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India to Prosecute Novelist Over 14-Year-Old Remark

Booker Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy argued for Kashmir independence in 2010

(Newser) - A top Indian official has approved the prosecution of Arundhati Roy, one of India's most celebrated writers, over a comment she made 14 years ago. Roy, winner of the 1997 Booker Prize, gave a speech in 2010 in which she said the disputed territory of Kashmir, claimed by India...

She Tried the Big 14 Last Year and Failed. Now, Success

Kristin Harila, Tenjen Sherpa summit at K2, scale world's highest mountains in record 92 days

(Newser) - A Norwegian woman mountain climber and her Nepali Sherpa guide have set a new record by scaling the world's 14 highest peaks in 92 days, a Pakistani mountaineering official said. On Thursday, Kristin Harila and Tenjen Sherpa summited K2 on the Chinese-Pakistani border in the Karakorum Range—considered to...

This Olympian Will Represent His Country Alone

Arif Khan, 31, is sole athlete from India

(Newser) - The US is sending 222 athletes to the 2022 Winter Olympics. India is sending just one. NPR reports 31-year-old skier Arif Khan arrived in Beijing on Tuesday and is scheduled to compete in the slalom and giant slalom events later this week. As long as he manages to stay COVID-free,...

New Year's Gathering at Shrine Turns Into 'Horrifying Sight'

At least 12 are dead, 15 injured after crowd surge at Hindu shrine in Kashmir

(Newser) - A crowd surge at a popular Hindu shrine in Indian-controlled Kashmir killed at least 12 people and injured 15 others on New Year's Day, officials said. Initial reports suggested an altercation between a group of devotees led to the crush early Saturday at the Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, where...

Uproar in Kashmir After India Takes 'Illegal Steps'

PM Narendra Modi revokes special status, cuts internet and phone services in restive region

(Newser) - India's government revoked disputed Kashmir's special status with a presidential order Monday as thousands of newly deployed troops arrived and internet and phone services were cut in the restive Himalayan region where most people oppose Indian rule. Home Minister Amit Shah announced the revocation amid an uproar in...

Tensions Increase as India Demands Pakistan Free Pilot

Video shows prisoner blindfolded and bloody

(Newser) - India has demanded that Pakistan release a fighter pilot shot down Wednesday over Kashmir, after a video was released showing the man blindfolded and bloody. India called the video a "vulgar display of an injured personnel," the BBC reports. Pakistan said the pilot was being "treated as...

Serious Escalation: Pakistan Says It Has Indian Pilot

Violence called 'most serious escalation' of countries' long-simmering conflict since 1999

(Newser) - Pakistan's military said Wednesday it shot down two Indian warplanes in the disputed region of Kashmir and captured a pilot, raising tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals to a level unseen in the last two decades. The military's spokesman, Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor, originally said two pilots were...

Attack on Convoy Is Deadliest in Kashmir History

Car bombing killed 41 Indian soldiers

(Newser) - The death toll from a car bombing on a paramilitary convoy in Indian-controlled Kashmir has climbed to 41, becoming the single deadliest attack in the divided region's volatile history, security officials said Friday. A local Kashmiri militant rammed an explosive-laden van into the convoy along a key highway Thursday....

In the High Himalayas, Troops Throw Rocks at Each Other

Stones thrown after Kashmir patrol got lost

(Newser) - Indian and Chinese soldiers yelled and hurled stones at one another in the high Himalayas in Indian-controlled Kashmir, Indian officials said Wednesday after an altercation that escalated tensions between two nations already engaged in a lengthy border standoff elsewhere. The Chinese soldiers hurled stones while attempting to enter Ladakh region...

India Kicks Entire Region Off Social Media

ISPs ordered to block 22 sites for a month

(Newser) - India has ordered internet service providers in Indian-controlled Kashmir to immediately block Facebook, Twitter, and 20 other social media sites and online applications for one month, after several videos and photos depicting alleged abuses of Kashmiris by Indian security forces sparked outrage and fueled protests. The government said the restrictions...

