Ben Carson

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Trump&#39;s Son Among Potential Cabinet Picks

Trump's Son
Among Potential
Cabinet Picks

Trump's Son Among Potential Cabinet Picks

Donald Trump Jr. for Interior secretary?

(Newser) - Hours after Donald Trump was named president-elect , talk has turned to what could potentially be "one of the more eclectic and controversial presidential cabinets in modern history," per Politico . Given that Trump is a businessman rather than a seasoned politician, it's perhaps no surprise that his camp...

Winners, Losers From Day 2 of the RNC

 Winners, Losers From 
 Day 2 of the RNC  

Winners, Losers From Day 2 of the RNC

Never Trump movement 'dead from multiple causes'

(Newser) - Tuesday was "Make America Work Again" day at the Republican National Convention, though there was easily as much talk about Hillary Clinton as there was about the US economy. Still, the convention seemed to run far more smoothly than on Monday—it was as if they "had brought...

Paul Ryan Gets in Line: Unify This Party at Last

As Chris Christie dusts off his prosecutor's hat

(Newser) - Republicans kicked off the second night of their convention with all the pomp one might expect from a political convention, with a healthy dose of Capitol Hill heavyweights on display, as well as C-list celebrities. Highlights, via the AP , the Guardian , and the Washington Post :
  • Paul Ryan rallied for Donald

Ben Carson May Have Accidentally Revealed Trump's VP Shortlist


(Newser) - Oops? Per a story in the Washington Post Sunday, Ben Carson may have accidentally revealed Donald Trump's VP shortlist. During a ride-along with a reporter, Carson was asked about a new poll listing the best-liked potential running mates for Trump: John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Chris...

Trump: Tubman 'More Appropriate' on the $2 Bill

Calls the new $20 bill 'pure political correctness'

(Newser) - We all know Donald Trump isn't a fan of political correctness. That's why he's also not a fan of Harriet Tubman replacing Andrew Jackson on the new $20 bill. "I don't like seeing it. Yes, I think it's pure political correctness," Trump tells...

Carson: 'Better People' Than Trump? 'Probably'

Candidate also 'has some major defects,' and 'humility issue'

(Newser) - With friends like Ben Carson , Donald Trump might think about investing in some new ones. As the Hill reports, the onetime presidential rival and current supporter of the Donald was asked in an interview about his endorsement and began ticking off credentials such as Trump's business acumen, before concluding...

Ben Carson: Trump Promised Me a Job

Which might not have been entirely legal

(Newser) - Out of the race for the Republican nominee, Ben Carson is setting his sights on the future—and a future position in Donald Trump's potential administration. In an interview with Newsmax TV on Monday, Carson said Trump had promised him some kind of role "certainly in an...

Ben Carson Backs 'Cerebral' Trump

Ex-presidential candidate calls Trump a 'leader with an outsider's perspective'

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have once called out Ben Carson's "pathological temper" and likened him to a child molester , but in the world of campaign politics, rivals often have short memories—or extremely forgiving ones. Proof positive: Ben Carson's official endorsement of the GOP front-runner, which he announced...

Sources Say Carson Will Endorse Trump

He sees Trump as the GOP's best hope for the White House

(Newser) - Former rival Ben Carson is set to endorse Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Friday, the Washington Post reports, citing two sources "familiar with [Carson's] thinking." The two sat down together at a "luxury club" Trump owns in Florida and finalized the agreement on Thursday. The...

Ben Carson Officially Drops Out

He'll move on to chair position at My Faith Votes

(Newser) - Ben Carson has officially ended his presidential campaign, two days after unofficially ending it . Carson got a standing ovation after making the announcement during an appearance at CPAC Friday and adding that he would remain "heavily involved in trying to save the nation," NBC News reports. His new...

Carson Admits Campaign Is Hopeless, Will Keep Running Anyway

But he's skipping Thursday's GOP debate in his hometown

(Newser) - Ben Carson doesn't believe he has any way to win the Republican nomination for president and won't be attending Thursday's GOP debate in his hometown of Detroit, the Washington Post reports. But he's still technically going to keep running for president anyway, it seems. "I...

Cruz a &#39;Basket Case,&#39; Other Heated Lines From Debate
Cruz a 'Basket Case,' Other Lines From Fiery Debate

Cruz a 'Basket Case,' Other Lines From Fiery Debate

Rubio and Cruz finally came to life, took on Trump

(Newser) - The zingers came fast and furious in Thursday night's heated GOP debate, with most of them flying back and forth between Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. Some notable quotes, via CNN , the New York Times , Mediaite , and the Washington Post :
  • Trump: "You look at our borders,

Carson Talks About 'Fruit Salad,' Twitter Goes Nuts

He was referring to appointing a new Supreme Court justice, naturally

(Newser) - If you happened to log onto Twitter Thursday night and saw "THE FRUIT SALAD OF THEIR LIFE" trending, it would be understandable to think the Food Network or the Cooking Channel was up to something big. But it was Ben Carson who woke the Internet up with this phrase—...

Fireworks Start Early Over Immigration
 Fireworks Start 
 Early Against Trump 

Fireworks Start Early Against Trump

Rubio, Cruz don't waste time tag-teaming Trump on amnesty, hiring foreign workers

(Newser) - For those wondering who was going to go after who in Thursday night's GOP debate in Houston, it was pretty clear early on that both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were focused on front-runner Donald Trump—and he gave what they sent his way right back, specifically on the...

What to Watch in Thursday's GOP Debate

5 candidates left as Super Tuesday approaches

(Newser) - There are just a few days left before Super Tuesday, meaning Thursday night's GOP debate in Houston gives the five remaining candidates a final chance to make their case before voters in more than a dozen states and territories head to the polls. Here's what to look for...

Ben Carson Dismisses Obama as 'Raised White'

'He didn't grow up like I grew up,' says presidential contender

(Newser) - Ben Carson has strong words about the first black American president: "He's an 'African'-American. He was, you know, raised white," Carson tells Glenn Thrush in a Politico interview published Tuesday. "He didn't grow up like I grew up," says Carson, who was...

Carson, Cruz Held Secret Meeting in Closet

They discussed 'dirty tricks' on sidelines of SC convention

(Newser) - In one of the stranger events of a strange campaign season, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz ended up in a convention center storage closet for more than 20 minutes after looking for "neutral ground" to resolve some differences, the Daily Beast reports. The pair spent around 25 minutes in...

GOPers Talk Apple, Cuba, Music at SC Town Hall

Rubio says he's never been to a rave

(Newser) - Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz took turns fielding questions at a Greenville, SC, town hall event Wednesday night, hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper. It will be Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Donald Trump's turn on Thursday night. Some highlights from CNN , the Los Angeles Times , and...

Carson: Cruz Campaign Played a Dirty Trick

Rival suggested he was about to drop out

(Newser) - Ben Carson has been extremely disappointed to learn that a man can't even go home and get fresh clothes without Ted Cruz playing dirty tricks on him. CNN reports that after Carson announced that he was going to Florida for a couple of days, a Cruz staffer in Iowa...

Ben Carson Is Headed Home for 'Fresh Clothes'

He's 'not standing down,' says spokesman

(Newser) - The first actual results of the 2016 election are finally coming in, candidates are plotting their post-Iowa trips to New Hampshire and South Carolina, and Ben Carson is ... taking a break to go home and get fresh clothes? So says campaign spokesman Jason Osborne, reports the Hill . Carson is "...

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