Nancy Pelosi

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Pelosi Won't Be Hurried on Articles of Impeachment

Speaker says she'll send them to the Senate 'when I'm ready'

(Newser) - With pressure building for her to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for President Trump's trial, Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she'll take that step "when I'm ready." At a press conference, the House speaker added, "that will probably be soon." The...

Fight Over War Powers Looms in Congress
Fight Over War Powers
Looms in Congress

Fight Over War Powers Looms in Congress

Pelosi says vote will be held Thursday

(Newser) - Iran and the US appear to have stepped back from the brink of war—but congressional Democrats still want to make sure President Trump's ability to take action against the country is reined in. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Wednesday that the chamber will vote Thursday on a war...

Graham: Let's Change Senate Impeachment Rules

Senator and Trump ally wants to begin trial quickly, even if Pelosi won't budge

(Newser) - Sen. Lindsey Graham wants to get the impeachment trial over with as quickly as possible, and he's suggesting changing the Senate rules if Nancy Pelosi continues to hold things up. Pelosi still has not formally given the Senate the two articles of impeachment passed by the House, and the...

Trump Takes a Jab at Pelosi From Florida

Says she's 'breaking all the rules' in not handing over the articles of impeachment

(Newser) - President Trump is spending two weeks at his Mar-a-Lago resort, but he's not totally leaving DC behind. On Monday morning he took to Twitter to rail against Nancy Pelosi and his impeachment, writing , "Pelosi gives us the most unfair trial in the history of the US Congress, and...

Trump Accepts Pelosi&#39;s Invitation
Trump Accepts 
Pelosi's Invitation

Trump Accepts Pelosi's Invitation

State of the Union address scheduled for Feb. 4

(Newser) - Impeachment or not, Nancy Pelosi has invited President Trump to visit the House to deliver his next State of the Union address. And Trump has accepted. Her letter was sent Friday, Politico reports. The invitation could imply that the speaker expects Trump to still be in office on Feb. 4,...

Pelosi Threatens to Delay Trump Trial

She wants to see a 'fair process' in the Senate

(Newser) - After Bill Clinton was impeached by the House on Dec. 19, 1998, his trial in the Senate began 19 days later. Andrew Johnson's Senate trial started 10 days after he was impeached in 1868. With President Trump, the gap will be longer—possibly a lot longer. In what Politico...

Trump Sends Pelosi an &#39;Extraordinary&#39; Letter
Trump Sends Pelosi
an 'Extraordinary' Letter

Trump Sends Pelosi an 'Extraordinary' Letter

He registers his objections to impeachment over 6 pages

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi was on the receiving end of what the Washington Post calls an "extraordinary letter" written by President Trump. Over six pages that you can read in full here , he voices his "strongest and most powerful protest" against impeachment, writing that "this impeachment represents an unprecedented...

New North American Trade Deal Is Imminent
Pelosi Hands Trump
a Victory on Trade

Pelosi Hands Trump a Victory on Trade

New North American trade deal is imminent

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced agreement on a modified North American trade pact, handing President Trump a major Capitol Hill win on the same day that Democrats announced impeachment charges against him, per the AP . Crediting Democratic negotiators for winning stronger provisions on enforcing the agreement, Pelosi said...

Democrats Draft 2 Articles of Impeachment Against Trump
Democrats Make Their
Historic Move on Trump

Democrats Make Their Historic Move on Trump

They unveil 2 articles of impeachment

(Newser) - Tuesday brought another historic milestone in the impeachment process against President Trump. Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders unveiled two articles of impeachment against the president—abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, reports the Hill . Trump, meanwhile, lashed out in a morning tweet. "To Impeach a President who has...

Pelosi Makes Impeachment Move. Now What?
Trump Mocks Pelosi's
'Nervous Fit' With Reporter
the rundown

Trump Mocks Pelosi's 'Nervous Fit' With Reporter

House speakers insists she does not 'hate' the president

(Newser) - Thursday morning, President Trump challenged House Democrats to impeach him quickly so he could be cleared in the Senate. Soon after, Nancy Pelosi obliged by shifting the proceedings into an important new phase—the House will begin drafting articles of impeachment. Trump responded by saying Democrats want to "impeach...

