Mitt Romney

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

Romney Finally Starting to Rack Up the Endorsements

There's a 'time when to fold 'em,' said elder Bush

(Newser) - They took their time, but high-profile Republicans are starting to fall in line behind Mitt Romney. Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, yesterday gave Romney his support, saying he fears "disaster" if the race leads to a floor fight at the Republican National Convention. Wisconsin's...

Romney&#39;s Latest &#39;Joke&#39;: Dad Closed a Michigan Plant
Romney's Latest 'Joke':
Dad Closed a Michigan Plant

Romney's Latest 'Joke': Dad Closed a Michigan Plant

His 'humorous' story doesn't sit well with Democrats

(Newser) - Mitt Romney attempted to connect with the people of Wisconsin yesterday by telling them a little joke. In a conference call with thousands of voters, Romney told them about the time in the 1950s that his dad, then head of American Motors, shut down a Michigan factory and moved production...

Specter: Romney Changes Positions Like a Porn Star

Seems the old senator is still trying to be funny

(Newser) - If Arlen Specter told a joke in the woods and there were no one there to hear it, well, at least there would be a lot fewer of us holding our heads and groaning. The former senator, who's spent his voter-mandated retirement ostensibly dabbling as a comedian , is now...

Romney: No Insurance for Preexisting Conditions
Romney: No Insurance for Preexisting Conditions

Romney: No Insurance for Preexisting Conditions

Greg Sargent bashes frontrunner for 'nonsensical' Tonight Show talk

(Newser) - If you're uninsured and have a pre-existing condition, Mitt Romney doesn't think you should be able to get health insurance. Romney told Jay Leno as much last night , in a clip pointed out by Greg Sargent of the Washington Post . If "they show up, and they say,...

Mitt Likes Elevators for Cars, Not So Much for People

Once vetoed bills to improve elevators for people with disabilities

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is cool with elevators for cars (at least, when they're his cars ), but his record as governor of Massachusetts shows in two instances, he wasn't so hot on elevators for humans with disabilities. Romney vetoed two pieces of legislation that would have improved elevators in...

Mitt Quips: Santorum Can Be My Press Secretary

Seriously, hints that Rick could be his VP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was mostly business on his Tonight Show appearance last night, but he managed to get in a joke at Rick Santorum's expense. "Press secretary," Romney joked when Jay Leno asked what words he most associated with Santorum, a dig at his rival's recent run-in...

60% of GOP Wants Gingrich, Paul to Quit

Santorum's Pennsylvania lead vanishes

(Newser) - Most Republicans believe there are two too many candidates still seeking their party's nomination, according to the latest CNN poll . The poll found that roughly 60% of the GOP want Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to call it a day, while a similar proportion want Rick Santorum to stick...

Romney's Staff Destroying His Chances

John Cassidy: Nothing going for Mitt but money

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign keeps shooting itself in the foot, and the GOP frontrunner may have passed the point of no return, writes John Cassidy in the New Yorker . After last week's blunders, Cassidy has finally had to admit "that trying to rescue Romney’s presidential bid may...

Santorum Calls Out NYT Reporter's 'BS'

He's still on the defensive after Mitt Romney comments

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been on the defensive ever since stating that President Obama would be better than Mitt Romney, the Etch a Sketch candidate. But last night he'd apparently had enough. After stating that "RomneyCare" is too similar to "ObamaCare" and makes Romney "the worst Republican...

Park Romney: Mormonism Is a Fraud

Mitt's cousin, former high priest, has left their religion

(Newser) - Not all Romneys are as enamored of Mormonism as Mitt. Take Park Romney, Mitt's cousin. He used to be a Mormon high priest, but finally left the religion. "I became convinced that it's a fraud," he tells the BBC . He doubts many aspects of the religion,...

Santorum: Mitt's Advantage Is 'Bad Math'

Revisions to Florida, other states will change delegates, says Santorum

(Newser) - So does Mitt Romney really have an unbeatable two-to-one delegate lead over Rick Santorum? Not according to Santorum, who called it "bad math" yesterday, according to Fox News . "There's a lot of bad math there that doesn't reflect the reality of what's going on. I...

VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got
VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got

VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got

And New Mexico's Susana Martinez may be too similar

(Newser) - The Republican Party may be suffering from an enthusiasm gap this election cycle, but don't expect a game-changing VP this time around, writes Richard Stevenson at the New York Times . Someone like New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez might look ideal, for instance—female, Hispanic, Tea Party-friendly, handgun fan, bipartisan...

Gingrich: Obama's Trayvon Line 'Disgraceful'

He accused president of turning 'into a racial issue'

(Newser) - President Obama has generally won high praise for his widely circulated line about the Trayvon Martin shooting—" If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon "—but Newt Gingrich found the comments "disgraceful" and racially divisive. “It’s not a question of who that...

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

 Sick of 2012 
howard kurtz

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

Howard Kurtz sees thinning coverage amid poor ratings

(Newser) - Even as voters hit the polls in Illinois Tuesday , Fox and MSNBC hosts focused on other matters. The next day, neither Today nor Good Morning America included the 2012 election in their top three stories. There's a reason for that, writes Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast : Cable news...

Advice to Romney: &#39;Suit Up and Get Serious&#39;
Advice to Romney:
'Suit Up and Get Serious'

Advice to Romney: 'Suit Up and Get Serious'

Peggy Noonan says it's about time

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan has some advice for Mitt Romney in her latest Wall Street Journal column: He will be the nominee, so it's time to "suit up and get serious," she writes. "Get off the goofball express. Cheesy grits, jeans, singing, being compulsively pleasant, calling your opponents...

Santorum: Better Obama Than Romney

Current president preferable to 'Etch A Sketch candidate'

(Newser) - Elect Mitt Romney president? "We might as well stay with what we have," Rick Santorum said yesterday, "instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future." The former senator emphasized his differences with Obama during a Texas campaign...

Louisiana Not Looking Good for Romney

 Louisiana Not 
 Looking Good 
 for Romney 
primary preview

Louisiana Not Looking Good for Romney

But Mitt gets near-endorsement from DeMint

(Newser) - Louisiana holds its Republican primary tomorrow, and the state probably won't snap Mitt Romney's Southern losing streak, analysts say. Romney hasn't spent much time or money there, and its high proportion of conservative voters and relatively low household income make it fertile ground for Rick Santorum, the...

Birthers Sue California ... to Verify Romney

Birther group suspicious because of his dad's time in Mexico

(Newser) - Long-form , schmlong-form . The birthers are at it again, and this time they're not just after Barack Obama—they're going for Mitt Romney, too. Republican primary write-in candidate John Dummett Jr. and six like-minded birthers have filed a lawsuit demanding the California secretary of state check the eligibility...

America Needs to Lose the Fake Outrage

 America Needs 
 to Lose the 
 Fake Outrage 
Bill Maher

America Needs to Lose the Fake Outrage

Bill Maher thinks it's time we lighten up and stop apologizing

(Newser) - When David Axelrod called Mitt Romney's Illinois ad push a “Mittzkrieg” this week, the Republican Jewish Coalition angrily demanded that the DNC rebuke him. “Because the message of 'Mittzkrieg' was clear: Kill all the Jews,” quips Bill Maher in a New York Times op-ed. Maher,...

'Etch a Sketch' Gaffe Already Haunting Romney

Even the company itself gets in on the fun

(Newser) - Team Romney probably hoped the Etch a Sketch gaffe —a top adviser said his positions could be "reset" as with the classic toy—would die a quick death today. Doesn't look like it:
  • Stage prop: Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich each went on stage brandishing a you-know-what.

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