children's health

Stories 21 - 37 | << Prev 

Kids' Headphones Often Don't Deliver Promised Protection

Website finds trouble with half of 30 tested

(Newser) - If you're on the hunt for children's headphones—so-called because they limit the volume of sound that they emit to protect children's ears—experts are issuing a stern warning: They're not necessarily safe, even if they purport to be. The Wirecutter , a product recommendations site, has...

Toxins Hang Around Homes Months After Smoke Clears
Toxins Hang
Around Homes
Months After
Smoke Clears

Toxins Hang Around Homes Months After Smoke Clears

'No level of exposure to tobacco is safe'

(Newser) - A home's air may seem cleaner after a smoker has quit, but researchers report in the journal Tobacco Control that toxins from tobacco smoke can linger for months. "We tend to see smoke in the air and then it’s out of sight, out of mind," lead...

Parents Worry Too Much About Kids&#39; Concussions
Parents Worry Too Much About Kids' Concussions

Parents Worry Too Much About Kids' Concussions

Neurologist thinks it's time to redefine the term

(Newser) - A pediatric neurologist with 40 years of experience makes the case in the New York Times that parents might be worrying too much about their kids getting concussions. The problem is that this "obsessing," as the headline puts it, might be doing more harm than good by preventing...

Kids' Health Clinic Renamed After Krispy Kreme Doughnut Binge

But it's for a related charity race, not the doughnut chain itself

(Newser) - In the grand tradition of Arena and the Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl, the University of North Carolina's NC Children's Specialty Clinic was just rebranded as the Krispy Kreme Challenge Children's Specialty Clinic, Gawker reports. The website points out the irony: "A place...

Anesthesia May Harm Young Kids&#39; Brains
Anesthesia May Harm
Young Kids' Brains
study says

Anesthesia May Harm Young Kids' Brains

Study finds lower intelligence, language development

(Newser) - A new study out of the University of Cincinnati suggests that kids who need general anesthesia before the age of 4 might suffer the consequences years later with lower IQs. In the study published in Pediatrics, researchers looked at 106 kids ages 5 to 18, half of whom had surgery...

CDC Looks for Link Between Virus, Poliolike Symptoms

Girl who died in Rhode Island had enterovirus, though connection is unclear

(Newser) - A virus called enterovirus-68, or EV-68, continues to hospitalize kids around the country in unusually high numbers with respiratory trouble, and federal health authorities are trying to figure out whether there's a connection between the virus and cases of kids with paralysis or limb frailty, reports the New York ...

Animal Fur May Cut Babies&#39; Asthma Risk
Animal Fur May Cut
Babies' Asthma Risk
study says

Animal Fur May Cut Babies' Asthma Risk

Newborns who sleep on it have fewer problems, says study

(Newser) - Newborns who sleep on animal fur in the first months of life aren't as likely to come down with asthma and allergies later in life, a new study suggests. Researchers aren't talking about snuggling up with a dog or cat—they mean, for example, a sheepskin rug or...

1 in 13 Kids on Behavioral Meds
1 in 13 Kids on
Behavioral Meds
study says

1 in 13 Kids on Behavioral Meds

Most parents think the drugs are making a difference, study says

(Newser) - A new survey provides a look at just how many kids in the US are taking medication for behavioral problems such as ADHD—figure about 1 in every 13, reports HealthDay News . The survey of 17,000 parents by the National Center for Health Statistics found that 7.5% of...

FDA's New Target: Caffeine Lurking in Your Chips, Gum

Officials fear effects on kids

(Newser) - Gum, jelly beans, trail mix, and potato chips: Added caffeine is popping up everywhere these days, "beyond anything FDA envisioned," says an official, who adds that the FDA only once offered specific consent for added caffeine in a food—for colas in the 1950s. Now, the agency has...

Stop Giving Your Children Antibiotics

The 'antibiotic apocalypse' is coming: Jessica and Tim Lahey

(Newser) - Protecting your child's long-term health may mean not getting a prescription for antibiotics—even in cases of ear and sinus infections, write Jessica and Tim Lahey at The Atlantic . The authors were surprised that their "smart, highly educated" friends turn easily to antibiotics for their children. Only problem:...

Swine Flu Shot May Have Caused Kids' Narcolepsy

795 European recipients of GlaxoSmithKline drug report illness

(Newser) - Children across Europe have been developing narcolepsy at increased rates since 2009—and experts fear the crisis may be linked to a GlaxoSmithKline swine flu vaccine. The incurable sleep disorder has surged in Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, and Britain, experts say, and it can take a devastating toll: Reuters recounts...

Study Finds Link Between Kids' Asthma, Fast Food

Eczema also associated with the meals: study

(Newser) - The threat from fast food may be growing larger. A new study of hundreds of thousands of kids and teens worldwide finds the stuff is associated with a higher risk of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema, Time reports. Fortunately, there's a simple path to some protection: Eat more fruit. Researchers...

Asthma Drug Stunts Kids&#39; Height for Life
 Asthma Drug Stunts 
 Kids' Height for Life 
study says

Asthma Drug Stunts Kids' Height for Life

Called budesonide, it's still too effective to give up

(Newser) - A decade after an asthma drug was found to stunt children's growth, scientists today announced a rather unpleasant find: The hampered growth seems permanent. On the bright side, however, it doesn't get any worse, NBC News reports. "This was surprising because in previous studies, we found that...

Pizza's Days as 'Vegetable' Could Be Numbered

If Rep. Jared Polis and his SLICE Act have their way

(Newser) - You may soon find it tougher to pack in a day's recommended number of vegetable servings. Rep. Jared Polis is on a quest to undo what some may consider to be the best thing Congress did in all of 2011 : its declaration that pizza is still considered a vegetable—...

California Bans Carrying Guns Openly in Public

Frequent sight of guns was scaring people: police

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill banning the open carrying of handguns in public, he announced today. Police had opposed existing rules allowing Californians to carry unloaded guns openly, saying the practice scared onlookers, Politico reports. "As law enforcement officials tell me, it’s not safe and...

Mom Christie Haskell: I Give My Hyperactive Kid Coffee, Not Ritalin
 For My Hyper 

For My Hyper 7-Year-Old: Coffee

Like Ritalin with fewer side effects, writes Christie Haskell

(Newser) - What do you do when your kid can’t sit still—but you’re concerned about the side effects of Ritalin? One mom offers an unusual remedy that goes against standard medical advice: Give the youngster coffee, she writes at the Stir blog at Cafe Mom . Christie Haskell didn’t...

Study: Microwaves, Electromagnetic Fields Tied to Childhood Asthma
 Study Links 
 Microwaves to 
 Kids' Asthma 
in case you missed it

Study Links Microwaves to Kids' Asthma

Exposure to EMFs in household devices worries researchers

(Newser) - A pregnant woman’s exposure to microwaves, power lines, hair dryers, and other devices with electromagnetic fields may increase her child’s risk of asthma, a study suggests. Scientists checked pregnant women’s levels of exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields and compared the data to the frequency of asthma in...

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