George HW Bush

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Six Things to Watch at Sotomayor Hearings
 Six Things to Watch 
 at Sotomayor Hearings 

Six Things to Watch at Sotomayor Hearings

(Newser) - The White House is working hard to ensure an easy confirmation for Sonia Sotomayor, with John Roberts' perfect-10 testimony as a model. Will she sail through? Politico lists six things to watch.
  1. That 'wise Latina' remark. Republicans are obsessed with it, and she needs to explain it without sounding phony.

Nixon Asked for More 'Attractive Women' in GOP

New tapes: He thought abortions were OK in interracial pregnancies

(Newser) - Richard Nixon felt the Republican Party needed more “attractive women,” newly released Oval Office tapes reveal. In a phone conversation with George HW Bush (then Republican National Committee chairman) Nixon describes seeing two “very attractive women” in the South Carolina legislature, the Los Angeles Times reports. “...

Bush 41: Lay Off Sotomayor
 Bush 41: Lay Off Sotomayor 

Bush 41: Lay Off Sotomayor

(Newser) - Calling Sonia Sotomayor racist for her now-infamous “wise Latina” remark “doesn't help the process,” former president George H.W. Bush tells CNN. "I don't know her that well but I think she's had a distinguished record on the bench and she should be entitled to fair...

Skydiving Bush Sr. Turns 85
 Skydiving Bush Sr. Turns 85 

Skydiving Bush Sr. Turns 85

(Newser) - George H.W. Bush celebrated his 85th birthday by skydiving over the coast of Maine today. The 41st president made a tandem jump with a member of the Army's Golden Knights parachute team onto a landing zone near a church in Kennebunkport, where the family has a summer home. "...

Bush Sr. Plans 85th-Birthday Skydive

Former president will jump near Maine home

(Newser) - Former President George H.W. Bush plans to celebrate his 85th birthday Friday by making a parachute jump in Maine, where he has his summer home. An aide said today that Bush will make a tandem jump with a member of the US Army Golden Knights parachute team. Their landing...

Colleagues See Sotomayor as 'Even-Handed,' 'Brilliant'

Daughter of immigrants rose from Bronx project

(Newser) - The daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants whose father died when she was 9, Sonia Sotomayor will bring more than a stellar legal resume to her Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the Washington Post reports. She worked her way out of projects in the Bronx to graduate from Princeton and Yale Law,...

Barbara Bush Leaves Hospital
 Barbara Bush 
 Leaves Hospital 

Barbara Bush Leaves Hospital

(Newser) - Barbara Bush was released from the hospital today, nine days after undergoing open-heart surgery, the Houston Chronicle reports. “This Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky one,” said the former first lady. “I was able to go home with George, feeling healthy and strong.”

Barbara Bush 'Fine' After Heart Surgery

(Newser) - Barbara Bush underwent open-heart surgery today at a Houston hospital and is doing "fine" now, a family spokeswoman said. "In fact, she is awake." Doctors described the procedure as a cautionary measure after finding hardening on part of her aorta last week, reports CNN. Doctors replaced her...

Lone Star Political Clout Rides Into Sunset

After fifty years of political clout, Texas has lost its primacy as national king-maker

(Newser) - The booming voices of Texas politics have, for the first time in half a century, fallen silent, writes Bryan Burrough in the Washington Post. After vast deposits of oil wealth propelled Lone Star personalities like LBJ and both Bushes to the White House, as well as several influential leaders like...

Let the Coffins Be Seen
 Let the Coffins Be Seen 

Let the Coffins Be Seen

(Newser) - The ban on media at Dover Air Force Base when America’s war dead come home ignores the very rights they died fighting for, and it should be lifted, Connie Schultz writes for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “Supporters of the Iraq war have long argued that media images of...

Poppy Bush Bids WH Adieu, Hopes Jeb Will Make His Run

Dubya 'emotional' as family leaves 2nd time

(Newser) - The Bush family may be saying goodbye to the presidency yet again, but the family patriarch isn't letting go of his hopes to see another of his sons ensconced at the White House someday, Politico reports. “Maybe Jeb’ll do something," said President George HW Bush, during an...

This Picture Is Worth $6K
 This Picture Is Worth $6K 

This Picture Is Worth $6K

Leaders traditionally release limited number of pictures

(Newser) - When the five current, former, and future occupants of the Oval Office mugged together at the White House last week, one could almost hear the cash registers cha-chinging, reports Politico. All five will sign a limited 250 copies of the photo—with each keeping 50—instantly jacking the value to...

'Oedipally Oddball W' Makes His Long Exit

While Bush hated doubt, Obama's 'delighted' by it

(Newser) - George W. Bush’s insecurity and aversion to doubt—“the psychological traits of an asphyxiated and pampered son”—led to his botched presidency, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times. Rather than being a source of presidential insight on Iraq and Saddam, Bush’s father was relegated...

Inaugural Bibles: Past Presidential Picks

Lincoln provided the Bible, but Obama must turn to others for verse ideas

(Newser) - As Barack Obama prepares to take the oath of office Tuesday with his hand on the Lincoln Bible, the Wall Street Journal offers a sample of the Bibles other presidents have chosen—and the passages they've chosen to open them to. Eisenhower, Carter, and Bush Sr. took their oaths on...

Obama Not Looking Back on Torture
Obama Not Looking Back
on Torture

Obama Not Looking Back on Torture

Bush says GOP 'got whipped;' Burris claims seat, 'no question'

(Newser) - Saying his administration will be “looking forward,” Barack Obama suggested he won’t pursue criminal charges against national security officials accused of committing crimes in President Bush’s war on terror. The president-elect also told ABC’s This Week that closing Guantanamo Bay—a key tenet of his...

39, 41, 42, 43, 44 Have Lunch at the White House

Bush wishes Obama success in the future

(Newser) - Barack Obama met with a pair of George Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter today for a photo-op and lunch at the White House, the Chicago Tribune reports. "I want to thank the president-elect for joining the ex-presidents for lunch,'' Bush said, looking to Obama. "And one...

A Third Bush in the White House?
A Third Bush
in the White

A Third Bush in the White House?

Poppy Bush wants Jeb to head to Senate, Oval Office eventually

(Newser) - Even as one son packs his bags to leave the White House, former President Bush is waxing poetic about seeing another move in one day. And since "right now is probably a bad time" with Americans Bushed out, HW suggests Jeb Bush would make "an outstanding senator."...

Do Deciders Age Prematurely?
 Do Deciders Age Prematurely? 

Do Deciders Age Prematurely?

Stress causes grays and wrinkles, but nobody agrees whether presidents die early

(Newser) - Four to eight years as leader of the free world gave George W. plenty of wrinkles and gray hairs—but just what are the presidency’s long-term aging effects? One doctor found that presidents generally have shorter-than-average lifespans, the Boston Globe reports, while another pegs two years for every one...

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Talk Show Roundup

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris

Durbin says no, Reid open to talking, and Burris a no-show

(Newser) - Roland Burris dominated the Sunday morning tongue-wagging, though the would-be senator himself was a no-show, reports the Hill. Elsewhere, mixed messages on whether to seat him:
  • Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin said on This Week that the Senate has no plans to seat Roland Burris. Burris was scheduled to appear alongside

Big Lunch Date: Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Carter

(Newser) - Barack Obama is moving to DC this weekend, and he's already got an interesting lunch date lined up next week with some fellows named George Bush (both of them), Clinton, and Carter, ABC News reports. Wednesday's meeting at the White House will bring together the president-elect with all the living...

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