
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Protesters Plan &#39;Day Without Immigrants&#39;
'Day Without Immigrants'
Strikes Spread Across US

'Day Without Immigrants' Strikes Spread Across US

Businesses nationwide to be closed Thursday

(Newser) - While it may not draw in the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Henry Kissinger, or Melania Trump, activists have declared Thursday to be a "Day Without Immigrants" and are urging immigrants, whether they're in the US legally or not, to strike. The grassroots campaign is calling for immigrants to...

Feds Detain 1st DREAMer in Immigration Raids

Seattle man was brought to US as a child

(Newser) - The first case of many? A man brought to the US from Mexico as a child is being detained by immigration authorities despite having been granted a work permit under President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals plan, Fusion reports. Daniel Ramirez Medina, 23, was arrested when Immigration and...

Trump Won't Appeal Travel Ban Ruling to Supreme Court

The block on his executive order will remain in place

(Newser) - Despite tweeting "SEE YOU IN COURT" after Thursday's ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, it now appears President Trump won't appeal the hold on his travel ban to the Supreme Court. A source close to the administration tells CNN they have no plans to appeal...

Court Rules Against Reinstating Trump's Immigration Ban

It was a unanimous ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

(Newser) - The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Trump administration on Thursday, refusing to reinstate the president's executive order restricting immigration and refugees from seven majority-Muslim nations, the Washington Post reports. The decision upholds the ruling of Judge James Robart made last Friday, which first blocked Trump's...

'No One Is Above the Law— Not Even the President'

Federal judge halts enforcement of Trump's immigration order

(Newser) - A federal judge in Seattle on Friday evening halted enforcement of major parts of President Trump's executive order on immigration—effective for the entire country—in the "broadest" ruling against the order yet, Reuters reports. According to the Stranger , US District Judge James Robart granted a temporary restraining...

LA Judge Orders Halt to Trump Immigration Order

He tells government it can't just cancel visas

(Newser) - A federal judge in Los Angeles has ordered the US government to allow people holding immigrant visas from seven Muslim-majority nations into the United States despite President Trump's executive order banning them. In a temporary restraining order, Judge Andre Birotte Jr. ordered the government not to cancel any validly...

In Radio Show, Steve Bannon Sounded Out Populist Vision

'USA Today,' 'Washington Post' look back at his populist themes

(Newser) - Top Trump strategist Steve Bannon disdains the media , but he had plenty to say publicly while hosting a daily radio show for Breitbart News before joining Donald Trump's team. USA Today has listened to dozens of hours of recordings from 2015-16, and the Washington Post did a similar deep...

Results of Poll on Trump's Refugee Ban May Surprise You

Nearly 50% of Americans support it

(Newser) - While President Trump's executive order banning refugees and others from seven Muslim nations had the appearance of being wildly unpopular—massive protests, lawsuits from multiple states, etc.—that's apparently not the case. A Reuters poll released Tuesday found 49% of American adults agree with the ban, while...

Trump Had 'Secret Help' From House Aides on Immigration Order

House staffers kept GOP leaders in the dark

(Newser) - President Trump has been accused of signing off on a legally flawed immigration order crafted without congressional input, but according to Politico 's sources, his team did have some help on Capitol Hill—they just couldn't tell their bosses about the order. The sources say aides on the...

Acting Attorney General Won&#39;t Defend Trump&#39;s Refugee Ban
Trump Fires Acting AG
After Her Act of Defiance

Trump Fires Acting AG After Her Act of Defiance

Obama holdover Sally Yates is out after refusing to defend immigration order

(Newser) - An Obama holdover who was temporarily running the Justice Department just got fired by President Trump after an act of defiance. Mere hours after acting attorney general Sally Yates said the department would not defend Trump's refugee executive order in court while she was in charge, Trump made sure...

