Nancy Pelosi

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NRA: Navy Yard Lacked &#39;Good Guys With Guns&#39;
 NRA: Navy 
 Yard Lacked 
 'Good Guys 
 With Guns' 


NRA: Navy Yard Lacked 'Good Guys With Guns'

Meanwhile, Manchin says he won't renew push for gun control

(Newser) - The NRA's Wayne LaPierre is taking on renewed debate over gun control in wake of the Navy Yard shooting, telling NBC today that the "outrage" of "the elite media and the politicians trying to stir this toward firearms ... ought to be placed on an unprotected naval base....

Boehner: We're Backing Obama on Syria

Obama promises Syria won't be another Iraq

(Newser) - President Obama took a big step forward in his quest to gain Congressional approval for a strike on Syria, convincing the leaders of both parties in the House to back his play. Obama held a meeting with John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and other top lawmakers this morning, arguing that military...

Pelosi Has Short Response to Bachmann on Gay Rulings

'Who cares?'

(Newser) - One of the most-circulated comments in the wake of today's Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage came from Nancy Pelosi. She and others at a news conference were asked to respond to remarks from Michele Bachmann, who earlier said: "Marriage was created by the hand of God. No...

Jeb Bush: It&#39;s Immigration Reform, Stupid
 Jeb Bush: 
 It's Immigration 
 Reform, Stupid 


Jeb Bush: It's Immigration Reform, Stupid

Also, it's too early to consider 2016

(Newser) - Jeb Bush is still busily making the rounds and the case for immigration reform today, telling Face the Nation that "if we can get immigration right, imagine, there's possibilities of cats and dogs living with one another in other policy areas as well." Calling it a "...

Obama Invites Republicans to Zero-Hour Sequester Talk

They won't meet until Friday, the day cuts are supposed to kick in

(Newser) - President Obama has invited John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi to the White House for a meeting on Friday—the same day the sequester cuts are scheduled to kick in and the House is scheduled to leave town, the White House announced today. Does this mean we'...

Democrats to Obama: Skip Congress on Debt Ceiling

Reid, others say he should do so if Republicans won't budge

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have a suggestion for President Obama if House Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling to pay the nation's bills: Obama should circumvent Congress and raise the ceiling himself, reports the Hill . An excerpt of a letter from Harry Reid and other Democrats to the White House:...

Quick Debt Ceiling Fix: $1T Coin
 Quick Debt 
 Ceiling Fix: 
 $1T Coin 
paul krugman

Quick Debt Ceiling Fix: $1T Coin

Or, Obama could just raise limit himself

(Newser) - Think the whole debt-ceiling debate is silly? Paul Krugman does, too, and he's been pushing an admittedly "silly" way out of it. A legal loophole intended for making commemorative coins, he writes in the New York Times , could come in handy: Thanks to the rule, the US Treasury...

Boehner Re-Elected as House Speaker

But he suffers several GOP defections

(Newser) - Those rumors of a GOP coup didn't hold up: John Boehner has been re-elected as House speaker with 220 votes, reports the Hill . Unlike his unanimous vote last term, however, 12 conservative GOP lawmakers either voted for someone else, abstained, or voted "present," reports the Washington Post...

Obama: Take My Plan, or Offer Alternative

President will push for up-or-down vote on his plan if all fails

(Newser) - The big powwow between President Obama and leaders of Congress has wrapped up with, surprise, surprise, no magical breakthrough on the fiscal cliff. But with four days to go before the deadline, there's apparently still hope. The New York Times , Politico , the Washington Post , and the Hill have similar...

Pelosi to Try to Force Vote on Bush Tax Cuts

Boehner takes GOP 'fiscal cliff' case to the press

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will file a motion today to force a vote on Bush-era tax cuts, her office says. The House minority leader's "discharge petition" would aim for a vote this month on extending the cuts for those earning less than $250,000, while ending them for those earning...

GOP Considers 'Doomsday' Fiscal Cliff Plan

Meanwhile, Pelosi planning her own end-run

(Newser) - With fiscal cliff negotiations going, in John Boehner's words, "nowhere," Republicans are considering what ABC News correspondent Jon Karl calls a "doomsday" contingency plan. Under the plan—which Karl's sources say "is becoming the most likely scenario"—the House would approve extending the...

Obama Kicks Off Fiscal Cliff Talks

Boehner, Obama to be main movers and shakers in negotiation

(Newser) - Barack Obama officially kicked off fiscal cliff talks today, hosting a meeting with John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Mitch McConnell at the White House, the Washington Post reports. Americans "want to see that we are focused on them, not on our politics here in Washington," the...

Pelosi, Luke Russert Spar on 'Offensive' Age Question

Nobody asked Mitch McConnell same question, she notes

(Newser) - When Nancy Pelosi announced today that she's staying on as House minority leader, NBC's Luke Russert posed a question about her age (72) that sparked some fireworks at her press conference, notes the Huffington Post :
  • Russert: “Some of your colleagues privately say that your decision to stay

Pelosi Will Stay as Minority Leader: Report
 Pelosi to Stay On 
 as Minority Leader 


Pelosi to Stay On as Minority Leader

Broke the news while surrounded by fellow female House reps

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will stay on as House minority leader in the new session of Congress, she announced this morning, after first revealing her decision to her caucus at a private meeting, the AP reports. Pelosi broke the news at a press conference surrounded by her fellow female House reps, which...

Man Admits Burglarizing Pelosi's Home—Twice

Kevin Michael Hagan, 21, returned to the scene of the crime

(Newser) - A 21-year-old man has admitted to burglarizing Nancy Pelosi's California home on Monday ... and then again on Tuesday, reports NBC Bay Area . Police were tipped off to the first break-in by the House minority leader's alarm system, which was triggered on Monday after the glass doors to her...

Suu Kyi Can Be President: Burma's Leader

Thein Sein: It all 'depends on the will of the people'

(Newser) - While Suu Kyi continues her 17-day US tour , Burmese President Thein Sein made his most glowing remarks about her so far—saying she could become Burma's president. "Whether she will become a leader of the nation depends on the will of the people," he said in a...

Romney Ad: Pelosi Put Obama on Mute

Bashes president's leadership via Woodward account

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is out with a new ad this morning that's generating some buzz, reports CNN . Repeating Bob Woodward's account of tensions between President Obama and top Democrats during negotiations over raising the debt limit, the ad alleges that during a phone conference, "As President Obama spoke,...

McCain Blames 'Disengaged' White House for Libya Attack

GOP says Obama policies, not video, are root of problem

(Newser) - John McCain today took the Benghazi consulate attack that killed Chris Stevens and laid the blame squarely at the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., blasting the Obama administration's policy of diplomatic "disengagement" as ultimately responsible, reports Politico . "Prior to 9/11, we had a policy of containment. Then...

Pelosi: Spirits of Women Suffragists Visited Me

'At last we have a seat at the table,' they told her at the White House

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi has a story she likes to tell, and it's a strange one. She swears the ghosts of American suffragists visited her in the White House, reports CNSNews . Pelosi seems sincere in the telling, and she's spoken of the experience a number of times in speeches. (CNS...

Democrats: We're Not Budging on Defense Cuts

Obama takes hard stance on defense cuts, taxes for wealthy

(Newser) - Democrats are digging in on two controversial points that could reverberate across the economy: The $550 billion in defense cuts kicking in next year and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts for families earning more than $250,000 per year. President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other top...

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