Jeb Bush 2016

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Bush Super PAC Has Spent More Than $50M

There's little to show for Right to Rise's spending blitz

(Newser) - The Jeb Bush backers who poured more than $100 million into pro-Bush super PAC Right to Rise haven't exactly been getting a lot of bang for their buck. The group has already spent more than $49 million, not including salaries and other operating expenses, only to have its candidate'...

Jeb on His VP: 'She Will Be a Great Partner'

Followed quickly by, 'did I say that out loud?'

(Newser) - A "did I just say that out loud?" moment in politics usually means someone's foot has been deftly inserted in someone's mouth, but in Jeb Bush's case, it may be a harbinger of a more gender-balanced campaign. Appearing at a town hall in Waterloo, Iowa, on...

Best Lines From the Debate So Far
 Best Lines in the Main Debate 

Best Lines in the Main Debate

Things got testy on a range of subjects

(Newser) - As the eight top GOP candidates looked to make an impression in Tuesday night's debate in Milwaukee, here's a look at some of their lines earning attention, via Politico , CNN , the New York Times , and the AP :
  • Ben Carson: "Thank you for not asking what I said

Big Moments From the GOP Debate

Trump is combative, while Rubio and Paul spar

(Newser) - Here's a look at some of the key moments making headlines in the Republican debate:
  • Kasich vs. Trump on immigration: They got into it after Trump again talked about his plans for a wall and mass deportations, notes Politico . "It’s a silly argument," said Kasich. "

Jeb Promises He'll 'Fix It,' Internet Snickers

Struggling candidate's new slogan inspires an online field day

(Newser) - Jeb Bush's new slogan has really taken off, but not in the way he might've hoped. Despite recent cuts to his campaign budget and staff, Bush appeared at a Florida event on Monday promising to set the country on the right track. "After seven years of incompetence,...

GOP Mega-Donor Picks Rubio
 GOP Mega-Donor Picks Rubio 

GOP Mega-Donor Picks Rubio

(Newser) - An ominous sign for the Jeb Bush campaign: Paul Singer, one of the Republican Party's key donors, has decided to support Marco Rubio instead. Singer—who was the GOP's biggest donor last year and raised $3 million for Mitt Romney in 2012—praised Rubio in a message to...

Things Get Testy Between Rubio, Bush

And Rubio seems to have gotten the better of it

(Newser) - Sure, Donald Trump and Ben Carson lead the polls as anti-establishment candidates, but Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio each are trying to be the No. 1 establishment pick. Early in Wednesday night's debate, the friction showed when Bush hammered Rubio for missing too many votes as a senator, reports...

GOP Candidates Name Their Big Weakness

Though a few dodged the question

(Newser) - The opening question of Wednesday night's Republican debate was an open-ended one: What's your biggest weakness? Here are the answers, via the New York Times , the Wall Street Journal , the Washington Post , and CNN :
  • Donald Trump: “I trust people too much and … if they let me

Bush Slashes Staff Pay for Struggling Campaign

Bush camp makes 40% payroll cut, downsizes Miami HQ

(Newser) - Donor pressure, plummeting poll numbers, and a wrench named Trump have caused Jeb Bush's campaign team to start what Reuters calls "reboot mode" and make a drastic decision: slash pay for campaign workers and downsize its Miami headquarters, leading to a 40% payroll decrease and $1 million savings...

Bush's View on Supergirl Raises Eyebrows

He thinks star Melissa Benoist is 'pretty hot'

(Newser) - Jeb Bush maybe should have issued a TMI warning at a forum in Las Vegas on Wednesday night. After he'd discussed immigration and relations with Latin America, an audience member lobbed him a softball question: Who is your favorite Marvel superhero? "I like the old school guys like...

Dubya on Ted Cruz: 'I Just Don't Like the Guy'

Remarks against brother's rival at donor event surprise attendees

(Newser) - Finally, someone other than Donald Trump is annoying the GOP establishment. Former President George W. Bush attended a donor event for brother Jeb's campaign Sunday in Denver, and according to a handful of attendees, Dubya had a lot to say about Ted Cruz, who served as a domestic policy...

How Trump Might Destroy Jeb Bush
How Trump Might
Destroy Jeb Bush

How Trump Might Destroy Jeb Bush

Ezra Klein: He's found Jeb's Achilles heel, his brother George

(Newser) - If you followed political headlines over the last few days, you know that Donald Trump has been going after Jeb Bush by attacking his brother. After noting that 9/11 occurred on George W. Bush's watch, Trump boasted that his policies would have prevented the attacks. Essentially blaming Bush for...

Trump: I Would Have Prevented 9/11 Attacks

The Donald inspires new round of sniping

(Newser) - Donald Trump continued his recent attacks on the Bush family by implying today that he would have prevented the 9/11 attacks, CNN reports. The Republican presidential contender said on Fox News Sunday that he's "extremely, extremely tough on immigration," which may have thwarted the 9/11 terrorists. "...

Bush Picks on Trump's Military Prowess in New Video

'Our national security isn't a reality TV show.'

(Newser) - The middle-school-style Bush-Trump smackdown continues, this time with Jeb going on the offensive. After a Twitter squabble that started Friday—in which Trump blamed Jeb's brother George W. for 9/11, Jeb called Donald "pathetic," and Trump made America great again by firing back , "No @JebBush, you'...

Jeb Bush Sees 'Transition Plan' to Get Enrollees Out of ObamaCare

Unveils his alternative health care plan to bring down 'skyrocketing' premiums

(Newser) - Jeb Bush this week unveiled his proposal to repeal and replace ObamaCare, one that would include an unspecified "transition plan" of roughly 18 months for the 17 million people currently covered under the Affordable Care Act, reports AP . Bush laid out some of the particulars of the overall plan...

Why Jeb Bush Should Be the Next to Quit

Then Marco Rubio could take over, writes Matthew Yglesias

(Newser) - Now that Scott Walker has called it quits in the 2016 race, it's time Jeb Bush follows suit, writes Matthew Yglesias at Vox . Wait, isn't Bush a frontrunner with money coming out his ears? Yes, which is why you'd be more likely to see a unicorn than...

11 Candidates, 11 Lines: Debate's Standout Remarks

Including one about turning the TV off

(Newser) - Eleven candidates and three hours of debate: Which lines made an impression? A standout statement from each of tonight's GOP hopefuls, via CNN , the New York Times , and the Washington Post :
  • Donald Trump: "I would get along with [Assad]. I would get along with a lot of the

Jeb Bush Shifts Strategy to Go After Trump

In risky move, Bush decides to fight back directly

(Newser) - This could get interesting: The big political headlines of the day are focusing on how Jeb Bush has decided to shift strategy and return fire on Donald Trump. ("Jeb Bush Takes Gloves Off" is the entry in the Wall Street Journal .) The fight so far is mostly via...

Jeb Bush Mailer Has Weird Photo Gaffe

He appears to have a black hand

(Newser) - A super PAC behind Jeb Bush sent out a mailer to residents of Iowa headlined "Why Jeb?" But what everyone seems to be asking instead is, "Why does Jeb have a black hand?" Right to Rise USA is guilty of what Time says appears to be the "...

Polls Like Trump, But Not Bookmakers

Jeb Bush is the easy favorite there

(Newser) - Yet another new poll shows Donald Trump way ahead of the Republican pack—in this case, a CNN survey gives him the support of 24% of GOP voters, with the nearest rival, Jeb Bush, at 13%. But the Hill takes note of a different kind of measure, one that involves...

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