
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Feds Delay Start of Bonds Trial

(Newser) - The perjury trial of baseball’s home-run king won’t begin Monday as scheduled, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, with federal prosecutors today delaying—perhaps by months—the start so they can appeal a ruling that excluded what they view as key evidence against Barry Bonds. Reports of positive steroids...

Over Boos, A-Rod Homers in Spring Opener

He played until fifth inning against Blue Jays

(Newser) - Despite the cacophony of boos, cheers, and cat calls hurled his way, Alex Rodriguez hit a two-run home run today in his first spring-training game for the New York Yankees, the AP reports. The maligned third baseman played until the fifth inning at the Toronto Blue Jays’ ballpark—his first...

A-Rod Buddy Is MLB Pariah
 A-Rod Buddy 
 Is MLB Pariah 

A-Rod Buddy Is MLB Pariah

(Newser) - A man who was once a close associate of Alex Rodriguez is suspected of trafficking in steroids and has been banned from non-public areas of big-league ballparks since 2001, the New York Daily News reports. Angel Presinal, called "an unsavory character" by one source, has been close to...

Wrestler's Steroid Dealer Busted—for Steroids

Actor had bit part in film

(Newser) - In a case of life imitating art, the actor who plays a steroid dealer in The Wrestler was busted for dealing steroids, the New York Daily News reports. Investigators had Scott Siegel under surveillance for steroid trafficking, and arrested him Wednesday night after a car chase that ended with Siegel...

Cousin Who Helped A-Rod Juice Identified

Yuri Sucart described as A-Rod's lap dog

(Newser) - The cousin who injected Alex Rodriguez with steroids has been identified as Yuri Sucart, a longtime friend and confidant of the disgraced Yankee, ESPN reports. The previously anonymous relative, whom A-Rod refused to identify during his mea-culpa news conference Tuesday, is too devoted to Rodriguez to have stopped him, friends...

Canseco to Baseball: Where's My Apology?

(Newser) - Now that some of baseball's biggest names are coming clean on steroids, Jose Canseco is wondering when the league will apologize for vilifying him, the AP reports. The former slugger wrote two books that dealt with juiced players, but he got only grief for his efforts. "It's time for...

A-Rod: 'I Knew We Weren't Taking Tic-Tacs'
 A-Rod: 'I Knew We Weren't Taking Tic-Tacs'

A-Rod: 'I Knew We Weren't Taking Tic-Tacs'

Star to tell more about his steroid use

(Newser) - A-Rod faced reporters in New York today to, in his words, “take my medicine.” He said he was injected by his cousin, with a substance that was legal in the Dominican Republic. “It was very amateur hour,” he said. “We probably didn’t even take...

A-Rod Juiced but Fellow Players Will Pay

Endorsements dry up as advertisers avoid risky baseball stars

(Newser) - A lot of people will pay for Alex Rodriguez’s admission that he used steroids—and A-Rod isn’t one of them, writes Jeremy Mullman in Advertising Age. A-Rod’s already shallow pool of endorsements isn’t likely to dry up, but by bringing steroids back into the spotlight, he’...

Witness Says She Saw Bonds Being Injected

Family friend, ex-Giant catcher to testify at slugger's perjury trial

(Newser) - Prosecutors say they have a witness who saw Barry Bonds being injected by his trainer, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Kathy Hoskins, a personal assistant and friend of Bonds' since childhood, is expected to be a key witness at the slugger's perjury trial along with former Giants teammate Bobby Estalella,...

Selig: A-Rod 'Shamed the Game'
 Selig: A-Rod 'Shamed the Game' 

Selig: A-Rod 'Shamed the Game'

MLB boss, powerless to impose penalty, scolds player over drug use

(Newser) - Bud Selig slammed Alex Rodriguez yesterday for "shaming the game" by using steroids, reports the AP. Angry words may be the only thing the MLB commissioner can use to punish the Yankees player, however, since his positive test was meant to be anonymous and took place years before the...

Madonna Fumes as A-Rod Turns to Ex-Wife

Singer wants him back, bad

(Newser) - Will the drama never end? Alex Rodriguez should have known Madonna would be "pissed" when he ran back to ex-wife Cynthia as he did damage control after Saturday's steroids bombshell, the New York Daily News reports. “To Madonna, this is the ultimate dis,” says an insider, adding...

Besieged A-Rod Runs Back to Ex

Wife who dumped him for cheating is at his side again

(Newser) - Alex Rodriguez made a quick about-turn from partying to the arms of his ex-wife as the steroids scandal broke last weekend. The defamed Yankee was partying in the Bahamas when news of his steroid use broke, but arrived at Monday's confessional with Cynthia Rodriguez in tow, the Daily News reports....

Canseco Calls for Major League Drug Summit

Says he can help baseball quit steroids

(Newser) - Former slugger Jose Canseco, who blew the lid off steroid use in two controversial books, is seeking to meet with baseball commissioner Bud Selig and union head Donald Fehr to discuss his plans to run drugs out of the game, reports AP. "I think I have the ear of...

Tejada Charged With Lying in Steroid Probe

(Newser) - Houston Astros shortstop Miguel Tejada has been charged with lying to congressional staffers involved in the inquiry into steroids use in baseball, the Washington Post reports. Federal prosecutors say Tejada’s accounts of conversations with teammate Adam Piatt in 2003, while both played for the Oakland Athletics, are contradicted by...

Expose the Users to Clear the Clean
 Expose the Users 
 to Clear the Clean 

Expose the Users to Clear the Clean

'Real victims' of performance drugs are those left behind

(Newser) - The steroids-in-baseball "shame game" shouldn’t be limited to A-Rod and Barry Bonds, writes Mike Wise in the Washington Post. To keep mum on the others who cheated the game is to ignore the "real victims": The regular players who "chose correctly between right and wrong" ...

A-Rod Cops to 'Roids: 'I Was Stupid'

(Newser) - Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez today admitted, in a voice that wasn't always steady, that he took steroids for three seasons beginning in 2001. Amid swirling rumors that he'd tested positive in 2003 while playing for the Texas Rangers, A-Rod told ESPN's Peter Gammons that he succumbed to "an enormous...

A-Rod Tested Positive for Steroids: Report

During MVP 2003 campaign

(Newser) - Alex Rodriguez tested positive for anabolic steroids during his 2003 MVP season, sources tell Sports Illustrated. A-Rod was one of 104 players to test positive that year, in a survey test conducted to determine whether the league needed tougher drug policies. Asked about the results this week, Rodriguez replied: “...

Feds: Fertility Drug Helped Bonds Mask Steroids

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors say they've got the goods on Barry Bonds, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Laying out evidence before his perjury and obstruction trial next month, prosecutors say they can prove the slugger used a designer steroid known as "the clear" in 2003 along with a female fertility drug...

No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park
No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park

No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park

Bungled baseball steroids report bodes ill for Mideast efforts

(Newser) - Those who think George Mitchell will achieve progress in the Middle East point to his record of robust diplomacy in Northern Ireland 10 years ago. One hopes, for the sake of peace, that Mitchell follows his work there and not a more recent example, Will Leitch writes for the New ...

McGwire's One-Eyed Brother Plugs Tell-All Book

Jay claims he introduced Mark to steroids, but having trouble finding a publisher

(Newser) - Mark McGwire’s less-successful, one-eyed, bodybuilding brother Jay has written a tell-all book claiming he introduced the slugger to steroids. There’s just one problem: so far, no one’s willing to publish it. But Deadspin got its hands on the manuscript, and can share its juiciest tidbits (no pun...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>