Pelosi: We're Moving Ahead on Impeachment

'The president leaves us no choice but to act'

(Newser) - The House is formally moving ahead with impeachment—and that timeline is just fine with President Trump. Nancy Pelosi on Thursday announced that the House will draft articles of impeachment against the president. "The facts are uncontested," she said, per CBS News . "The president abused his power...

Trump: I&#39;ll Consider Testifying
Trump Responds to Pelosi's
Invitation to Testify
the rundown

Trump Responds to Pelosi's Invitation to Testify

President says he will 'strongly consider' it

(Newser) - On Sunday, Nancy Pelosi said President Trump was welcome to personally testify in the House impeachment inquiry. On Monday, Trump said he just might do that. "Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea &...

Pelosi Gives Trump an Invitation
Pelosi to Trump: You're Invited
sunday talk shows

Pelosi to Trump: You're Invited

Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer invite the president to stand up for himself

(Newser) - Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited President Donald Trump to testify in front of investigators in the House impeachment inquiry ahead of a week that will see several key witnesses appear publicly, the AP reports. Pushing back against accusations from the president that the process has been stacked against him,...

Pelosi: This Makes What Nixon Did 'Look Almost Small'

House speaker says Trump is guilty of bribery, an impeachable offense

(Newser) - Forget "quid pro quo." Democrats are using a new word: "bribery." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Trump is guilty of exactly that in his dealings with Ukraine, reports Politico . The New York Times sees the usage as significant because bribery is spelled out...

In Impeachment Numbers, Some Good News for Trump
In Impeachment
Some Good 
News for Trump
the rundown

In Impeachment Numbers, Some Good News for Trump

Republican voters oppose his conviction, and GOP lawmakers seem to agree

(Newser) - The House has cleared the way for a formal impeachment inquiry, and Nancy Pelosi expects things to get started soon. “I would assume there would be public hearings in November,” Pelosi said at a roundtable forum with Bloomberg journalists. She did not, however, add any specifics beyond that,...

Shift in Plans: House to Vote on Impeachment Process

Intended to slow GOP criticism, resolution will lay out next steps

(Newser) - Democrats plan to hold a House vote on impeachment after all. The resolution won't authorize the impeachment inquiry that's already begun, the Wall Street Journal reports, but this will be the first formal vote affirming it. It will establish a formal process and next steps, Democrats said. The...

Nancy Pelosi&#39;s Brother Is Dead at 90
Nancy Pelosi Loses a Brother

Nancy Pelosi Loses a Brother

Thomas D'Alesandro III passed away in Baltimore

(Newser) - Thomas D'Alesandro III, a former Baltimore mayor and the brother of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has died. He was 90. A spokesman for Pelosi said D'Alesandro died Sunday morning at his north Baltimore home after complications from a stroke, the AP reports. Pelosi says in a statement that...

Trump, Pelosi Use Same Photo for Own Points
Pelosi Turns Trump Insult
Into a Bragging Point
the rundown

Pelosi Turns Trump Insult Into a Bragging Point

President says photo shows her 'unhinged,' but she's made it her Twitter cover image

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is turning a President Trump taunt into a bragging point. Trump tweeted a photo of Pelosi standing during an Oval Office meeting and pointing a finger toward Trump. "Nervous Nancy's unhinged meltdown!" he wrote in the caption. Pelosi, however, loves the image, which shows her...

Pelosi: Trump Had 'Meltdown' During Syria Meeting

But House Republicans say it was Pelosi's behavior that was 'unbecoming'

(Newser) - Shortly after the House on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to condemn President Trump's withdrawal of US forces from Syria, Congressional leaders were at the White House for a meeting with Trump on the matter—a meeting that did not end well. Nancy Pelosi, who said she believed Trump was "...

Graham Hopes Letter Will Stop Pelosi From Destroying America

Says he's sending her a note that explains GOP senators won't impeach Trump over call

(Newser) - Sen. Lindsey Graham says he's going to send Nancy Pelosi a letter that he hopes will stop her from "destroy[ing] the nation for no good." That's what she and her fellow House Democrats are doing in pursuing an impeachment inquiry, he says. "I want Nancy...

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