
2 Stories

Obama's Weapons Won't Do Enough In Syria

Michael Weiss and Elizabeth O'Bagy say it's time to unleash the MANPADs

(Newser) - The Obama administration is at last willing to send weapons to Syrian rebels —but it looks like neither the president, nor anyone else in Washington, is willing to go far enough to actually help, write Michael Weiss and Elizabeth O'Bagy at the Atlantic . "Even the most hawkish...

To Keep Libya Missiles Safe, US Has a Plan: Buy Them

In an effort to prevent them from being used against passenger planes

(Newser) - The US is currently trying to clean up an uncomfortable side-effect of Libya’s civil war: The country is now littered with thousands of shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missiles pilfered from Moammar Gadhafi’s weapon caches. Dubbed "Manpads" (short for "Man-Portable Air Defense Systems"), these lightweight missiles pose little...

2 Stories
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