Nancy Pelosi

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Cain Regrets 'Princess Nancy' Dig at Pelosi

Probably not the best week to belittle a female politician

(Newser) - Herman Cain may have decided now wasn't the best time to potentially alienate more female voters : He expressed regret for referring to Nancy Pelosi in yesterday's debate as "Princess Nancy" for her role as speaker in blocking a GOP health care bill. "We didn't hear...

GOP Email Shows Obama Shot in Head

Virginia Republican Party goes ballistic over gory image

(Newser) - Conservatives in Virginia checked their email today and found an image of President Obama with a bullet through his head—courtesy of Loudon County's Republican committee. The image portrayed Obama as a zombie, with a bleeding hole in his forehead and part of his skull missing, the Washington Post...

GOP Dances Around Mormon Question
 GOP Dances 
 Around Mormon Question

GOP Dances Around Mormon Question

And the field pounces on Occupy Wall Street, as Pelosi slams Cantor

(Newser) - Republican presidential contenders would not touch the brouhaha surrounding Mormonism with a 10-foot pole today. Michele Bachmann called the issue "inconsequential" and "ridiculous." "We have religious tolerance in this country, and I have a very sincerely held belief on faith, and I think we just leave...

Newsweek Retracts Pelosi's Anti-Obama Quote

Reporter's notes misconstrued as quotation

(Newser) - So maybe President Obama can see around corners after all? Newsweek editors abruptly pulled a quote today they had attributed to Nancy Pelosi , about how Obama's team "can’t see around corners; they anticipate nothing." Turns out those words were written by a reporter in her notes...

Pelosi: Inept Obama Team 'Anticipates Nothing'

Harry Reid meanwhile reportedly upset about Obama's jobs bill

(Newser) - Is President Obama facing a revolt from his Democratic generals? Nancy Pelosi certainly doesn’t seem happy. She offered a surprisingly blunt critique of the president and his team recently, buried within this Howard Kurtz Newsweek piece on Obama’s newfound populist punch. “I think you need to talk...

Pelosi's 3 'Super' Picks: Becerra, Clyburn, Van Hollen

Panel charged with finding $1.5T in cuts is now complete

(Newser) - The "super committee" is complete: Nancy Pelosi filled in the final three positions of the 12-member panel today by picking James Clyburn of South Carolina, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, and Xavier Becerra of California, reports the Hill . Clyburn and Becerra are the top-ranking African-American and Latino lawmakers in...

Black Caucus Chair Calls Debt Deal a 'Satan Sandwich'

Progressive and black caucuses to oppose bill

(Newser) - Liberals are just a wee bit unhappy with the deal President Obama struck to increase the debt ceiling. The Progressive Caucus and the Black Caucus will hold a press conference today to announce their opposition to the deal, Raw Story reports. Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver delivered the real money...

Deal Still Faces Hurdles

Hawks, libs expected to bolt—selling fine print to the rest is crucial

(Newser) - Not so fast. Is the debt ceiling agreement settled? Or could it still go down in flames? "We all may not be able to support it, or none us may be able to support it," Nancy Pelosi ominously told reporters yesterday ahead of today's Democratic caucus on...

David Wu Sex Scandal: House Democrat Won't Seek Reelection
 Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection 

Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection

Hasn't decided whether to serve out remainder of term after sex allegation

(Newser) - Surprise! Mere hours after Nancy Pelosi called for an ethics investigation into a young woman's claim that she had an "unwanted sexual encounter" with tiger-suit-wearing David Wu, the Oregon Democrat is confirming that he won't seek reelection. Wu apparently hasn't decided whether to serve out the...

Pelosi Seeks Ethics Probe of Rep. Wu

Urges investigation into alleged sex assault

(Newser) - On the heels of Saturday's news that a young woman has accused Rep. David Wu of sexual assault , Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats are demanding a House ethics investigation, the Washington Post reports. “I call on the Ethics Committee to initiate an investigation into the allegations against...

John Boehner on Debt Deal: Two-Step Deal Is Only Option
 2-Step Deal 
 the Only Choice 

Boehner: 2-Step Deal the Only Choice

(Newser) - John Boehner was a late addition to Fox News Sunday today, and painted a two-step deal as the only alternative left. "It's not physically possible to do all of this in one step," Boehner told Chris Wallace, advocating a short-term fix through early next year; President Obama...

Michele Bachmann: I'm a Serious Candidate
 See? I'm for Real 

Bachmann: See? I'm for Real

'People recognize that I'm serious,' candidate says

(Newser) - Michele Bachman is nipping at Mitt Romney's heels in Iowa, and she took to the airwaves today to trumpet that tidbit: “I am very serious about what I want to do. People recognize that I’m serious.” Chris Wallace didn't appear to take her seriously,...

Dems Wait for Weiner's Wife to Nudge Him Out

Huma Adebin may persuade husband to quit

(Newser) - House Democrats didn't take any steps to punish Anthony Weiner after a closed-door caucus meeting yesterday, but more than one lawmaker said they were waiting for his wife to get home and hopefully convince him to step down. Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, arrived back from...

Nancy Pelosi Urges Weiner to Resign

He loses support of top House Democrats

(Newser) - Another bad day for Anthony Weiner: Nancy Pelosi and other top House Democrats told him to resign today, reports Politico . Weiner has insisted he would not do so, but the shift from Pelosi, Steve Israel, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz will ratchet up the pressure significantly. They released statements within minutes...

House Dems Urge Weiner To Quit

Colleagues bailing on NY rep after tweeted penis shot

(Newser) - A growing number of House Democrats are making it clear that they want their Weiner problem to go away. Pennsylvania's Allyson Schwartz, an ally of Nancy Pelosi, was the first to openly call for his resignation, and she was soon followed by others, reports the New York Times . "...

Pelosi Seeks Ethics Inquiry for Weiner

Top Democrats say Ethics Committee should investigate

(Newser) - They're not calling for his resignation—yet—but top House Democrats have made it clear they're not happy with Rep. Anthony Weiner's shenanigans. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says the congressman, who has come clean about his crotch shot and "inappropriate chats" with women online , must face...

Sarah Palin: President Obama Wants to 'Go Down With This Sinking Ship'
 Palin: Maybe 
 Obama Wants 
 to Go Down 
 With Ship 


Palin: Maybe Obama Wants to Go Down With Ship

She'd rather start 'plugging the hole,' not 'go way of Titanic'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin surveyed this week's grim economic reports and declared them "not a bump in the road," but rather a "brick wall." Palin then went into full nautical mode on Fox News to describe the economy, calling it "noble" of President Obama "to...

Threats Against Lawmakers Hit New High in 2010

Emotions ran high during health reform debate

(Newser) - As the health reform debate reached a fever pitch last year, so too did the threats against lawmakers. The FBI investigated at least 26 threats last year, according to documents obtained by the Hill, a significant upswing from the previous year, and more than any other year on record. Nearly...

GOP Paying Law Firm $500K to Back Gay Marriage Ban

Nancy Pelosi calls it a waste of money

(Newser) - House Republicans have agreed to pay a law firm $520 an hour, to a maximum of $500,000, to defend the Defense of Marriage Act now that President Obama has abandoned it. Former Bush Administration solicitor general Paul Clement will head up King and Spalding's defense of the law,...

Budget Talks Look Doomed by Unlikely Participants

Cantor, Kyl, and Pelosi crew not the most credible bunch

(Newser) - Are the White House’s budget talks already doomed? That’s the conclusion some are reaching based on who’s going, according to the Huffington Post . Both sides were invited to send up to eight appointees, but Republicans will only send two: Eric Cantor and Jon Kyl, both political pugilists...

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