Iranian Revolutionary Guard

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Iran: We Shot Down Israeli Drone

Revolutionary Guards say aircraft was near Natanz

(Newser) - Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards is saying its forces have shot down an Israeli drone as it approached an Iranian nuclear site. The Guards issued a statement saying forces fired a missile at the drone as it neared its uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, more than 185 miles south of...

Every Iraqi Urged to Pick Up a Weapon

Iraq's top cleric says 'everyone who can' must fight

(Newser) - Iraq's top Shiite cleric issued a statement during Friday prayers today, calling on everyone—Shiite and Sunni alike—to fight back against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the New York Times reports. It is "the legal and national responsibility of whoever can hold a weapon, to...

Iran: We Captured US Drone US: No, You Didn't

US says all ScanEagles 'fully accounted for' after Iranian report

(Newser) - Iranian state TV is claiming that the country's Revolutionary Guard captured a US drone after it entered Iranian airspace over the Persian Gulf—a report the US moved quickly to squash, reports the AP , with a Navy spokesman saying that all US drones are "fully accounted for."...

Iran Ready for 'Pre-Emptive Attack' on Israel

...But Ahmadinejad says he doesn't take Israeli threat seriously

(Newser) - If Iran really thought Israel was going to attack, it would launch a pre-emptive strike, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard general was quoted as saying yesterday. "Iran will not start any war," he said, according to Iran's state-run Arabic language station, "but it could launch a pre-emptive...

Iran: 'Nothing Will Remain' of Israel in Attack

As Netanyahu seeks to draw 'red lines' around Tehran

(Newser) - Iran and Israel are rattling the sabers in earnest today, with the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard brashly warning that "nothing will remain" of Israel if it should attack Tehran over its nuclear program. Speaking at a news conference today, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said that, if attacked,...

'Ex-CIA Agent': Iran's Sleeper Cells Ready to Strike

Reza Kahlili says Tehran must be overthrown

(Newser) - A man hiding behind a surgeon's mask, sunglasses, and ball cap says America is locked in a life-or-death struggle with only one good outcome: the overthrow of Iran's government. Calling himself Reza Kahlili, he clams to be a former CIA double agent once ensconced in Iran's Revolutionary...

Iran: We Can Blast US Bases in 'Minutes'

Revolutionary guard says Israel also 'good target'

(Newser) - If Iran were attacked, it could retaliate within minutes, destroying US bases in the Middle East and hammering Israel, too, an official says. A Revolutionary Guard commander told Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency that 35 US bases are "in range of our missiles, and the occupied lands (Israel)...

Now China Condemns Syria Massacre

41 more killed in Hama, say activists

(Newser) - Even China is stepping up its rhetoric against the violence in Syria, today condemning Friday's massacre of 108 people, including 34 children, in Houla, reports Reuters . But China, much like Russia , is still avoiding directly attacking the government of Bassar al-Assad. "China feels deeply shocked by the large...

Iran: We Can Strike US 'Around the World'

Ambassador says US attack would be 'suicidal'

(Newser) - Iran again thumped its chest today, saying that the US won't attack the Middle Eastern country militarily if it knows what's good for it. "The Americans know very well what Iran is like and what our potential is," Iran's ambassador to Russia said at a...

Iran Again Flexes Naval Muscles

Ayatollah Khamenei promises war would hurt US interests more

(Newser) - Just a month after the Iranian navy held war games in the Persian Gulf , the more powerful Revolutionary Guard is holding naval maneuvers, too, near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, reports the AP . The Guard is directly controlled by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who yesterday pledged to help any...

Iran Willing to Attack US: Report
 Iran Willing to Attack US: Report 

Iran Willing to Attack US: Report

Director of National Intelligence thinks Iran is 'plotting against US interests'

(Newser) - Iran no longer appears to have any reservations about launching attacks on US soil, National Intelligence Director James Clapper said in Senate testimony today. The new assessment is based in part on Iran's alleged attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US. The incident "shows that some...

Israel Behind Blast at Tehran Missile Base: Official

Explosion kills Iran's missile chief; country calls it accident

(Newser) - An explosion at a missile base outside Tehran this weekend killed at least 17 people and decimated the structure. But while Iran says the blast was an accident, a Western intelligence official tells Time not to believe it: It was the work of Israel’s Mossad agency, the official says,...

Obama: Iran Plot Evidence Will Convince Skeptics

President calls for 'toughest sanctions'

(Newser) - The alleged Iranian plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia's man in Washington sounds far-fetched, but skeptical foreign governments have been presented with evidence, State Department officials say. President Obama, in his first remarks about the plot, promised to push for "the toughest sanctions" against Iran and said US officials...

Iran Terror Plot: US Says Tehran Will Be Held Accountable
 US Vows Iran 
 Will Be Held 

US Vows Iran Will Be Held Accountable

Clinton: 'Very strong message' to be sent to Tehran

(Newser) - The plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US had the support of elements of the Iranian government and Iran is going to pay, US officials vow. "The United States is committed to holding Iran accountable," Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters after the plot was exposed....

Iranian Terror Suspect Had the Right Connections

Mansour Arbabsiar had Iranian military ties, business in Mexico

(Newser) - Iranians trying to recruit Mexican drug cartels to kill the Saudi ambassador? The terror plot US authorities say has been foiled sounds far-fetched, but it appears less so after a look at the man in the middle of it, the Washington Post finds. Mansour Arbabsiar, a 56-year-old Iranian American, had...

US: Iranians Plotted to Kill Saudi Envoy in DC

One man arrested; another is at large

(Newser) - The US has accused two men of attempting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US and attack the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington at the behest of “factions of the Iranian government.” One of the men, named Manssor Arbabsiar, was arrested on Sept. 29, but his...

Iran Testing 'Nuke-Capable Missiles'

Mid-range missiles could carry atomic warheads to US targets

(Newser) - Iran has conducted secret tests of nuclear-capable missiles, but the country says the exercise was a "message of peace and friendship." Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards admit to launching 14 missiles—one capable of reaching Israel or US targets in the Gulf—from an underground silo. British Foreign...

Iran: Nuke Test Will Give Us 'National Sparkle'

Revolutionary Guard article breaks huge taboo

(Newser) - “The day after Iran’s first nuclear test is a normal day.” So begins a strange article posted on the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Gerdab website that has set off alarms in the West. Originally posted in April, the hypothetical article waxes poetic about how great it will be...

UN: Iran Skirting Nuke Sanctions

But they are at least slowing it down

(Newser) - International sanctions have managed to slow down Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs, but that’s about it, according to a new UN report obtained by the AP . “Iran’s circumvention of sanctions across all areas … is willful and continuing,” the report concludes. The regime has...

Ahmadinejad Got Slapped for Sympathizing With Protesters
Ahmadinejad Got Slapped
for Siding With Protesters
WikiLeaks Reveal

Ahmadinejad Got Slapped for Siding With Protesters

Iranian president suggested more freedom would end riots

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, not necessarily known as a big softy, took a surprisingly sympathetic stance toward the protesters then filling the streets to protest his election—and got slapped across the face for his trouble. Ahmadinejad, in a meeting with the Supreme National Security Council, said the people felt "suffocated"...

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