
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

These Days, Immigrants Keep, Cherish Their Names
These Days, Immigrants Keep, Cherish Their Names 

These Days, Immigrants Keep, Cherish Their Names

Ellis Island white-washing a thing of the past

(Newser) - Our long-simmering great American Melting Pot may finally be ready to handle a little ethnic spice: Unlike in Ellis Island's heyday, when wave upon wave of tired, poor, huddled masses anglicized their names in order to assimilate, today's immigrants are sticking with their surnames. “For the most part, nobody...

Israel to Deport Hundreds of Children preserve the 'Jewish character' of the country

(Newser) - Israel announced yesterday that it would deport about 400 children in an effort to preserve the country’s Jewish identity and discourage illegal immigration—though all their parents are legal migrant workers. “We all feel and understand the hearts of children,” said Benjamin Netanyahu. “But on the...

Neb. City Suspends Law That Bans Renting to Illegals

Fremont law on hold until court challenges resolved

(Newser) - A law banning residents from hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants has been suspended by the city council of Fremont, Neb., days before it was to take effect. Council members voted 8-0 to suspend the controversial, voter-approved law until lawsuits challenging it are resolved, to save the city money...

Oops: Arizona Can't Enforce New Law Without Fed Help

And isn't likely to get it

(Newser) - When the Arizona immigration law takes effect tomorrow, police will be able to check the immigration status of people stopped for routine infractions like speeding, detain them if they turn out to be illegal immigrants, then ... probably release them after a while. Turns out that since only the federal government...

Obama's Secret Weapon on Immigration: Evangelicals

Pro-reform Hispanic evangelicals a growing political force

(Newser) - President Obama's push for immigration reform has brought him some allies he's not likely to partner with on many other issues: evangelical Christian leaders, many of whom embrace a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. Growing evangelical support for immigration reform reflects the recent work of politically active Hispanic pastors,...

Immigration Suit Worries Dem Governors

White House suit adds to re-election woes

(Newser) - Already feeling vulnerable in this fall's elections, Democratic governors are especially nervous about the hit they'll take from the Obama administration's suit against the Arizona immigration law. A closed-door session at this weekend's meeting of all the nation's governors in Boston revealed tension between the White House and many Dem...

Small Donors Give Arizona $500K to Defend Law

People from all 50 states pitch in

(Newser) - Thousands of people from all 50 states have contributed more than $500,000 to Arizona to help the state defend its controversial immigration law, reports AP . The vast majority has come in the last two days, since the federal government filed suit. Governor Jan Brewer's office shows that 7,008...

Angry Latinos Want to Reshape Arizona Politics

Organizers hope for a repeat of what happened in California in '90s

(Newser) - Latino activists are canvassing hard in Arizona, looking to capitalize on anger against the new immigration law through the potentially powerful Hispanic electorate. Latinos account for about 30% of Arizona's population and are the largest growing demographic group. Activists hope an active, organized electorate can change the state's conservative approach...

17 Afghan Soldiers Have Gone AWOL in Texas

Some have security access badges

(Newser) - A nationwide alert has gone out warning that 17 Afghan military members have gone AWOL while training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The men were training to be pilots, know some English, and have security badges granting access to any Defense Department installation, according to a bulletin entitled...

Arizona's Next Target: Kids Born in US to Illegals

GOP wants to deny citizenship to 'anchor babies'

(Newser) - Arizona Republicans intend to take their tough immigration legislation one step further, and have set their sights on what they call "anchor babies": the US-born children of illegal immigrants, viewed as the legal "anchors" holding their undocumented parents in the US. This fall, the Arizona GOP plans to...

Obama, Arizona Governor Have 'Cordial' Meeting

Jan Brewer goes to the White House

(Newser) - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer says she and the president had "agreed to work together" to improve communication in the wake of the passage of a controversial state immigration law, the Hill reports. Brewer characterized her meeting with Barack Obama at the White House as "cordial" and said federal...

Immigration Turns Latinos Against GOP
 Turns Latinos 
 Against GOP 
New Poll

Immigration Turns Latinos Against GOP

Poll shows wide racial divide over immigration

(Newser) - You know that Latino blowback Republicans have been bracing for regarding immigration? It's here. According to a new NBC/Telemundo poll , only 22% of Latinos have a favorable view of the Grand Old Party, compared to 37% of whites. You can chalk that divide up in part to the immigration debate,...

Police Chiefs, Holder Talk Immigration

Cops worry Arizona law will turn communities against them

(Newser) - Eric Holder will meet with police chiefs from about a dozen cities, including Phoenix and Tuscon, to listen to their concerns about Arizona's controversial immigration law. The chiefs are worried that the law will “drive a wedge” between police and their communities, eradicating trust they've worked to build “...

Calderon Bashes Arizona Law at White House

Says his people 'face discrimination'

(Newser) - Felipe Calderon visited the White House today and used the opportunity to slam Arizona's tough immigration law, ABC News reports. Speaking in Spanish, the Mexican president said he agreed that the immigration issue had to be addressed and the border strengthened. But he decried “such laws as the Arizona...

Palin to Brewer: We Are All Arizona

GOP star backs embattled governor on immigration

(Newser) - As calls spread for an economic boycott of Arizona, embattled Gov. Jan Brewer enlisted the help of none other than Sarah Palin yesterday to defend its controversial immigration crackdown. Brewer and Palin blamed President Obama for the state law, saying the measure is Arizona's attempt to enforce immigration laws because...

FBI Raids Homes Near Boston in Terror Probe
 FBI Raids Sites Near 
 Boston in Terror Probe 
Links to Times Square

FBI Raids Sites Near Boston in Terror Probe

Search warrants executed throughout Northeast

(Newser) - The FBI has raided a home in Watertown and a gas station in Brookline in connection with the attempted bombing in Times Square. Two people were taken into custody on immigration violations, the Boston Globe reports. An FBI spokeswoman says search warrants have been conducted at “several locations in...

Blame Mexico's Calderon for Arizona's Law

Mexico's crazy drug war set the stage

(Newser) - The real unsung villain of the Arizona immigration debacle lives south of the border, writes Bryan Curtis in the Daily Beast . Felipe Calderon's insane war on drugs has turned his side of the border “into a bloody slaughterhouse, complete with torture and beheadings. You can draw a straight line...

McCain: 'Complete the Danged Fence'
 McCain: 'Complete 
 the Danged Fence' 

McCain: 'Complete the Danged Fence'

'Senator, you're one of us,' sheriff declares

(Newser) - John McCain is a border hawk, you got that? He's “one of us.” And to make that absolutely clear, he's released this new ad in which he stoically declares his plan to “complete the danged fence.” You can expect that to be his new catchphrase, because...

Senator to Players: Boycott All-Star Game

2011 baseball classic becomes pawn in Ariz. immigration law flap

(Newser) - Sen. Robert Menendez is calling on baseball players of all ethnicities to protest Arizona's new immigration law by boycotting the 2011 All-Star Game in Phoenix. "While I understand the frustration about the failures of our current system, states should not be permitted to enact their own discriminatory immigration laws...

Calif. Could Be Next Immigration Battleground

Arizona law eyed with suspicion, envy

(Newser) - The strict immigration law passed over the border in Arizona has energized both sides of the immigration debate in California. Community workers tell Reuters that young Latinos, worried that a similar law could hit the Golden State, have gone from being apathetic about politics to being ready to take to...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>