stand your ground

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Farrakhan: Give African Americans Our Own Courts

Controversial minister says US courts are biased against black people

(Newser) - Controversial minister Louis Farrakhan offered up a controversial idea yesterday at the Nation of Islam's annual convention in Detroit: The black community should have its own court system, because the existing system is biased against African Americans. "We want equal justice under the law," Farrakhan said,...

'Loud Music' Killer Is Going to Jail; Is That Enough?

What Michael Dunn's murder mistrial says about race in America

(Newser) - Michael Dunn, the man who shot 17-year-old Jordan Davis over music he believed was too loud, is going to prison , likely for the rest of his life. But the jury didn't convict him of murder, which has left a bad taste in many people's mouths. Has justice been...

'Stand Your Ground' Eyed in Florida Movie Shooting

Ex-cop's age could help his case

(Newser) - Chucking popcorn at an elderly guy may not sound like a valid reason for gunning a man down, but the retired police captain charged with murder in an argument about movie theater texting happens to be both 71 and in Florida so he might just have a case under the...

Shooter's Defense: Stand Your Ground, Bush Doctrine

Florida man shot 3 people he said were threatening him

(Newser) - A Florida man who shot three people in a surprise attack during a Labor Day barbecue has an unusual two-pronged defense: His lawyers cite both the state's "Stand Your Ground" law and the "Bush Doctrine," reports Florida Today . William Woodward, 44, told police that the men...

Celebs Boycotting Florida Over Zimmerman Verdict

A whole slew reportedly joining Stevie Wonder

(Newser) - Because really, who hasn't been tempted to boycott the Sunshine State in its entirety ? Stevie Wonder started it last week, when he announced he was done with Florida in protest of George Zimmerman's acquittal and the state's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law. Until the law...

&#39;That&#39;s Me:&#39; Dems Laud Obama on Trayvon
 'That's Me:' 
 Dems Laud 
 Obama on 


'That's Me:' Dems Laud Obama on Trayvon

John McCain would like to see 'Stand Your Ground' reviewed

(Newser) - President Obama's remarks on the Trayvon Martin verdict reverberated around the talk shows today, with Democrats saying Obama hit close to home when he spoke of "being followed in a department store," reports Politico . "That’s me on a daily basis, and especially when I’m...

Zimmerman Foregoes 'Stand Your Ground' Hearing

Decision confuses prosecutors in Trayvon case

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's lawyers have bewildered prosecutors by canceling a hearing that could have seen the murder charges against him dismissed under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, the Miami Herald reports. The hearing had been expected in April but Zimmerman is now set to go to trial in...

Homicides Up 7% in &#39;Stand Your Ground&#39; States
Homicides Up 7% in
'Stand Your Ground' States
new study

Homicides Up 7% in 'Stand Your Ground' States

Analysis found no deterrence of crime

(Newser) - Whatever the merits of "Stand Your Ground" laws, they appear to increase homicides by at least 7%, reports NPR . It cites a Texas A&M study of the 23 states that have enacted "Stand Your Ground" laws since 2005. Researchers looked at the homicide rate in those states...

Man Who Shot Teen May Invoke 'Stand Your Ground'

There's 'no comparisons' to Trayvon Martin, his lawyer says

(Newser) - The man accused of killing an unarmed teen after an argument over loud music in a parking lot may invoke Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, his lawyer says. But "there are no comparisons to the Trayvon Martin situation," where the same defense was used, she adds,...

Zimmerman: It Was All God's Plan

He apologizes to Martin family in Fox interview

(Newser) - George Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon Martin's parents—and to America—in his first TV interview last night. Calling his shooting of the teen earlier this year a "tragic situation" and "the most difficult thing I'll ever go through in my life," Zimmerman offered an account...

Guy Cleared in 'Stand Your Ground' Case Shot Dead

Stray bullet hits Greyston Garcia

(Newser) - In a stunningly ironic turn of events, a Miami man who was freed just three months ago in a controversial "Stand Your Ground" case was killed by a stray bullet this week. Greyston Garcia—who was granted immunity by a judge in March after chasing down and killing a...

Texan Gets 40 Years for 'Stand Your Ground' Slaying

He filmed himself confronting neighbor over party noise

(Newser) - A Texas man has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for what prosecutors described as an attempt to use the state's "stand your ground" law to get away with murder. Raul Rodriguez shot dead his neighbor, a 36-year-old teacher, after going next door to complain about noise...

Woman Gets 20 Years for Firing Warning Shot

Florida's Marissa Alexander was fending off husband

(Newser) - A Florida woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison today for firing what she says was a warning shot to scare away her attacking husband. In the intensely controversial case, Marissa Alexander claims she was fleeing from her abusive husband when she fired a gun into the wall of...

The Truth About &#39;Stand Your Ground&#39;
 The Truth About 
 'Stand Your Ground' 

The Truth About 'Stand Your Ground'

Florida's law isn't as crazy as it's being made out to be, Robert Leider argues

(Newser) - A lot of misinformation is flying around about Florida's Stand Your Ground law in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, but the truth is, it's "neither extreme nor an outlier," argues Robert Leider of the Wall Street Journal . Even under Stand Your Ground, to claim...

Big Change at Group That Pushed 'Stand Your Ground'

ALEC is shuttering the committee that worked to pass such laws

(Newser) - Coke , Kraft , Pepsi, and a handful of other big-name companies have quit the American Legislative Exchange Council in recent months, and the corporate pressure appears to have had an effect. The Washington Post reports that ALEC today announced that it is doing away with its Public Safety and Elections...

NRA Exec: Media Cooked Up Trayvon Controversy

NRA members always 'stand their ground,' declares Wayne LaPierre

(Newser) - A National Rifle Association honcho has accused the media of manufacturing controversy over the Trayvon Martin case. "By the time I finish this speech, two Americans will be slain, six women will be raped, 27 of us will be robbed, and 50 more will be beaten. That's the...

Now Kraft Quits 'Stand Your Ground' Supporter

Joins Coke, Pepsi in ditching conservative ALEC group

(Newser) - In January, it was Pepsi; earlier this week, it was Coke . Now Kraft is leaving the American Legislative Exchange Council, which supports laws like Florida's "stand your ground" rule. The food company won't be renewing its membership in the conservative group "for a number of reasons,...

Coke Quits Group Behind 'Stand Your Ground'

Pepsi exited conservative organization in January

(Newser) - Coca-Cola has ended its membership in a conservative group that backs "stand your ground" laws like the one at the center of the Trayvon Martin case. Much of what the American Legislative Exchange Council promotes is pro-business legislation, but it has also pushed voter ID laws and stand-your-ground laws...

Ambulance for Zimmerman Was Canceled

Apparently there was no need for medical treatment

(Newser) - The battle continues over what injuries killer George Zimmerman may or may not have suffered in a confrontation with 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. New information reveals that an ambulance ready to be dispatched to treat Zimmerman the night of the killing was canceled, raising doubts that Zimmerman was badly beaten by...

How Trayvon Case Devolved Into a 'Shouting Match'

Alex Pareene lays out reasons the right 'turned on' Martin

(Newser) - When Trayvon Martin's killing first erupted into a national story, the response from the right was uncharacteristically muted. But since March 23—the day Geraldo blamed Trayvon's hoodie for his death and President Obama made his first comments on the incident—Trayvon's death has become "another...

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