Clinton 2008

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Dems in Dead Heat for Hollywood Dough

$300 in contributions separates Clinton, Obama

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential candidates are in a neck-and-neck race for donations from Hollywood. Less than $300 in contributions from the entertainment industry separates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, reports the Los Angeles Times. Both boast just short of $3 million in Tinseltown cash. But John McCain has only shaken loose...

Tech Biz Workers Back Barack
 Tech Biz Workers Back Barack 

Tech Biz Workers Back Barack

Young, liberal workers at Google and Yahoo like him

(Newser) - Google and Yahoo workers who have donated to presidential campaigns support Barack Obama, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports, donating significantly more to him than any other candidate. Obama does well with the tech industry as a whole, though his edge is less pronounced at older companies like Microsoft and Apple. Obama...

Why Clinton Should be Winning
Why Clinton Should be Winning

Why Clinton Should be Winning

If primaries were winner-take-all, she'd have a tidy lead

(Newser) - Barack Obama is beating Hillary Clinton in the delegate count only because of the eccentricities of the Democratic Primary system, argues Sean Wilentz on Salon. Like it or not, the general election will be a winner-take-all affair, and if the primaries were conducted the same way, Clinton would lead Obama...

Clinton's Next Real Test: Indiana
Clinton's Next Real Test: Indiana

Clinton's Next Real Test: Indiana

Hillary counts on economy to win state, silence doubters

(Newser) - Right now all eyes are on Pennsylvania, but Hillary Clinton’s real proving ground will be Indiana, the Wall Street Journal says. Barack Obama led big in mid-February polling there, but the state is rife with the lower-income white voters who have so far flocked to Clinton. Winning them over...

Vendors to Clinton: Don't Be a Deadbeat

Many irked as campaign delays bills to keep pace in race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is earning a deadbeat reputation among some campaign vendors, reports Politico. To keep pace with Obama and maintain reserves for future media buys and events, it has put off paying hundreds of bills, leaving many—mostly small and local—businesses grousing. Clinton ended February with $16...

Hillary Camp in the Red Last Month
Hillary Camp
in the Red
Last Month

Hillary Camp in the Red Last Month

Campaign raked in dollars but spent big and owes millions

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is in debt despite a massive influx of donations last month, according to FEC filings. She raised $35 million in February, spent $31 million and ended up with $33 million—but most of it is reserved for the general election and the rest is owed. However,...

Clinton Finally Figures Out the Internet

She's no Obama, but suddenly Hillary has online donors too

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is suddenly raking in donations over the Internet, the New York Times reports. Clinton took in $30 million online in February, and looks on pace for similar figures in March. That may pale before the $45 million the webizens bestowed upon Barack Obama, but it’s a landmark...

Florida Dems Nix Primary Do-Over
Florida Dems
Nix Primary

Florida Dems Nix Primary Do-Over

State tells party to find solution; Michigan mulls June re-vote

(Newser) - Florida Democrats reacted to weeks of political wrangling today by ditching plans for a mail-in revote, the Miami Herald reports. "Thousands of people responded," Florida Democratic Party chair Karen Thurman wrote. "The consensus is clear: Florida doesn’t want to vote again. So we won’t."...

Ferraro Quits Clinton Post
 Ferraro Quits Clinton Post 

Ferraro Quits Clinton Post

She resigns honorary post after race flap over Obama

(Newser) - Geraldine Ferraro left her honorary post in the Clinton campaign today amid turmoil over her comment that if Barack Obama were white, "he would not be in this position." Ferraro stands by that assertion but says the Obama camp has twisted her remarks out of context. "I...

Obama Claims Texas Caucus Win
Obama Claims Texas Caucus Win

Obama Claims Texas Caucus Win

Caucuses tip Lone Star delegate advantage

(Newser) - With caucus results still coming in last night, Barack Obama's camp projects a victory for their candidate in Texas delegates. While Clinton won the Tuesday primary by a thin margin, netting her 65 delegates to Obama’s 61, Obama appears to have prevailed in the caucuses later that night, giving...