Soldier Rescued From Avalanche Dies in Hospital

He had been buried under at least 35 feet of snow

(Newser) - An Indian army soldier rescued after six days buried under deep snow by an enormous avalanche in the Himalayan region of Kashmir died Thursday in a hospital in the Indian capital. Hanamanthappa Koppad died with worsening dysfunction in multiple organs after being hospitalized in extremely critical condition, army spokesman Col....

Soldier Buried in Avalanche Found Alive 5 Days Later

His survival is being called a 'miracle'

(Newser) - Last Wednesday, an avalanche hit an Indian army base in Kashmir, burying 10 soldiers under 30 feet of ice and snow, the Wall Street Journal reports. Five days later, one soldier was miraculously found alive. The base—nearly 20,000 feet above sea level—was struck after a 320,000-square-foot...

India: Pakistan Attacked 50 Border Posts Overnight

Shelling called most serious ceasefire break in a decade

(Newser) - India has accused Pakistani troops of firing guns and mortars on at least 50 Indian border posts overnight in disputed Kashmir, calling it the most serious ceasefire violation between the nuclear-armed neighbors in a decade. Indian troops returned fire, but one guard was killed and six were injured by a...

Kashmiri Girl Rockers Disband Over Threats

Teen group sets off backlash

(Newser) - The first all-girl rock band in Indian-controlled Kashmir has decided to disband after only one concert because of threats its teenage members received on social media and a demand from a top Muslim cleric that they stop performing. The fate of Pragaash, which means "First Light" in Kashmiri, highlights...

Outraged India Says Pakistanis Beheaded Soldier

Tensions rise in Kashmir, but Pakistani officials call claim 'baseless'

(Newser) - Things are again heating up in volatile Kashmir, where Indian officials charge that Pakistani army members slaughtered and mutilated two Indian soldiers, beheading one of them and taking the severed head with them. India says Pakistani army members fired over the Line of Control that divides the contested territory yesterday,...

Indian Women Told: Cover Up or Face Acid Attack

Pro-al-Qaeda group posts warnings in Kashmir

(Newser) - A radical Islamic group in India has promised to kill or maim women who go unveiled or use cell phones in the open, the Telegraph reports. A note posted on mosques in the state of Kashmir warned that "if we spot any woman without purdah [head and face covering]...

Feds: Pakistan Spies Funded DC Lobby Group

Kashmiri group's director arrested

(Newser) - American-Pakistani relations slumped further downhill yesterday with the arrest of a Washington-based lobbyist accused of being in the pay of Pakistan's spy agency. Federal investigators say Pakistan spent millions of dollars attempting to influence American policy on the disputed territory of Kashmir with campaign donations to members of Congress...

India Arrests Kashmiri Protest Leader

Top separatist Masarat Alam sent back to jail

(Newser) - Indian police arrested a top separatist leader today on accusations he spearheaded months of massive protests against Indian rule in Kashmir. Masarat Alam was taken into custody this evening in a suburb in Srinagar, the main city in Indian-controlled Kashmir, a top police officer said, calling the arrest a "...

Koran Protesters Torch Christian School in Kashmir

Thirteen protesters killed in clash with police

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Kashmir today, setting fire to a Christian Missionary school while crying, “Death to the US!” and “Death to Koran desecrators!” No one was in the school at the time, but 13 protesters died in clashes with...

1,300 Missing in Asia Floods
 1,300 Missing in Asia Floods 

1,300 Missing in Asia Floods

Millions plunged into misery

(Newser) - Rescuers searched today for an estimated 1,300 people left missing after rubble-strewn floodwaters tore through northwestern China, smashing buildings, overturning cars, and killing at least 127 people. In neighboring Pakistan, 4 million people faced food shortages amid their country's worst-ever flooding, while rescuers in Indian-controlled Kashmir raced to find...

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