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Want to Exercise Harder? Turn to Beet Juice
 Want to Exercise Harder? 
 Turn to Beet Juice 

Want to Exercise Harder? Turn to Beet Juice

Gatorade is so 2014

(Newser) - Want to exercise longer without feeling wiped out? A new study suggests adding beet juice to your diet. The research, published in the American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology , zeros in on nitrate, which is found in beet juice and converted to nitric oxide in the body;...

10K Steps a Day Might Not Get You Fit

The number has its roots in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics

(Newser) - Ten thousand steps. It's easy to remember, and a goal lauded by several wearable fitness trackers, but is it actually a good daily target for fitness? The number is too simplistic and not for everyone, reports the Huffington Post . For instance, for the extremely sedentary, taking 10,000 steps—...

Study: To Exercise More Intensely, Use Your Brain

Doing cognitive tasks while exercising may increase workout speed

(Newser) - That person reading a book on the treadmill may be on to something. A University of Florida study published last month in PLOS ONE showed that older people may be able to exercise more intensely—and gain the benefits associated with that—by doing two things at once. The scientists...

Michelle Obama Has Serious Jump-Roping Skills

First lady tweets a suggested exercise routine

(Newser) - Michelle Obama tweeted a short exercise video this week that gives her the distinction of being the only first lady "to wear a gym tank and stretch pants while pounding her fists together in boxing gloves," notes the Washington Post . In the clip, part of Obama's campaign...

Sheryl Sandberg's Husband 'Cracked Head Open' at Gym

Dave Goldberg died after falling off treadmill at resort, sources say

(Newser) - A Silicon Valley entrepreneur and champion of women's rights who died unexpectedly Friday passed away from head trauma after falling off a treadmill, the New York Times reports. Dave Goldberg, 47, was exercising at a gym in a private resort in Mexico, according to a source close to the...

Exercise Can&#39;t Save You From a Lousy Diet
Exercise Can't Save You
From a Lousy Diet

Exercise Can't Save You From a Lousy Diet

Editorial: It's a myth that lack of physical activity is to blame for obesity epidemic

(Newser) - Dutifully hitting the gym but still can't shed weight? You've been duped by the "myth" that exercise is the key to weight loss, declares an editorial generating some buzz at the British Journal of Sports Medicine . It argues that the West's obesity epidemic hasn't happened...

Just a Little Exercise Ups Longevity for Couch Potatoes
Why You Should Exercise
at Least a Tiny Bit
new study

Why You Should Exercise at Least a Tiny Bit

Even those not doing recommended time can reap health benefits: researchers

(Newser) - If you've given up physical activity because you don't have the time or inclination to achieve recommended weekly exercise levels, strap on your walking shoes: A new study in JAMA Internal Medicine indicates that something's better than nothing in terms of increasing longevity. Scientists from the National...

Solution to Work Woes: a Lunchtime Walk

 Solution to Work Woes: 
 a Lunchtime Walk 
study says

Solution to Work Woes: a Lunchtime Walk

Sedentary subjects find they feel better

(Newser) - There's an easy way to beat the workday blues, researchers find, and it doesn't take long: Go for a walk a few times a week during your lunch break. In a study of 75 "physically inactive" people—that is, those who engage in less than 150 weekly...

Running Too Much May Be as Bad as Sitting Around

Study points to mortality concerns among hard-core joggers

(Newser) - It's common knowledge that a healthy person shouldn't sit around all day, but new research on running is emphasizing the opposite danger. Running too much can be just as bad for you as being sedentary, the study suggests. Researchers tracked some 1,100 healthy runners and 413 sedentary...

Air Quality in Your Gym Might Spoil Workout

Study finds generally high levels of pollutants

(Newser) - You might want to start your next workout at the gym with a sniff test. A new study suggests that gyms have high levels of air pollutants such as formaldehyde, airborne dust, and carbon dioxide, reports the New York Times . In fact, levels for those three substances generally exceeded accepted...

Study: Exercise Can Be Bad for Your Teeth

At least, if you're a 'hard-core' exerciser

(Newser) - Exercise does a body good, or most of a body, according to a new study. German dental researchers set out to explore the impact of endurance training on oral health, and what they found might be bad news for the "hard-core." A group of 70 participants—half triathletes,...

The Solution to Your Soda Habit: 12K Steps

Fights negative effects of fructose: study

(Newser) - Drinking a lot of soda packed with high-fructose corn syrup is, of course, not a healthy choice—but its ill effects aren't so hard to fight. A study's recommendation: Walk more, the New York Times reports. In a study out this month , a researcher had two groups of...

Health Damage From Sitting Can Be Walked Back

Short breaks to walk can improve blood flow

(Newser) - Scientists have long warned that spending too much time sitting can put you in an early grave through heart disease , obesity , cancer , or other health problems—but a new study says at least some of the damage can be reversed by simply getting up and walking every so often. Researchers...

The Benefits of Exercising 6 Seconds at a Time
 The Benefits 
 of Exercising 
 6 Seconds 
 at a Time 
in case you missed it

The Benefits of Exercising 6 Seconds at a Time

High-intensity bursts may pay off for seniors, study says

(Newser) - Not feeling up for a half-hour on the bike? Can't find the time to jog or walk a few miles? Good news out of Abertay University in Scotland, where researchers put 12 retired people to the test. Coming in twice a week for six weeks, the volunteers, all over...

Running Just Minutes a Day Cuts Death Risk

Even if you're running slowly: study

(Newser) - Good news for those who keep meaning to exercise, but can never seem to find the time: If you can manage a few minutes of running a day—even going slowly—you may cut your risk of death from cardiovascular disease. So suggests a new, 15-year study of more than...

New Fitness Wristband Gives Slackers Shocks

Pavlok is designed to jolt people into better habits

(Newser) - If what you need to meet fitness targets is a device attached to your body that will jolt you with electric shocks, then a new company called Pavlok has just the thing for you. Founder Maneesh Sethi says the fitness-tracking wristband he devised can keep track of things like gym...

It Isn&#39;t Extra Food That&#39;s Making Us Fat
 It Isn't Extra Food
That's Making Us Fat

It Isn't Extra Food That's Making Us Fat

Food intake stayed steady while exercise rates fell

(Newser) - Americans are a lot heftier than they were in 1988, but it's not because they're eating a lot more than they were a couple of decades ago; it's because they're sitting around a lot more, according to a new study. Researchers found that daily intake of...

Endurance Training May Lead to Pacemaker Later
Endurance Training May Lead to Pacemaker Later
study says

Endurance Training May Lead to Pacemaker Later

Intense exercise messes up a heart-regulating protein, says study

(Newser) - Could exercise be—gasp!—bad for you? Well, not exactly, but there is a downside to too much of it, a new study from the British Heart Foundation has found. In mice, endurance-based exercises were linked with a drop in production for a key heart-regulating protein, resulting in lowered...

Too Much Running Could Actually Kill You Sooner
Too Much Running Could Actually Kill You Sooner
study says

Too Much Running Could Actually Kill You Sooner

New study finds a 'moderate' regimen is best

(Newser) - Training to run a marathon has got to be one of the healthiest things you can do, right? Maybe not: A new study found that "moderate" runners lived longer than people who don't exercise at all—and people who run lots of miles, HealthDay reports. The study, led...

5 Ways You Shouldn't Work Out

Avoid the elliptical and drop the excessive cardio: Jennifer Cohen

(Newser) - Congrats on spending that hour at the gym—but are you spending it effectively? At Health.com , Jennifer Cohen offers tips on improving your workout by dropping some bad habits. Among them:
  • Stop using the elliptical, which is both "boring" and "ineffective," Cohen writes. Its motion isn'

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