas man, claims the Tucson shootings were actually a hoax staged by the government using actors. Two...

College Bares Chilling Loughner Behavior

Bizarre outbursts by suspect in Rep. Giffords' shooting troubled staff

(Newser) - Staff and students at a Tucson college were deeply concerned about Jared Lee Loughner's strange and aggressive behavior, newly released emails reveal. The emails, released by Pima Community College after a lawsuit from the Arizona Republic , show that administrators balanced their concerns about Loughner with their wish to respect...

Giffords Awake, Talking After Skull Surgery

She is doing well after surgery to repair her skull

(Newser) - Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has woken up and is communicating after doctors placed an implant in her head to repair her skull yesterday, neurosurgeons said today in a news conference. The operation is another milestone in Giffords' recovery and will allow her to move around without the helmet she has...

Giffords Set to Undergo Skull Surgery

Procedure is major milestone in recovery

(Newser) - Shooting victim Gabrielle Giffords is set to undergo surgery today to replace a large part of her skull. Neurosurgeons in Houston plan to attach a plastic implant to cover most of the left side of her head, where part of her skull was removed in January to allow room for...

Gabrielle Giffords Boards Plane for Fla.

She's off to see husband blast off on space shuttle

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords is indeed on her way to Florida to see husband Mark Kelly lift off Friday aboard the shuttle Endeavour. Video shot from a distance shows Giffords boarding a plane in Houston, slowly but on her own two feet, reports KHOU-TV . It's the first public image of Giffords...

Law & Order Filming Episode Inspired by Giffords

But a rep makes sure to note the show is fiction

(Newser) - You had to see this one coming: Law & Order: LA is filming a "ripped from the headlines" episode that echoes the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. Filming started yesterday on an episode involving a female state senator who is gunned down in public, Entertainment Weekly reports. A rep for the...

Gabrielle Giffords Can Stand, Plans to 'Walk a Mountain'

The Arizona Republic offers a long look at her incredible progress

(Newser) - On Easter Sunday, some happy news from the Gabrielle Giffords camp: The Arizona congresswoman can stand and even walk a little, and though she is currently working on improving her gait, she told her nurse she plans to “walk a mountain” one day. More from the Arizona Republic ’...

The Truth About Gabrielle Giffords' Recovery
 The Truth About 
 Giffords' Recovery 
in case you missed it

The Truth About Giffords' Recovery

Her progress needs to be viewed in relative terms

(Newser) - It all sounds remarkable: Friends and colleagues have told the media about their "lengthy" conversations with Gabrielle Giffords, who is "running a campaign from the hospital." Indeed, she is getting better—but her progress might not be as speedy or extensive as those comments suggest. When you...

'Great' to Hear Giffords' Voice, Says Intern

Hernandez talks to Gabby via phone, says she's making progress

(Newser) - Daniel Hernandez, the intern to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords credited with saving her life on the day of her shooting, says he's talked to the Arizona representative by phone and that Giffords is making good progress, reports ABC News . "It's great hearing her voice," said Hernandez. While he declined...

Backers Already Imagining Giffords' Campaign Ads

Gabby Giffords for Senate? Maybe, supporters hope

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords’ backers acknowledge that they don’t want to get too far ahead of themselves … but that isn’t stopping them from daydreaming about the dramatic campaign commercials that would run, should Giffords recover and decide to make a play for Jon Kyl’s soon-to-be-vacated Senate seat . Several...

Kelly: Gabby Will Likely Be at My Shuttle Launch

Shuttle commander says wife's condition improving every day

(Newser) - Ten weeks after she was shot in the head in Tucson, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is continuing to make a remarkable recovery, and she will likely be there when Endeavour blasts off on its final mission next month, husband Mark Kelly says. Kelly visits his wife at a rehab hospital in...

President Barack Obama on Gun Control: It's Time for the American People to Find Common Ground
 It's Time to 
 Come Together 
 on Gun Control 
Barack Obama

It's Time to Come Together on Gun Control

Obama has faith the American people can find common ground

(Newser) - In the months since the Tucson shootings, 2,405 people have been shot dead , a fact President Obama laments in the Arizona Daily Star . How, he writes, was “a man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a...

Giffords Making 'Tremendous' Progress

Doctors say she's been told about the shooting

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords is making a "tremendous amount of progress" in her recovery and can now speak full sentences, her doctors say. Giffords is walking, though not without assistance, and can say sentences such as "I'm tired and I want to go to bed." Also, her "upbeat"...

Jared Lee Loughner Pleads Not Guilty in Tucson, Smiles as He Enters Courtroom
 Loughner Pleads Not Guilty 

Loughner Pleads Not Guilty

He smiles as he enters the courtroom

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner pleaded not guilty today to dozens of new federal charges that accuse him of killing six people and wounding 13 others. Loughner, who smiled as he was led into the courtroom, entered the plea to charges that included trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, attempting to kill...

Tucson Shooter Didn't Miss Once: Autopsies

Jared Lee Loughner's lawyers want to delay trial until 2013

(Newser) - Three of the six people shot dead at a political gathering in Tucson that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords last month were shot in the head, according to autopsy results released by the county medical examiner. The youngest victim, 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green, died from a single shot that tore through...

Photo Shows Giffords a Minute Before Shooting

Rep talks with constituents in only photo released from that day

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords' hands are clasped, and she's listening to two of her constituents at a "Congress on Your Corner" event, just moments before a gunman walked up and opened fire. Giffords' office released the image—the only one it's released of that day—yesterday via Facebook, reports the AP,...

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