MIT Student, a 12-Year-Old: 6 People Affected by Trump Ban
6 People Stranded Around
the World by Trump's Ban

6 People Stranded Around the World by Trump's Ban

Including a 12-year-old stuck in Djibouti who will probably be sent back to Yemen

(Newser) - Niki Mossafer Rahmati took a short winter break from her studies at MIT by heading home to Tehran. But as USA Today reports, Rahmati's return trip was dashed by President Trump's executive order banning nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries. Her Facebook post documents her scramble once news of...

This Is the Judge Who Blocked Deportations
This Is the Judge Who
Blocked Deportations
the rundown

This Is the Judge Who Blocked Deportations

Ann Donnelly has been on federal bench about a year

(Newser) - President Trump's immigration order has thrust a New York federal judge into the spotlight. US District Court Judge Ann Donnelly issued the ruling that blocked immediate deportations, prompting plenty of coverage about her and the scope of the decision:
  • Donnelly, 57, has been on the federal bench a little

Official Calls Trump Travel Ban a &#39;Massive Success&#39;
Official Calls
Trump Travel Ban 
a 'Massive Success'

Official Calls Trump Travel Ban a 'Massive Success'

ACLU smashes fundraising records

(Newser) - President Trump's travel ban on citizens of seven countries continued to cause chaos and protests at airports around the country and around the world Sunday, though an administration official insisted it was a "massive success," Reuters reports. The attorneys general of 15 states denounced the Trump order...

Refugees Detained at Airports After Trump Order
Refugees Detained
at Airports
After Trump Order

Refugees Detained at Airports After Trump Order

Iraqis stopped at JFK had valid visas

(Newser) - President Trump's executive order shutting down the US refugee program and banning entry for citizen of seven Muslim-majority countries is now in effect—and some travelers whose flights took off before the order was signed have found themselves detained at American airports after landing. Lawyers say the detainees include...

Zuckerberg Speaks Out Against Trump's Immigration Orders

Helping people who need help is 'who we are'

(Newser) - "We should be proud" that the US is a "nation of immigrants," Mark Zuckerberg writes in a Facebook post criticizing President Trump's executive orders on immigration. Business Insider reports it's the first time Zuckerberg has spoken out about Trump's policies since the latter became...

Trump's Executive Order Bans All Syrian Refugees Indefinitely

It calls them 'detrimental to the interests of the United States'

(Newser) - Details about President Trump's executive order on refugees and immigration are starting to be revealed. USA Today reports the order completely shuts down the US refugee program for 120 days while it's reviewed by the State Department. There is a 90-day ban on entry to the US from...

Trump Signs Action to Keep 'Radical Islamic Terrorists' Out

Executive action puts in place 'new vetting measures' for immigrants

(Newser) - Pushing full-speed into international controversies, President Donald Trump on Friday ordered "new vetting measures" to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the United States. Trump traveled to the Pentagon where he joined Defense Secretary James Mattis for the signing of an executive action to bring sweeping changes to...

One Immigrant Sanctuary Ends in Face of Trump Order

Miami-Dade's jails will hold undocumented immigrants for feds

(Newser) - President Trump's threat to withhold federal money has worked on at least one "sanctuary" jurisdiction, the Miami Herald reports. On Thursday, the mayor of Florida's Miami-Dade County ended a 2013 policy that kept local jails from holding undocumented immigrants for federal immigration authorities. While Trump called the...

Trump: We'll Start Building Wall in 'Months'

President signs executive orders on immigration

(Newser) - The wall is moving forward: President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order authorizing work to begin on his long-promised border wall with Mexico, reports the Washington Post . "We've been talking about this right from the beginning," he said during a stop at the Homeland Security department,...

Trump to Start 'Immigration Blitz'

He plans to issue orders on border wall, sanctuary cities

(Newser) - The clock is ticking on Donald Trump's first 100 days in office and he isn't dawdling over implementing the most controversial parts of his platform. The president plans what the Washington Post describes as an "immigration blitz" this week with executive orders on several areas of immigration...

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