
Stories 21 - 27 | << Prev 

Inevitable Finally Happens: NYC Gets Avocado Bar

'Painfully trendy' fruit will be featured in all the menu items

(Newser) - If you like to put avocado on just about everything, you're in luck—if you can make it to Brooklyn, at least. Three friends from Italy are opening Avocaderia, what they call the world's first avocado bar. (A Food & Wine blogger thinks the folks behind one already...

Mexico's Avocado Boom Drives a Forest Bust

Farmers are rapidly expanding orchards, clearing trees at much faster clip than thought

(Newser) - Your guacamole is taking a toll south of the border in the form of higher-than-thought deforestation as Mexican avocado orchards expand rapidly, reports the AP . Talia Coria, an official in the attorney general's office for environmental protection, said almost 50,000 acres of forest are converted to agricultural use...

Think Twice Before Biting Into Your Trendy Avocado Toast

The fruit is doing damage in Mexico: columnist

(Newser) - Avocados are quite trendy, but what hip health-food eaters may not realize is that the fruit is causing problems in Mexico, where many are grown. Avocados are so much more profitable for Mexican farmers to grow than most other crops that some growers are breaking laws and thinning out mature...

New Zealand's Weird Crime Wave: Avocado Theft

Shortage sends prices soaring to $5 each

(Newser) - Thieves have sparked a crime wave in New Zealand targeting … avocados. There have been at least 40 large-scale thefts of avocados since January, with thieves stealing onto farms in the middle of the night, raking trees, and loading vehicles with the fruit to be sold at road-side stalls and...

Avocados Can Fight Disease That Kills 10K Per Year

Professor Paul Spagnuolo is trying to make avocado-based drug

(Newser) - The unassuming avocado, so rich and delicious it's often called nature's butter, has been found to hold a key ingredient that could fight off one of the world's most devastating diseases, Eureka Alert reports. That disease is acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a cancer that the American Cancer...

Never Give These Foods to Your Pet

Grapes, avocados, cookies are dangerous for dogs, cats

(Newser) - You may have heard that you shouldn't give chocolate to your dog—but how about grapes? Or sugar-free gum? Alternet lists eight foods that humans may consume, but pets definitely shouldn't:
  1. Sugar-free treats like gum, which contain xylitol. The sugar alcohol is extracted from fruits and vegetables to

Chipotle Guacamole: New Climate Casualty?

Company warns it may have to stop serving it

(Newser) - How's this for a real-world casualty of climate change? Chipotle is warning that it might have to stop serving guacamole, reports ThinkProgress . In its annual report, the chain warned investors that events "associated with climate change" are driving up the price of all kinds of ingredients—including avocado—...

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