Obama Says He'll Sharpen His Attacks

He criticizes media for buying Clinton's claim of unfair treatment

(Newser) - Getting up off the canvas after yesterday's primary losses, Barack Obama promised to escalate criticism of Hillary Clinton over the next few days, targeting in particular her claim to be the candidate with the most foreign policy experience. "What exactly is this foreign policy experience?" Obama asked. "Was...

Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible
Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible

Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible

But, of course, we still have to decide who's on top

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today hinted that she’d be willing to bury the hatchet and share a ticket with Barack Obama, the AP reports. “That may be where this is headed,” Clinton told CBS’ The Early Show, “but of course we have to decide who is on the...

Clinton Ignores Code She Sets for Obama
Clinton Ignores Code She Sets for Obama

Clinton Ignores Code She Sets for Obama

Hopeful refused to blast racist, but wants rival to slam Farrakhan

(Newser) - Pot, meet kettle: Hillary Clinton recently insisted that Barack Obama “reject and denounce” Louis Farrakhan’s endorsement, but did not apply the same standards to herself, writes Colbert King in the Washington Post. When a Latina in Texas said Hispanics won't vote for Obama because “he happens to...

Obama Tries to Shore Up Jewish Support

Candidate aims to overcome Farrakhan ties, Muslim rumors

(Newser) - Barack Obama is moving to shore up support among Jewish voters after a series of much-publicized comments and false rumors that have complicated the task for him, the New York Times reports. Obama recently had to distance himself from Louis Farrakhan, clarify comments perceived as pro-Palestinian, and disavow email rumors...

Obama Relies on Volunteers to Sway Texas

His campaign got a relatively late start in crucial state

(Newser) - Volunteers, not the paid staff Barack Obama has relied on to win previous primaries, are at the core of his campaign in Texas, reports the Wall Street Journal. It's "like a baling wire and duct tape thing," says his campaign chief in the state. A year ago, it...

With End Near, Clinton Plays It Smart, Safe
With End Near, Clinton Plays It Smart, Safe

With End Near, Clinton Plays It Smart, Safe

As candidate takes shelter in denial, voters seem unmoved

(Newser) - In what looks increasingly like the twilight of her campaign, Hillary Clinton is stumping as though Barack Obama doesn’t even exist, writes Walter Shapiro of Slate. She’s campaigning as a smart policy nut, moving one supporter to say, "I will always feel safe with this woman as...

Clinton and Obama: A Tale of Two Senators

Brief legislative careers reveal much about candidates

(Newser) - The Senate isn’t a powerful presidential launching pad, but Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama arrived there amidst whispers of executive ambitions, and each charted a very different course, the LA Times reports. Clinton swiftly established herself as an inside operator, forging alliances and focusing on her state, while Obama...

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'
Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Hillary slams Obama over health care claim

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama today over a campaign mailer that she called “right out of Karl Rove’s play book.” “Shame on you, Barack Obama,” she said, brandishing a flier—which she says falsely accuses her of wanting to force people to buy health insurance....

Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice
Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice

Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice

Get ready to come together in November—or else, he warns

(Newser) - With an eye on November, Jesse Jackson warned Democrats yesterday to patch up their battle wounds from the ongoing Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama feud or they "could hurt themselves substantially, perhaps irreparably," reports Politico. First on his agenda is making sure that black-Latino tensions are not "exacerbated,"...

Clinton Camp Unveils Victory Blueprint

Plenty of time to turn this thing around, advisers believe

(Newser) - As Barack Obama continues to bask in the glow of a string of impressive primary victories, Team Clinton is pulling out the stops to capture important wins in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania. Clinton advisers have hardly given up hope. They're optimistic Hillary can accomplish the latest victory blueprint: nail pending...

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