Nancy Pelosi

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House Bill Adds Hate-Crime Coverage for Gays

Dems secure victory by attaching measure to defense funding measure

(Newser) - The House voted today to make it a federal crime to assault people because of their sexual orientation, significantly expanding the hate-crimes law enacted in the days after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968. With expected passage by the Senate, and President Obama promising to sign the legislation,...

Pelosi Eye Roll Hints at Dem Rift on Afghanistan

She doesn't seem to be on the same page as Reid

(Newser) - It was a little thing. After Tuesday’s powwow with the president on Afghan strategy, Harry Reid emerged from the White House with Nancy Pelosi and announced: “Everyone said that ‘whatever decision you make, we will support it,’” as the House speaker rolled her eyes. Though...

Why the Dems Will Hold Congress in 2010
 Why the Dems Will 
 Hold Congress in 2010 

Why the Dems Will Hold Congress in 2010

Incumbency, early preparation make 1994 redux unlikely

(Newser) - The last time a young Democrat became president, an angry debate over health care preceded a disastrous midterm election, costing the party control of both the House and the Senate. Yet it's too soon to make the easy comparison between 1994 and 2010, writes Wall Street Journal analyst Jerry Seib....

House Dems Fear Senate, WH Steamroll on Health Care

Moderates don't want to spend risky votes on legless progressive bill

(Newser) - House Democrats on both ends of the spectrum are feeling sorry for themselves as they struggle to shape a final health care reform bill. The bill is widely expected—based in no small part on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proclamations—to include a public option, a tax on wealthy Americans,...

Public Option Lives—If the Left Pushes Hard Enough

Nancy Pelosi still wants it in House-Senate compromise

(Newser) - As health care reform chugs through the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Madden checks in on the prospects for a public option and finds it's not quite dead yet. A big test comes today when the committee votes on amendments from supporters of the public option, such as Jay Rockefeller. "...

Hey, Dems: Stop Whining About Civility and Fight Back!

Dems could easily win this debate and should fight back instead of complaining

(Newser) - The Democrats should be trying to land a few blows in the health care debate instead of meekly complaining about a lack of civility from the opposition, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal. The right wing has made the issue into a crusade for its vision of liberty,...

Tearful Pelosi Fears Rhetoric Could Lead to Violence

Speaker tears up while recalling late '70s political violence

(Newser) - Fighting back tears, Nancy Pelosi said today she fears the inflammatory rhetoric surrounding current political debate could lead to violence, the Hill reports. “I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw…I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco,...

Afghanistan Push Meets Resistance —From Democrats

Levin, Pelosi object to troop buildup; Obama weighs options

(Newser) - Support for the war in Afghanistan is dwindling among Democrats as President Obama mulls increasing US involvement in the region, the New York Times reports. Ahead of an expected request for more troops from the US commander in the country, the chair of the Senate armed services committee says he’...

Pumped-Up Dems Fall Into Line on Health Reform

Obama's speech changed tone on Hill, but GOP votes still elusive

(Newser) - After a dispiriting summer for the Democrats, Barack Obama's address has energized the majority party, with progressives to Blue Dogs lining up behind the president. As Politico notes, the greatest change in tone came from Nancy Pelosi and other legislators who had insisted on a public option, many of whom...

McConnell Keeps Low Profile in Health Debate
McConnell Keeps Low Profile
in Health Debate

McConnell Keeps Low Profile in Health Debate

Conservative critics think Minority Leader should be fighting administration harder

(Newser) - Why haven’t we heard more from Mitch McConnell on health care? The Senate Minority Leader has kept relatively quiet on the administration’s reform efforts, a stance that has irked many conservative activists who feel McConnell is ducking his duties as de facto Republican Party leader, writes Stephanie Mencimer...

Health Care Reform '90%' Done: Reid

But Senate, House leaders not united on public option

(Newser) - Harry Reid declared "90% agreement" in the Senate on health care reform today after a meeting with President Obama. Reid and Nancy Pelosi expressed optimism that the president's address to Congress tomorrow will bolster support for reform, the Hill reports. The Senate Majority Leader is confident that the speech...

Pelosi Lets Rangel Slide...for Now

Nancy Pelosi is better off doing nothing than punishing Charlie Rangel, aides say

(Newser) - Stripping ethics-challenged Charlie Rangel of his Ways and Means Committee chairmanship would create more problems for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi than it would solve, reports Politico, citing current and former House aides. Punishing Rangel would mean having to fill his seat—with one of several less-than-stellar replacements—and infuriating the...

Pelosi Willing to Deal to Win Back House Dems

They plan more flexible approach, postponed public option

(Newser) - House Democrats got whipped on health care over the August recess, and party leaders now have to win back some of their own shaky members, reports Politico. The push starts at a caucus meeting in the Capitol basement next week as Nancy Pelosi and other top leaders will try to...

Why Stimulus Gets a Bad Rap
 Why Stimulus Gets a Bad Rap 

Why Stimulus Gets a Bad Rap

(Newser) - The Democrats’ $787 billion stimulus package is less popular than ever—even though it’s already working, writes David Wessel for the Wall Street Journal. The case against it is weak: Fed rate cuts hadn’t slowed the recession, already a year-old at that point, making the stimulus an appropriate...

World's Most Powerful Women
 World's Most Powerful Women 

World's Most Powerful Women

(Newser) - German leader Angela Merkel keeps her spot as the world's most powerful woman for the fourth straight year on the annual Forbes list. Other notables in the top 100: Michelle Obama debuts at 40, just ahead of Oprah (41) and Queen Elizabeth (42). Hillary Clinton is 36, down from 28...

Congress Relents, Slashes Unwanted Jet Order

(Newser) - House leaders are slashing their $550 million order for eight new executive jets for use by senior government officials, caving to pressure from fellow lawmakers and the Pentagon, Politico reports. John Murtha’s Defense Appropriations Subcommittee had more than doubled the Pentagon’s original request for $220 million to buy...

Pelosi, Hoyer: Health Reform Haters Ignore Facts

After a century, it's time to get this done

(Newser) - The debate over universal health care has lasted almost a century, and once again, an overhaul faces tough odds. This time, not only are opponents trying to “misrepresent” legislation—many others have been crashing meetings and making “civil dialogue” on the issue impossible, write Nancy Pelosi and Steny...

Beck: I Want to Poison Pelosi ... Kidding!

Sure, no one likes her, but still...

(Newser) - So a few advertisers abandoned Glenn Beck’s show after his last bout of verbal diarrhea—so what? That didn’t stop him from “joking” that he wanted to poison Nancy Pelosi last night on his show, during a skit about hanging out at her “liberal, elitist wine...

5 Things to Watch During Critical August Break
 5 Things to Watch During 
 Critical August Break
forget the beach

5 Things to Watch During Critical August Break

Health care takes center stage in 'consequential' recess

(Newser) - With health care reform hanging in the balance, the August congressional recess is likely to be a lot less relaxing than usual, writes Glenn Thrush in Politico. What to watch:
  1. Health insurers’ response to Nancy Pelosi’s singling them out as the "bad guys" on soaring health care costs.

Liberals Near Revolt Over Health Care Deal

(Newser) - Blue Dogs had a good day, but now liberals are howling. After the conservative Democrats managed to shift health care legislation to the center, progressive Democrats say they might mount a rebellion of their own, report Politico and the Hill. They're mostly upset that Henry Waxman agreed to water down...

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