dead person wakes up

12 Stories

'Dead' Woman Found Breathing at Funeral Home
Woman Found Breathing
at Funeral Home Has Died

Woman Found Breathing at Funeral Home Has Died

74-year-old was prematurely declared dead at her nursing home

(Newser) - A woman in Nebraska who was pronounced dead at her nursing home only to be discovered breathing by a funeral home employee two hours later has died, reports the New York Times . The woman died Monday afternoon, after being transported from the funeral home to a hospital in Lincoln. An...

Doctor Sends Living Woman to the Morgue

It doesn't end so well for him

(Newser) - "The alarmed undertaker heard her screams." That's a line from a news story out of Germany, not a horror-film script. The events that led to that statement occurred in March, when a very ill 92-year-old woman was discovered to have no pulse by a nurse who worked...

'Dead' Ebola Victim Wakes in Plastic

Help comes easy for the dead, not the dying in Monrovia

(Newser) - At the heart of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, it's difficult to find aid for those who contract the virus. As ABC News ' chief medical editor Dr. Richard Besser puts it, it's easier to get help dead than alive. Case in point: Locals crowded onto a Monrovia...

'Dead' Man Rescued When Family Sees Body Bag Move

The Brazilian man has terminal cancer

(Newser) - A 54-year-old Brazilian man may be suffering from terminal cancer, but the docs got it wrong when they told his family he'd died of respiratory failure and multiple organ failure Saturday night. Two hours later, when family members went to the morgue to dress Valdelucio de Oliveira Goncalves' body,...

Toddler Who 'Woke Up' at Own Funeral Declared Dead

Reports say doctor re-examined the child, confirmed her death

(Newser) - A toddler who "woke up" at her own funeral has been confirmed dead and was laid to rest yesterday, reports the Sun-Star Zamboanga . Mourners at the 3-year-old's first funeral Sunday say they witnessed the girl showing vital signs and moving her head during church services, according to the...

Dead Man Wakes Up, Startles Morgue Workers

Hospital jumped the gun a bit

(Newser) - Kenya adds to the fine tradition of dead-person-wakes-up stories—like this , this , this , and this , to name just a few—with this gem: Guy ingests insecticide, goes to the hospital, is declared dead by doctors, and gets sent to the morgue. Guy then wakes up and scares the bejeezus out...

Morgue Worker Notices Crash Victim Is Still Alive

German woman hastily transferred to hospital

(Newser) - A 72-year-old car crash victim had been in a German morgue for several hours Monday when a worker there noticed something odd: She was still breathing. The woman was injured when her 18-year-old grandson veered into oncoming traffic on a highway about 35 miles north of Hamburg. The resulting crash...

'Dead' Man Brought Back to Life—After 45 Minutes

Anthony Yahle appears in fine health weeks later

(Newser) - It's apparently the week of astounding brought-back-to-life stories. The latest person to return from the dead is Anthony Yahle, whose case is being hailed a miracle by doctors. The Ohio man was rushed to the hospital on Aug. 5 after his wife realized he was breathing oddly in his...

'Dead' Woman Opens Eyes, Stops Organ Harvest
'Dead' Woman Opens Eyes, Stops Organ Harvest

'Dead' Woman Opens Eyes, Stops Organ Harvest

Syracuse hospital nearly killed her after mistaken death pronouncement

(Newser) - The Syracuse Post-Standard has a medical story equal parts amazing and scary: Doctors who thought a 41-year-old woman was dead were preparing to remove her organs when she opened her eyes in the operating room. St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center eventually got fined $6,000 by the state after...

Doc Sends Woman to Morgue—Alive

Seems like there really should be checks for this type of thing....

(Newser) - Some of us have bad days at work, and then some of us mistakenly send perfectly alive people to the morgue: Such is the case of 62-year-old Brazilian Rosa Celestrino de Assis, who made the grave mistake of showing no vital signs while being treated for pneumonia, reports the AFP...

'Dead' Baby Cries Before Burial

Startled undertaker was prepping newborn for her funeral

(Newser) - It was almost a miracle: A Brazilian baby believed to be dead started crying at the funeral home where an undertaker was about to prepare her for burial, reports the AP . Cops say doctors declared the infant dead yesterday, moments after her 14-year-old mother gave birth to her two months...

Undertaker Sends Breathing Woman Back to Hospital

Brazil doctors made the biggest of mistakes

(Newser) - An 88-year-old Brazilian woman was being prepared for burial when the undertaker noticed an odd thing: She was breathing. The funeral parlor then sent her back to the hospital that had declared her dead hours before, reports the Telegraph . The woman, who has Alzheimer's along with blocked arteries, is recuperating...

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