
Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev 

Prof Who Says Sandy Hook Was a Hoax Getting Fired

Parents of victim say he harassed them

(Newser) - A Florida Atlantic University professor has been making waves for years with his conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook massacre, and now the school is taking action. James Tracy has been claiming on his blog since 2013 that the Newtown, Conn., elementary school shooting was staged, and FAU has reprimanded...

Newtown 911 Tapes Released
 Newtown 911 Tapes Released 

Newtown 911 Tapes Released

Dispatchers are calm, ask about kids

(Newser) - Newtown officials today released the long-awaited—and controversial—recordings of the 911 calls that came in during the Sandy Hook shooting. Operators remain calm on the recordings, the AP reports, even as they seek help from state police and town officials. They urge the callers, who include a janitor and...

Sandy Hook Victim's Dad Turns Her Life Into Music

Saxophonist Jimmy Greene says he grieves for his daughter every day

(Newser) - Jazz musician Jimmy Greene said he couldn't touch his saxophone for a month—after his 6-year-old daughter, Ana Márquez-Greene, was murdered in the Sandy Hook massacre , the New York Times reports. "I don’t know if we’ll ever feel whole again," said Green, who also...

Adam Lanza's Online Posts Discovered: Sources

Investigators tell the 'Hartford Courant' they've linked username to him

(Newser) - The curtain gets pulled back a little more on Adam Lanza . The Hartford Courant spoke with sources involved in the Sandy Hook shooting investigation who say they believe they've found online postings made by Lanza over a roughly 11-month period beginning in April 2009. The Courant has declined to...

Suit Filed Over Country's 'Toughest' Gun Law

Groups, individuals say Connecticut law is unconstitutional

(Newser) - The toughest-in-the-nation gun-control law passed in Connecticut in the wake of Sandy Hook shooting is getting its first legal challenge—but state officials don't seem worried. The Connecticut Citizen's Defense League and Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen have, with an assist from the NRA, filed a lawsuit that claims...

LaPierre: Boston Proves Guns Stop Terrorists

'How many Bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago?'

(Newser) - Prepare yourself for another round of vicious gun debates: NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre has just linked the Boston Marathon bombings to gun rights, asking, "How many Bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago?" CNN reports. In a speech at the NRA's annual convention this weekend,...

Angry Obama: Gun Lobby 'Willfully Lied'

President says Senate caved on background checks in 'shameful day'

(Newser) - After the Senate rejected tougher background checks today, President Obama issued a blistering criticism of senators who "caved to the pressure" and of the gun lobby he says "willfully lied," reports USA Today . "All in all this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," said...

Obama 'Determined' to Get Gun Bill

President gives emotional speech before Sandy Hook families

(Newser) - With time running out on the chance to pass gun control legislation, President Barack Obama today warned Congress not to use delaying tactics against tighter regulations and told families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims that he's "determined as ever" to honor their children with tougher...

Newtown Families: &#39;Gaping Hole&#39; in Lanza&#39;s Upbringing
Newtown Families: 'Gaping Hole' in Lanza's Upbringing

Newtown Families: 'Gaping Hole' in Lanza's Upbringing

They vow lifelong gun-control fight

(Newser) - Family members of some of the 26 children and educators killed in the Sandy Hook school massacre voiced their support for gun control and spoke of how they had been affected by the tragedy on CBS ' 60 Minutes last night.
  • Some parents said they felt compassion for Nancy Lanza,

Connecticut Forges US' Toughest Gun Laws

Bipartisan plan requires eligibility certificate for rifle, ammo buys

(Newser) - Connecticut lawmakers spurred into action by the Sandy Hook school shooting have agreed on what they say is the nation's strongest gun control bill. The bipartisan agreements includes universal background checks for firearm sales, new state-issued eligibility certificates for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or ammunition, and a...

Please, Stop Calling It the 'Newtown Massacre'

Resident MaryAnn Murtha makes a plea for sensitivity

(Newser) - By now, you've heard of Newtown, Connecticut. "It's a sweet place, with a $2 movie theater, a two-hour Labor Day parade, and an old-fashioned general store," writes resident MaryAnn Murtha in the Washington Post . Right now, of course, it's also dealing with a terrible tragedy,...

Newtown Police Force Gets Christmas Day Off

Cops from nearby communities step in

(Newser) - A big gesture of support for police officers in Newtown, Connecticut: Cops have from nearby communities have stepped in to patrol the town today, meaning the entire Newtown police force gets Christmas Day off, reports CNN . "It's a police thing," says a lieutenant from Shelton, Connecticut. Between...

Conn. Neighbor Sheltered 6 Kids Who Fled Gunman

Terrified children had to run past body of dead teacher

(Newser) - A neighbor who sheltered six traumatized children who fled the Sandy Hook school shooting has shared his story with the AP . Gene Rosen left his home Friday morning to find six children sitting at the end of his driveway being comforted by a school bus driver. The 69-year-old retired psychologist,...

No Data Retrieved From Lanza's Smashed Hard Drive

Effort to do so was ultimately unsuccessful

(Newser) - A computer found at Adam Lanza's home had been smashed and the hard drive damaged with a hammer or screwdriver, and investigators now say they have been unable to recover data from it that could shed light on the motive for the Connecticut school shooting, reports the New York ...

Suspect's Father Stunned at News

Reporter informs him as he arrives home

(Newser) - After some initial confusion, police have identified today's shooter at a Connecticut school as 20-year-old Adam Lanza. Little is known about him so far, and the Danbury News-Times reports that his father, Peter, learned of the news from reporters after he arrived home, rolled down his car window, and...

Today's Shooting Worse Than Columbine

Death toll in Conn. school tragedy 2nd worst in US history

(Newser) - With 27 believed dead, NBC News puts today's horrific Connecticut school shooting in the context of others our country has weathered, and it's as devastating as it seems: It's worse than Columbine. The Sandy Hook Elementary shooting is the second worst in our nation's history, topped...

Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev